Good Friday – Did Jesus experience euthanasia?

Date: 19 April 2019 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: John 3, 13–17
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

Today we think of Jesus» last jour­ney to the cross and death. The pas­si­on sto­ry is always impres­si­ve and gets under the skin. What did Jesus take upon hims­elf to open the way back to God for us? Alo­ne, wit­hout help? Who stood by him and hel­ped him? I am not sure if you alre­a­dy know that the­re are last aid cour­ses in addi­ti­on to first aid cour­ses. The Sun­day news­pa­per titled its report on the­se cour­ses «The basics of dying well». It is about lear­ning what loved ones can do for their loved ones at the end of life. The Refor­med Church offers the­se cour­ses, which are real­ly boo­ming at the moment. The pre­vious 32 cour­ses were boo­ked up in no time. The­re are alre­a­dy wai­ting lists for the cur­rent year. What did the rela­ti­ves of Jesus, I mean his disci­ples, do for Jesus at that time?

At first one has the impression that the 12 disciples of Jesus gave a bad picture, on the way of suffering of their Master!

  • When­ever Jesus spo­ke of the impen­ding suf­fe­ring on his last jour­ney, they reac­ted with incom­pre­hen­si­on. They did not even have the cou­ra­ge to ask more about it. It sad­den­ed them (Matthew 17:23), but they did not inqui­re. Per­haps they thought: «What is actual­ly going on with our mas­ter? What is he tal­king about? Is he having a depres­si­ve phase?»
  • They asked ques­ti­ons for it that are com­ple­te­ly off the mark: «You, Jesus, who will be the grea­test in the king­dom of hea­ven?» And among them­sel­ves they ask: «Who do you think is the tal­lest of us?» How can you!!

  • Judas betrays Jesus. When Jesus announ­ces this betra­y­al anony­mously, ever­yo­ne wit­hout excep­ti­on asks Jesus: «Is it me?» They all dare to make such a misstep!

  • Later Peter denies Jesus three times. But in advan­ce he said: «Lord, I am rea­dy to go with you to pri­son and to death» (Luke 22:33 LUT). What is the right atti­tu­de for us now? That of the disci­ples, who could also trust them­sel­ves to betray, or that of Peter, who is rock-solid­ly con­vin­ced of his faithful­ness to Jesus? Jesus gave the ans­wer to the disci­ples in the next sce­ne in the Gar­den of Gethsemane.

  • Ins­tead of sup­port­ing Jesus in pray­er, they sleep. What have we alre­a­dy slept through in the spi­ri­tu­al life! I con­scious­ly say «we» and lock mys­elf in. Ins­tead of overs­lee­ping, I can also say missed, frit­te­red away, got my prio­ri­ties wrong, mes­sed up, screwed up, negle­c­ted… The­re, in the Gar­den of Geth­se­ma­ne, Jesus gives us an ans­wer to the ques­ti­on of how we can tack­le betra­y­al, deni­al, overs­lee­ping. Jesus wakes up the slee­ping disci­ples and us with the hint: «Stay awa­ke and pray. Other­wi­se tempt­a­ti­on will over­power you. For the spi­rit is wil­ling, but the body is weak!» (Matthew 26:41 NL)

There is another woman who also leaves a bad image:

  • The mother of the disci­ples James and John asked Jesus to allow her sons to sit on the left and right of Jesus in the king­dom of God. Shaking of the head here too, but per­haps God has also had to shake his head becau­se of a request from me or you!

But there are also characters in this dark story who shine through their behaviour:

  • Simon from Cyre­ne allo­wed hims­elf to be urged, even if not vol­un­t­a­ri­ly, to car­ry Jesus» cross to Golgotha.
  • Joseph from Ari­mathea pro­vi­des his own tomb, new­ly hewn in rock, for Jesus. What generosity!
  • The women stay­ed clo­se to Jesus on the cross until he had brea­thed his last. They also want to know whe­re he will be buried; and they alre­a­dy have their oint­ments rea­dy to anoint Jesus» body.

When we think of all the tor­ment he had to go through becau­se of our debt bur­den he car­ri­ed on his should­ers, one can real­ly wonder:

How did Jesus do it?

  1. Jesus was not alo­ne. He said to his disci­ples: «Look, the time is coming, inde­ed it is alre­a­dy here, when you will run away, each to whe­re he comes from, and you will lea­ve me alo­ne. But I am not alo­ne; the Father is with me». (John 16:32 NGÜ).

  2. Jesus remains clo­se to his disci­ples until his capture.
  • In the first two announce­ments of suf­fe­ring, Jesus spo­ke only of hims­elf. In the third, he said: «We are now going up to Jeru­sa­lem» (Matthew 20:18 NGÜ).
  • Jesus still wants to cele­bra­te the Pas­so­ver meal with the disci­ples: «My hour has come. I will cele­bra­te the Pas­so­ver with my disci­ples in your house (in the house of the land­lord of a cer­tain room)». (Matthew 26:18 NGÜ). Else­whe­re Jesus said: «How I have lon­ged to cele­bra­te this Pas­so­ver meal with you befo­re I suf­fer». (Luke 22:15 NGÜ). Jesus real­ly took a lot of time for this fel­low­ship and tal­ked about a lot with his disci­ples. Once he even cal­led them «Child­ren» addres­sed. He even washes their feet. In this way, he sends a signal of app­re­cia­ti­on and cle­an­sing. During this con­ver­sa­ti­on, he prai­ses his team: «And you – you have faithful­ly per­se­ver­ed with me in all that I have gone through.» (Luke 22:28 NGÜ).
  • After the time in the Gar­den of Geth­se­ma­ne, Jesus wants to go out with the disci­ples into the dark­ness of suf­fe­ring and says: «Get up, let’s go! He who betrays me is here». (Matthew 26 46 NGÜ).
  1. Jesus clings to his hea­ven­ly Father:
  • In Jesus» fare­well dis­cour­ses in John chap­ters 13 to 17, we sen­se how he is very clo­se to his hea­ven­ly Father. He men­ti­ons his Father 44 times!
  • Then he seeks the Father’s clo­sen­ess again very inten­se­ly in pray­er in the Gar­den of Geth­se­ma­ne. Three times he pray­ed the same words: «My father, if it is pos­si­ble, let this bit­ter cup pass me by! But not as I will, but as you will». (Matthew 26, 39 NGÜ). The­re in the gar­den it is also streng­the­ned. «Then an angel appeared from hea­ven and streng­the­ned him». (Luke 22:43 NGÜ). The hea­ven­ly Father sends an angel to him to streng­then him.

  • Accor­ding to Luke’s Gos­pel, Jesus had addres­sed two more short, remar­kab­le pray­ers to the Father on the cross: «Father for­gi­ve them, for they know not what they do» and «Father I com­mend my spi­rit into your hands!» That is the basics of dying well, who can for­gi­ve and ent­rust hims­elf to the hands of the hea­ven­ly Father.
  • His clinging to the father is also expres­sed in his last cry: «My God, my God, why have you for­sa­ken me?»

Jesus experienced little last aid from people on his path of suffering – rather, Jesus still offered us first aid for our spiritual life until the end!

I want to list this fact:

  • The afo­re­men­tio­ned fare­well dis­cour­ses John chap­ters 13 to 17 are so encou­ra­ging, streng­thening and hel­pful that I say: When­ever you are in a cri­sis of faith, or in a spi­ri­tu­al low, read the­se 4 chap­ters – again and again! This is first aid of the first order! Jesus cle­ar­ly tells the hea­ven­ly Father and the disci­ples what He wants: «Father, I want tho­se you have given me to be whe­re I am. I want them to be with me so that they may see my glo­ry…» (John 17:24 NGÜ). He pro­mi­ses us that one day he will take all his fol­lo­wers to his king­dom. He will take care of our homes. And again and again he says: «Do not be afraid, do not be afraid. I know you are afraid in the world, but let that com­fort you: I have con­que­r­ed the world!» Jesus also pro­mi­ses the disci­ples the Holy Spi­rit, the Com­fort­er. He makes it clear to his disci­ples that he has cho­sen them and desti­ned them to bear fruit for God’s king­dom, las­ting fruit. Then Jesus pray­ed for them, for love among them­sel­ves and unity.
  • Jesus pray­ed for Peter even befo­re the deni­al and told him: «But I pray­ed for you that your faith would not cea­se. If later you have tur­ned back and come back to me, then streng­then your brot­hers». (Luke 22:32 NL).
  • At his arrest Jesus puts in a word for his disci­ples and says to the sol­diers: «If I am the one you are loo­king for, then let the others here go». (John 18:8 NGÜ).
  • To the thief next to him on the cross, he pro­mi­ses that his request will be heard: «I assu­re you, this very day you will be with me in para­di­se.» (Luke 23:43 NL).
  • From the cross he still cares for John and says to his mother Mary: «Woman, this is your son now» and tur­ned to John: «Behold, this is now your mother.» Wel­co­me home!

Then things happened on that dark day that shine like rays of light towards the resurrection day:

  • The curtain in the temp­le is torn from top to bot­tom. The way to God, the way to grace is free for everyone.
  • The earth shakes as if God wants to remind peo­p­le of his power.
  • The dead rise and appear to the living – a sign that Jesus Christ will also rise!
  • Then the­re are the first to come to faith through this event: the cap­tain of the guard prai­ses God and con­fes­ses: «Tru­ly, this one was the Son of God!»
  • Jesus said many important things in this last mee­ting with his disci­ples, inclu­ding this: «I say to you: I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until the day when I drink it anew with you in my Father’s king­dom». (Matthew 26:29 LU). Jesus is say­ing: This was not the last sup­per with you, I will cele­bra­te it again with you in my king­dom! On his way of suf­fe­ring he radia­tes future and hope!

When we now celebrate Holy Communion together, we want to focus on three things:

  1. Gra­ti­tu­de: What we do not have to thank our Lord and Saviour for! If only when we rea­li­se: Jesus went this way for me too!

  2. Buses: Bil­ly Gra­ham, in his old age, once aptly descri­bed what buses are: «You ask what is rep­en­tance? Rep­en­tance means that you say to God: I am a sin­ner. I am sor­ry for my sins. I want to rep­ent of my sins, but Lord, you must help me in this rep­en­tance. I have tried so many times to let go of things that I know are wrong, but I just can’t get it done. I need your help. Then, in faith, you accept Christ who died for you on the cross. You open your heart and say: Yes, Lord Jesus, come in. I am rea­dy to fol­low you.»

  3. Dedi­ca­ti­on: Jesus, you have given ever­y­thing for me. You shall have and fill my who­le life. I can have it nowhe­re bet­ter than with you, held and safe in your hand. 

Questions for the small groups

Read the Bible text: John 3:13–17

Good Fri­day: Jesus gives us eutha­na­sia – and help to live!

  • Who stood by Jesus befo­re his death?
  • Who hel­ped him to walk this dif­fi­cult path?
  • Did he not rather us Assis­ted living and eutha­na­sia given this way!?