Date: 14 August 2022 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Joshua 10:5–14
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

Alt­hough the peo­p­le of Isra­el had left the toug­hest adver­sa­ry Egypt behind them after the pas­sa­ge through the Reed Sea, new enemies had appeared. One day the­re were five of them. But God did not let the sun set for a who­le day, so that they could be defea­ted. Even in per­so­nal life, the path to free­dom remains a lifel­ong task. But God gives such sun­ny days in which we are chal­len­ged to attack and defeat the enemies from the past.

God crea­ted the who­le Crea­tio out of not­hing. The Hebrew word for this is bara used. Apart from the crea­ti­on sto­ry, this verb appears only once more in the Bible. David uses it: «God, crea­te in me a pure heart and give me a new, sin­ce­re spi­rit»(Psalm 51:12 NLB). With the same crea­ti­vi­ty and power, God can crea­te a new heart or res­to­re a bro­ken heart. So the­re is hope for all peo­p­le who go through life with the hand­bra­ke on.

On the way to the Promised Land

The sto­ry of Isra­el in the Old Tes­ta­ment can be inter­pre­ted alle­go­ri­cal­ly to illus­tra­te a person’s jour­ney with God. The dif­fe­rent sta­ti­ons have deep spi­ri­tu­al meaning:

  • Cap­ti­vi­ty in Egypt (Exodus 1)In Hebrew it says Miz­ra­im. This means con­fi­ne­ment or oppres­si­on. The dual ending ayim indi­ca­tes a two­fold oppres­si­on, an inner and an outer one. Every human being is sepa­ra­ted from God from birth and are in hosti­le cap­ti­vi­ty (Romans 3:23). This is the start­ing posi­ti­on in life.
  • Pas­so­ver and Exodus (Exodus 12+13): At Pas­so­ver, the Israe­li­tes had to kill a spot­less sheep and paint the blood on the door­posts of their hou­ses. This is an image of the death of Jesus Christ on the cross of Gol­go­tha. Tho­se who ent­rust their lives to Jesus Christ ther­eby cla­im this sub­sti­tu­tio­na­ry death for them­sel­ves. For the Hebrews, the blood is the seat of life. With the per­so­nal exodus from Egypt, the tur­ning to Jesus Christ, one recei­ves a new life as a gift.
  • Pil­lar of fire and cloud (Ex 13:17ff)Imme­dia­te­ly after the Exodus, God takes the lead. A human being, on the way with God, is led by the Holy Spirit.
  • Pas­sa­ge through the Reed Sea (Exodus 14)After the Exodus, the Israe­li­tes soon felt the breath of their powerful enemies behind them. Sin­ce the Sea of Reeds lay befo­re them, they had no chan­ce. But God let the Israe­li­tes pass through the sea with dry feet. When the high­ly mili­ta­ri­sed Egypt fol­lo­wed them, the waters came and buried the who­le army. Paul com­pa­res this to bap­tism in 1 Corin­thi­ans 10:2. In bap­tism, a line is drawn behind the per­son being bap­ti­sed over which the enemies can­not pass.
  • Man­na and water (Exodus 16)God pro­vi­des – not in advan­ce – but dai­ly with the neces­si­ties. It is the ans­wer to the request «Give us today our dai­ly bread» in the «Our Father». It is the basis for a care­free life.
  • Vic­to­ry against ano­ther ene­my (Ex 17:8ff)Even after the pas­sa­ge through the Sea of Reeds, enemies appeared again. Through fer­vent pray­er, howe­ver, the Ama­le­ki­tes were defeated.
  • Ent­ry into the Pro­mi­sed Land (Book of Joshua)After many chal­len­ging years in the desert, the Israe­li­tes are final­ly allo­wed to enter Cana­an. For a fol­lower of Jesus, this is the moment when he comes into the imme­dia­te pre­sence of God after his earth­ly life.

The enemies do not go out

At the begin­ning of the taking of the land, after Joshua had defea­ted Jeri­cho and Ai and Gibe­on had allied with him, this brought 5 kings on the sce­ne. Tog­e­ther they wan­ted to attack Gibe­on and defeat the Israe­li­tes: «So the five Amo­ri­te kings – the kings of Jeru­sa­lem, Hebron, Jar­muth, Lachish and Eglon united their armies, brought their tro­ops into posi­ti­on and atta­cked Gibe­on»(Joshua 10:5 NLB).

In the Chris­ti­an land­scape, the opi­ni­on is some­ti­mes held that with a clear tur­ning (con­ver­si­on, rebirth) to Jesus Christ com­bi­ned with bap­tism, all enemies are defea­ted fore­ver. Per­haps this is the case in some cases. In prac­ti­ce, we also encoun­ter other examp­les. For the peo­p­le of Isra­el, too, new enemies appear on the hori­zon after the Reed Sea. Here the­re are five of them.

Five pos­si­ble enemies who want to «spit in our soup» should be men­tio­ned here:

Ene­my «unlovedThe­re are peo­p­le who expe­ri­en­ced very litt­le love in child­hood or had to earn it through per­for­mance. Ins­tead of an uncon­di­tio­nal «yes», they only ever heard a «yes, but…». As a result, such peo­p­le are unre­cep­ti­ve to love or they suck it up. This in turn puts a strain on cur­rent relationships.

Ene­my «Abu­seAbu­ses are far too wide­spread – emo­tio­nal, phy­si­cal and even ritu­al. In order to sur­vi­ve, you had to split off a part of yours­elf. You may not even be awa­re today that you have been abu­sed. But every now and then you expe­ri­ence how a situa­ti­on trig­gers you and makes you act very irra­tio­nal­ly and destructively.

Ene­my «deva­lua­ti­onThe hea­ven­ly Father, your Crea­tor, pro­no­un­ces a «very good» on your life. Many peo­p­le have plun­de­red this account on your way to adult­hood. Again and again you have heard that you are not enough and that you can­not get it tog­e­ther. Today you belie­ve it and live far below your cal­ling becau­se you don’t find the cou­ra­ge to tack­le something.

Ene­my «Negle­ctSome child­ren are negle­c­ted by their par­ents, so that the bond with the mother or father was not built sta­b­ly. Per­haps emo­tio­nal secu­ri­ty was also miss­ing becau­se other things were often more important than you. Today you have gre­at dif­fi­cul­ty in get­ting invol­ved in deep and long-las­ting relationships.

Ene­my «ShamingShame wants to make us wise that we have not only made mista­kes, but that we our­sel­ves are a mista­ke. May­be you were often laug­hed at in school. The who­le class tur­ned around and made fun of your red head. Even today, you try not to make a fuss and don’t bring up things that bother you. You give a wide berth to any situa­ti­on that could be embar­ras­sing for you.

This sum­mer we were out on the moun­tain bikes. Someone in the group had his shoes rub­bing on the bra­ke disc. The result was an annoy­ing whist­ling sound and more resis­tance, which led to a grea­ter effort. The five enemies have simi­lar effects. We spread an annoy­ing tone and go through life with the bra­kes on. It is hard to ima­gi­ne how much joie de viv­re, cou­ra­ge and vita­li­ty fall by the way­si­de – a life below one’s actu­al poten­ti­al. The path to free­dom remains a lifel­ong task.

God gives victory in the struggle

What comes next is just gre­at! First the Lord encou­ra­ges Joshua: « «Do not be afraid of them,» the Lord said to Joshua, «for I will give you vic­to­ry over them. Not a sin­gle one of them will be able to stand against you».»(Joshua 10:8 NLB). This pro­mi­se also appli­es to you in deal­ing with your enemies. Our enemies from the past like to act inti­mi­da­ting. Not infre­quent­ly, we allow our­sel­ves to be para­ly­sed by them. We can be bra­ve and attack the enemies. Not a sin­gle one of them will be able to stand against you.

Joshua attacks the enemies at night with a sur­pri­se attack. This attack pushed the start but­ton for the Lord. It pani­cked the ene­my armies so that they beca­me easy prey for the Israe­li­tes. Some Chris­ti­ans belie­ve that their path to free­dom is auto­ma­tic. Some­day, somehow, someone will set them free. No, we must take the enemies by the horns to expe­ri­ence God giving victory.

And then it hap­pens! God inter­ven­es in the laws of natu­re to enable Isra­el to com­ple­te­ly defeat the enemies. «On that day the Lord gave the Israe­li­tes vic­to­ry over the Amo­ri­tes. Joshua pray­ed to the Lord in front of all Isra­el and he said: «May the sun stand still over Gibe­on and the moon over the val­ley of Aja­lon». So the sun and moon stood still until the Israe­li­tes had aven­ged them­sel­ves on their enemies. Is not this event descri­bed in the Book of the Sin­ce­re? The sun remain­ed high in the sky. It did not set for about a who­le day» (Joshua 10:12,13 NLB).

God, the Crea­tor, He who put the laws of natu­re into crea­ti­on, also has the power to over­ri­de them. The sun does not set for the Israe­li­tes for a who­le day. God lets his light shi­ne into the batt­le. The peo­p­le of Isra­el are given the time they need to finish off the enemies. Light is important in this strugg­le. The enemies have the most power in our lives when they can work unno­ti­ced in the dark. Our enemies, our bro­ken­ness and our hurts need to be brought to light. The­re we can reco­g­ni­se them and des­troy them with God’s help.

At see­tal chi­le, we also don’t let the sun set every other year. And that is when we offer the cour­se «Living in Free­dom». This can beco­me such a moment of light for you, whe­re old and unpro­ces­sed things from your past are allo­wed to come to light. With God’s help, the enemies are to be lured out of hiding, named and defea­ted. And yes – men also have woun­ded hearts that pes­t­er them. Suc­cess at work does not mean that someone is free. Many men are very suc­cessful pro­fes­sio­nal­ly but are on their last legs in rela­ti­onships. If you want to do some­thing good for the peo­p­le around you, it is worth taking advan­ta­ge of such light days.


God sheds light on our enemies of the past. Jesus says: «I have come as a light to shi­ne in this dark world so that all who belie­ve in me will not remain in dark­ness»(John 12:46 NLB). If you live with Jesus, your past does not have to remain in the dark. The enemies lose their power in the light and you expe­ri­ence vic­to­ry. In trus­ting in the Lord Jesus Christ lies the poten­ti­al for full free­dom. HE can crea­te a new heart – and does it gladly.


Possible questions for the small groups

Read the Bible text: Joshua 10:5–14

  1. When you think of the exodus of the Israe­li­tes from Egypt and the taking of the land of Cana­an, at which sta­ti­on are you?
  2. What enemies from the past are you deal­ing with? How do they influence your life?
  3. Do you know examp­les of other peo­p­le whe­re enemies let them live below their destiny?
  4. Have you also had such days when the sun did not set and you were able to defeat enemies?
  5. Check whe­ther it might be your turn to join the cour­se «Living in Freedom».