Good Friday – Did Jesus experience euthanasia?
Today we think of Jesus» last journey to the cross and death. The passion story is always impressive and gets under the skin. What did Jesus take upon himself to open the way back to God for us? Alone, without help? Who stood by him and helped him? I am not sure if you already know that there are last aid courses in addition to first aid courses. The Sunday newspaper titled its report on these courses «The basics of dying well». It is about learning what loved ones can do for their loved ones at the end of life. The Reformed Church offers these courses, which are really booming at the moment. The previous 32 courses were booked up in no time. There are already waiting lists for the current year. What did the relatives of Jesus, I mean his disciples, do for Jesus at that time?
At first one has the impression that the 12 disciples of Jesus gave a bad picture, on the way of suffering of their Master!
- Whenever Jesus spoke of the impending suffering on his last journey, they reacted with incomprehension. They did not even have the courage to ask more about it. It saddened them (Matthew 17:23), but they did not inquire. Perhaps they thought: «What is actually going on with our master? What is he talking about? Is he having a depressive phase?»
- They asked questions for it that are completely off the mark: «You, Jesus, who will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?» And among themselves they ask: «Who do you think is the tallest of us?» How can you!!
- Judas betrays Jesus. When Jesus announces this betrayal anonymously, everyone without exception asks Jesus: «Is it me?» They all dare to make such a misstep!
- Later Peter denies Jesus three times. But in advance he said: «Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death» (Luke 22:33 LUT). What is the right attitude for us now? That of the disciples, who could also trust themselves to betray, or that of Peter, who is rock-solidly convinced of his faithfulness to Jesus? Jesus gave the answer to the disciples in the next scene in the Garden of Gethsemane.
- Instead of supporting Jesus in prayer, they sleep. What have we already slept through in the spiritual life! I consciously say «we» and lock myself in. Instead of oversleeping, I can also say missed, frittered away, got my priorities wrong, messed up, screwed up, neglected… There, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus gives us an answer to the question of how we can tackle betrayal, denial, oversleeping. Jesus wakes up the sleeping disciples and us with the hint: «Stay awake and pray. Otherwise temptation will overpower you. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!» (Matthew 26:41 NL)
There is another woman who also leaves a bad image:
- The mother of the disciples James and John asked Jesus to allow her sons to sit on the left and right of Jesus in the kingdom of God. Shaking of the head here too, but perhaps God has also had to shake his head because of a request from me or you!
But there are also characters in this dark story who shine through their behaviour:
- Simon from Cyrene allowed himself to be urged, even if not voluntarily, to carry Jesus» cross to Golgotha.
- Joseph from Arimathea provides his own tomb, newly hewn in rock, for Jesus. What generosity!
- The women stayed close to Jesus on the cross until he had breathed his last. They also want to know where he will be buried; and they already have their ointments ready to anoint Jesus» body.
When we think of all the torment he had to go through because of our debt burden he carried on his shoulders, one can really wonder:
How did Jesus do it?
- Jesus was not alone. He said to his disciples: «Look, the time is coming, indeed it is already here, when you will run away, each to where he comes from, and you will leave me alone. But I am not alone; the Father is with me». (John 16:32 NGÜ).
- Jesus remains close to his disciples until his capture.
- In the first two announcements of suffering, Jesus spoke only of himself. In the third, he said: «We are now going up to Jerusalem» (Matthew 20:18 NGÜ).
- Jesus still wants to celebrate the Passover meal with the disciples: «My hour has come. I will celebrate the Passover with my disciples in your house (in the house of the landlord of a certain room)». (Matthew 26:18 NGÜ). Elsewhere Jesus said: «How I have longed to celebrate this Passover meal with you before I suffer». (Luke 22:15 NGÜ). Jesus really took a lot of time for this fellowship and talked about a lot with his disciples. Once he even called them «Children» addressed. He even washes their feet. In this way, he sends a signal of appreciation and cleansing. During this conversation, he praises his team: «And you – you have faithfully persevered with me in all that I have gone through.» (Luke 22:28 NGÜ).
- After the time in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus wants to go out with the disciples into the darkness of suffering and says: «Get up, let’s go! He who betrays me is here». (Matthew 26 46 NGÜ).
- Jesus clings to his heavenly Father:
- In Jesus» farewell discourses in John chapters 13 to 17, we sense how he is very close to his heavenly Father. He mentions his Father 44 times!
- Then he seeks the Father’s closeness again very intensely in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. Three times he prayed the same words: «My father, if it is possible, let this bitter cup pass me by! But not as I will, but as you will». (Matthew 26, 39 NGÜ). There in the garden it is also strengthened. «Then an angel appeared from heaven and strengthened him». (Luke 22:43 NGÜ). The heavenly Father sends an angel to him to strengthen him.
- According to Luke’s Gospel, Jesus had addressed two more short, remarkable prayers to the Father on the cross: «Father forgive them, for they know not what they do» and «Father I commend my spirit into your hands!» That is the basics of dying well, who can forgive and entrust himself to the hands of the heavenly Father.
- His clinging to the father is also expressed in his last cry: «My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?»
Jesus experienced little last aid from people on his path of suffering – rather, Jesus still offered us first aid for our spiritual life until the end!
I want to list this fact:
- The aforementioned farewell discourses John chapters 13 to 17 are so encouraging, strengthening and helpful that I say: Whenever you are in a crisis of faith, or in a spiritual low, read these 4 chapters – again and again! This is first aid of the first order! Jesus clearly tells the heavenly Father and the disciples what He wants: «Father, I want those you have given me to be where I am. I want them to be with me so that they may see my glory…» (John 17:24 NGÜ). He promises us that one day he will take all his followers to his kingdom. He will take care of our homes. And again and again he says: «Do not be afraid, do not be afraid. I know you are afraid in the world, but let that comfort you: I have conquered the world!» Jesus also promises the disciples the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. He makes it clear to his disciples that he has chosen them and destined them to bear fruit for God’s kingdom, lasting fruit. Then Jesus prayed for them, for love among themselves and unity.
- Jesus prayed for Peter even before the denial and told him: «But I prayed for you that your faith would not cease. If later you have turned back and come back to me, then strengthen your brothers». (Luke 22:32 NL).
- At his arrest Jesus puts in a word for his disciples and says to the soldiers: «If I am the one you are looking for, then let the others here go». (John 18:8 NGÜ).
- To the thief next to him on the cross, he promises that his request will be heard: «I assure you, this very day you will be with me in paradise.» (Luke 23:43 NL).
- From the cross he still cares for John and says to his mother Mary: «Woman, this is your son now» and turned to John: «Behold, this is now your mother.» Welcome home!
Then things happened on that dark day that shine like rays of light towards the resurrection day:
- The curtain in the temple is torn from top to bottom. The way to God, the way to grace is free for everyone.
- The earth shakes as if God wants to remind people of his power.
- The dead rise and appear to the living – a sign that Jesus Christ will also rise!
- Then there are the first to come to faith through this event: the captain of the guard praises God and confesses: «Truly, this one was the Son of God!»
- Jesus said many important things in this last meeting with his disciples, including this: «I say to you: I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until the day when I drink it anew with you in my Father’s kingdom». (Matthew 26:29 LU). Jesus is saying: This was not the last supper with you, I will celebrate it again with you in my kingdom! On his way of suffering he radiates future and hope!
When we now celebrate Holy Communion together, we want to focus on three things:
- Gratitude: What we do not have to thank our Lord and Saviour for! If only when we realise: Jesus went this way for me too!
- Buses: Billy Graham, in his old age, once aptly described what buses are: «You ask what is repentance? Repentance means that you say to God: I am a sinner. I am sorry for my sins. I want to repent of my sins, but Lord, you must help me in this repentance. I have tried so many times to let go of things that I know are wrong, but I just can’t get it done. I need your help. Then, in faith, you accept Christ who died for you on the cross. You open your heart and say: Yes, Lord Jesus, come in. I am ready to follow you.»
- Dedication: Jesus, you have given everything for me. You shall have and fill my whole life. I can have it nowhere better than with you, held and safe in your hand.
Questions for the small groups
Read the Bible text: John 3:13–17
Good Friday: Jesus gives us euthanasia – and help to live!
- Who stood by Jesus before his death?
- Who helped him to walk this difficult path?
- Did he not rather us Assisted living and euthanasia given this way!?