Date: 17 Sep­tem­ber 2023 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: 2 Chro­nic­les 20:15
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

We obser­ve the dif­fe­rent beha­viour of two kings who find them­sel­ves in an almost hope­l­ess situa­ti­on. Can we learn some­thing from them?

We have pro­ba­b­ly all expe­ri­en­ced moments and situa­tions in which we hard­ly knew what to do. It was exas­pe­ra­ting. For some, such moments only last a short time, but for you they last a long time. You have a big­ger pro­blem – and others com­plain about litt­le things. Some expe­ri­ence God’s help, but you don’t, alt­hough you are clo­ser to God than many others! I find it inte­res­t­ing that we meet peo­p­le in the Bible again and again who sud­den­ly bump into some­thing in life and look for a way out, unsettled.

Today I would like to con­trast two kings from the peo­p­le of Isra­el who both had to deal with hope­l­ess situa­tions in a war­li­ke conflict.

King Jehos­ha­phat of Judah (Isra­el was divi­ded into two regi­ons at that time: the sou­thern king­dom of Judah and the nor­t­hern king­dom of Isra­el). Jehos­ha­phat is threa­ten­ed one day by two and a half huge armies: the Moa­bi­tes and Ammo­ni­tes and a third, smal­ler army of Edo­mi­tes. «The­re is a big crowd coming«Jehos­ha­phat is told. He is over­co­me by gre­at fear. Jus­ti­fied, becau­se his smal­ler army would have no chan­ce against this enorm­ous superiority!

We under­stand the fears when child­ren of God are at the end of a see­mingly hope­l­ess situa­ti­on. Fear can­not sim­ply be sup­pres­sed. What does King Jehos­ha­phat do in his fear? He prays! A com­men­da­ble solu­ti­on, espe­ci­al­ly on today’s Day of Pray­er! His next step is also wort­hy of imi­ta­ti­on: he needs com­mu­ni­ty and has a fast pro­clai­med throug­hout Judah. He seeks help. «From all the cities of the land the peo­p­le flo­cked tog­e­ther to seek the LORD, even from all the cities of Judah.» (2 Chro­nic­les 20:4 NLB). Jehos­ha­phat wants to seek God with them. He is to tell them what to do. Only HE can help us in this extra­or­di­na­ry emergency.

That is the best thing that can hap­pen to you in your distress: to have peo­p­le by your side who seek God tog­e­ther with you, who turn to God. That is worth its weight in gold! In the new cour­ty­ard of the house of the Lord, Jehos­ha­phat stands befo­re the peo­p­le and prays a long pray­er, con­clu­ding with the fol­lo­wing con­fes­si­on: «We our­sel­ves can do not­hing against this huge army that is coming against us. We no lon­ger see a way out, but we trust in you»(2 Chro­nic­les 20:12 Hfa). We also need to hear the fol­lo­wing sen­tence: «All the peo­p­le of Judah, with all the men, women and child­ren, stood befo­re the LORD.»(2 Chro­nic­les 20:13 NLB). Amazing!

Chan­ge of sce­ne: We deal with the second king in distress: King Jor­am of the Nor­t­hern King­dom of Isra­el. Ben Hadad, the king of the Ara­me­ans, goes up to Sama­ria, the capi­tal of the Israe­li­tes, with his huge army and lays sie­ge to it. Sama­ria has now been sur­roun­ded for weeks or even lon­ger. Hun­ger increa­ses and food beco­mes more and more expen­si­ve! In 2 Kings 6 we read that a donkey’s head cost 80 pie­ces of sil­ver, alt­hough the­re is not much meat on it! And a handful of dove dung (which means some­thing bare­ly edi­ble) cost 5 pie­ces of sil­ver. When King Jor­am is once again on the loo­kout on the city wall, he is shou­ted at by a woman: «Help me, my lord and king!» The king returns: «If the Lord does not help you, what can I do? I have neither food nor wine»(2 Kings 6:27 NLB). When the king hears from the woman that she has alre­a­dy beco­me a can­ni­bal from hun­ger tog­e­ther with ano­ther woman, King Jor­am tears his robe and shouts: «God shall kill me if I do not have Eli­sha the son of Shaphat behea­ded this very day»(2 Kings 6:31 NLB).

We obser­ve the fol­lo­wing about King Jor­am in the impas­se: He is no lon­ger hims­elf. He tears his clo­thes and shows hims­elf in the underg­ar­ment of sack­cloth. He can no lon­ger be king. He eva­des respon­si­bi­li­ty. He aban­dons the woman. He has a mad rage against God. And becau­se he can­not punish God so easi­ly, Eli­sha, the pro­phet, has to take the rap. He pro­no­un­ces the worst cur­se a man can let out: «God damn me if I don’t cut Elisha’s head off today.»

What do you do when you have a grudge against God? Can­cel your church atten­dance? Throw the Bible into the was­te paper? Take your anger out on others? King Jor­am actual­ly goes to Eli­sha with an offi­cer. As you do in ten­se moments, you chan­ge the subject!

Back to King Jehos­ha­phat of Judah. In the midst of the com­mon pray­er time in the temp­le cour­ty­ard, the Spi­rit of God speaks to the Levi­te Jaha­ziel. He recei­ves a mes­sa­ge for the peo­p­le of Judah: «Hear, O king Jehos­ha­phat, and also ye peo­p­le of Judah and inha­bi­tants of Jeru­sa­lem. Thus says the LORD to you: Do not be afraid and do not lose heart in the face of this vast army, for it is not you who are fight­ing this batt­le, but God.» (2 Chro­nic­les 20:15 NLB). In other words: «You just have to be the­re and you can watch. Do not be afraid. The Lord is with you.» They kne­el down and wor­ship God tog­e­ther! To this, a group of Levi­tes sings loud resound­ing songs of prai­se. Sin­ging and dres­sed in fes­ti­ve clo­thes, the Levi­te group goes into batt­le the next mor­ning at the head of the army. «Give thanks to the LORD, for his mer­cy endu­res fore­ver.»(2 Chro­nic­les 20:21 NLB) they sing con­ti­nuous­ly. The war, which was not a war, is quick­ly recoun­ted: First the Ammo­ni­tes and Moa­bi­tes get into a fight with the third army of the Edo­mi­tes and bash each other’s heads in. Then the same thing hap­pens bet­ween the Ammo­ni­tes and Moa­bi­tes. They mur­der each other – until no one is left. For the Judeans, only one thing remains: to coll­ect boo­ty. They get so much that it takes them three days to dis­tri­bu­te it! The joy is enorm­ous. They enter Jeru­sa­lem at home rejoi­cing and praising.

King Jor­am of Isra­el is on his way to Eli­sha to vent his anger on him. Eli­sha sits at home with the elders of the city and pro­phe­sies to them that now the king, tog­e­ther with an offi­cer, will soon come to kill him. No soo­ner said than Jor­am is the­re and scolds: «The LORD has brought this cala­mi­ty upon us! Why should I hope in the Lord any lon­ger?» (2Kings 6:33 NLB). Why, why… Why does he ask Eli­sha and not put the ques­ti­on to God, e.g. like the Kora­hi­tes in Psalm 42: «Why have you for­sa­ken me and why must ever­y­thing be so dark around me and I suf­fer the vio­lence of my enemies?»(Psalm 42:10 NLB). Eli­sha brings light into this dark­ness with a pro­phe­tic word: «Hear the word of the LORD. Thus says the LORD: Tomor­row at this time in the gate of Sama­ria five kilos of wheat flour or ten kilos of bar­ley grain will be for sale for one sil­ver pie­ce.»(2 Kings 7:1 GNB).

The offi­cer accom­pany­ing the king doubts «This is impos­si­ble even if the Lord were to make win­dows into hea­ven!» Elisa’s ans­wer: «You’ll see it with your own eyes, but you won’t eat any more of it!«What hap­pens next beg­ins with four lepers who are forced to stay out­side the city gate. One of them asks: «Shall we just stay here until we die? Or do we go into the city and die the­re becau­se of the fami­ne? But we could also go to the camp of the Ara­me­ans. If they let us live, we stay ali­ve. If they kill us, we die the­re. When they go to sleep, they make their way to the camp of the Ara­me­ans and find that the army camp is com­ple­te­ly deser­ted. How did this hap­pen? God spread the noi­se of war with his inge­nious sound sys­tem so that all the Ara­me­ans heard it wit­hout excep­ti­on. They then thought that Isra­el had recei­ved rein­force­ments from at least two sides, the Egyp­ti­ans and the Hit­ti­tes. They are frigh­ten­ed and run head­long, lea­ving ever­y­thing whe­re it is. The four lepers go into the first tent and fill their bel­lies first. The four of them have a leper par­ty! Then they coll­ect sil­ver, gold and clo­thes, hide them in their shel­ter and go to the next tent. Befo­re they get the­re, they say to them­sel­ves: «Come on, the others need to know too. We’ll go into town and tell ever­yo­ne».

The night watch­men wake the king and inform ever­yo­ne. But Jor­am doubts: It’s a trap! The Ara­me­ans are wai­ting in hiding until we lea­ve the city and then they can sur­pri­se us. The king sends two wagons with hor­ses to scout, but in vain: no Ara­me­ans far and wide! Now the peo­p­le are unstoppable. At the city gate the­re is such a crush that the king’s offi­cer is tramp­led to death, just as Eli­sha had pro­mi­sed him. Full and enri­ched, the peo­p­le return and inde­ed: In the gate of Sama­ria, five kilos of wheat flour could be bought for one sil­ver pie­ce, or ten kilos of bar­ley grains for the same price!

Peo­p­le in a hope­l­ess situa­ti­on. Two kings in a hope­l­ess situa­ti­on, one prays, belie­ves and does some­thing. The other gives up, does not­hing; stands com­ple­te­ly hel­p­less on the city wall and has not­hing to say. Jor­am star­ted well as king and des­troy­ed the temp­le of Baal and the altar of Baal. But he stuck to other gods and did many things that were not plea­sing to God. Two kings who could not be more dif­fe­rent, but both reig­ning in God’s divi­ded peo­p­le. Two kings who, with their sub­jects, are extras in two extra­or­di­na­ry wars! Two kings who mira­cu­lous­ly expe­ri­ence God’s grace and mer­cy. Give thanks to the Lord, for his mer­cy endu­res fore­ver! Should we say that one deser­ved it and the other recei­ved it unde­ser­ved­ly? That would be a stu­pid, com­ple­te­ly fal­se state­ment. No mat­ter how good you are, how hard you try or how hard you try to be a decent per­son. As far as fol­lo­wing Jesus is con­cer­ned, you can’t earn any­thing. You can­not do enough good deeds to tip the sca­les in your favour. You can­not earn his help in hope­l­ess situa­tions. Have you ever expe­ri­en­ced God show­ing you a way out of a hope­l­ess situa­ti­on? Ope­ned a door for you that you never expec­ted? Wit­hout you having pray­ed for it? Or the oppo­si­te: You pray­ed yours­elf hoar­se, but God did not show you a solu­ti­on. But in retro­s­pect, you can gra­teful­ly say that God spo­ke to you through this trial.

«My thoughts – says the Lord – are not to be mea­su­red by your thoughts and my pos­si­bi­li­ties are not to be mea­su­red by your pos­si­bi­li­ties. As high as the hea­vens are abo­ve the earth, so far do my thoughts reach bey­ond any­thing you think up, and so far do my pos­si­bi­li­ties sur­pass any­thing you think pos­si­ble.»(Isai­ah 55:8–9 GNB).


Possible questions for the small group 

Read the Bible text: Luke 15:11–32

  1. List peo­p­le from the Bible who were sud­den­ly in a hope­l­ess situation.
  2. How can you deal with fears that rob you of sleep? (Expe­ri­en­ces)
  3. What do you find more or less easy in a dif­fi­cult situa­ti­on? Ran­ked from 1 – 3: being clo­se to God / pray­ing / sha­ring hard­ship with others
  4. Have you ever been angry with God? How did that mani­fest its­elf for you?
  5. What does it do to you that the «unspi­ri­tu­al» Jor­am expe­ri­en­ces the same help from God as the «pious» Jehoshaphat?
  6. Why are obser­ving and com­pa­ring among us Chris­ti­ans some­ti­mes so clingy?