Identity as the cornerstone of succession
Fear can hold us captive so that we can no longer make free decisions. It can even prevent us from following Jesus. Jesus died so that we can be free. Through him we become sons and daughters of God, and with this new identity in Jesus we are free to follow him fully and completely. Through Jesus Christ we are resurrected to a new life of freedom.
Fears have the potential to determine our lives
I recently met a person who couldn’t understand why I had returned to Switzerland. He showed a complete lack of understanding that someone would voluntarily return to Switzerland from such a dream country as Canada. After a few minutes, the man told me that he had held the visa for emigration in his hand over twenty years ago, but hadn’t dared to take the step. Fear of the uncertainty of whether it would work out kept him from realising his dream. Fear was stronger and had a firm grip on him. He was not free to make a decision. Fear kept him from his dream country.
Fear has the potential to rob us of our freedom. Fear has the potential to hold us captive. Fear has the potential to turn us into slaves.
I don’t know whether it was God’s will that this person I was allowed to get to know should go to Canada or not. But I do know that fear can prevent us from following God’s paths.
Fear held the Israelites captive
In the Bible Fear, the lack of trust in Godis a central theme. We see this very clearly in the liberation of the Israelites, who lived in Egyptian captivity for four hundred years. God had called Moses, to free his people and lead them to the promised land. This proved to be anything but easy. Moses had a difficult start until the Israelites were allowed to leave Egypt. The king changed his mind and persecuted . However, they were saved by a mighty miracle through the Red Sea. God split the sea in two and allowed them to march through on dry land. After this miraculous salvation, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. These are necessary in order to live in true freedom with God and the world. The Lord promised them a new life in the land of freedom flowing with milk and honey.
Fear kept them from the dreamland
Unfortunately, fear kept them from the land of their dreams, it thwarted this wonderful prospect. Instead of the promised land of freedom, they remained in fear in the desert. Because of this fear, the first generation was denied the promised land. Their fear was greater than their trust in God. Fear is a sign of a lack of trust in God. Although they had experienced God in a great way several times, they did not trust him.
The people were afraid and did not trust in God. «All this shows us quite clearly: they could not reach their destination, the land promised by God, because they did not want to trust God» (Hebrews 3:19 New Testament). Moses and Aaron were afraid and did not trust in God. «You have not trusted me […] therefore you must not bring my people into the land that I will give them» (Numbers 20:12 HFA).
Even the spies had no trust in God. «The Lord said to Moses, «Send spies to Canaan. Let them look around in the land that I will give you Israelites» (Numbers 13:1–2 HFA). «But the other scouts disagreed: Against this VöcountriesöThere’s no way we can compete against them. They are much stronger than us» (Numbers 13:31 HFA).
They were all afraid and did not trust in God. They were always afraid of the enemy. In the end, they even wanted to return to slavery. Instead of the promised land flowing with milk and honey, the first generation remained in the desert. The fear was so persistent that it could only be broken by the death of the first generation. Fear can be so stubborn, that it accompanies people to their death. Fear does not want to leave us, but it is precisely the liberation from this fear that is incredibly important. This is the only way we can follow Jesus. When we are trapped in fear, we do not have the freedom to follow Jesus. We run the risk of not walking in the promises of God because of our fear. Fortunately, we live in the New Testament: with this new covenant, God has broken our bonds of slavery.
There is a brilliant song that describes overcoming fear and this new freedom. It’s a song that speaks to today’s generation.
Verse 1:
You untangle me with a melody / You surround me with a song / The liberation from my enemies / Until all my fears are gone /
I am no longer a slave to fear / I am a child of God / I am no longer a slave to fear / I am a child of God
In the refrain of the song we sing the truth of the new covenant. I am no longer a slave to fear and the reason for this change is my new identity as a child of God. The answer to every fear is that I am a child of God. For me, the fascination of this song lies in the fact that it conveys the biblical truth in such a playful way. It is written in the Bible: «For the Spirit whom you have received does not make you slaves, so that you must live anew in fear and dread; he has made you sons and daughters, and through him we cry out when we pray, «Abba, Father!» Yes, the Spirit himself testifies to us in our innermost being that we are God’s children» (Romans 8:15–16 New Testament).
Verse 2:
In my mother’s womb / You have chosen me / Love has called my name / I am reborn into a family / Your blood flows through my veins
What a beautiful picture: He has already chosen me in my mother’s womb. Because he loves me, he has called my name. I have been born to a new, eternal life. And our relationship could not be more intimate, because his blood flows through my veins. Jesus is in us and brings life to our mortal bodies.
I am no longer a slave to fear / I am a child of God / I am no longer a slave to fear / I am a child of God
I am surrounded / By the arms of the Father / I am surrounded / By a song of salvation / We have been liberated / From slavery / We are sons and daughters / Let us sing of our liberation
You have parted the sea / So that I could walk through / My fears have sunk through love / You have saved me / I will stand and sing / I am a child of God
You have parted the sea / So that I could walk through / My fears have sunk through love / You have saved me / I will stand and sing / I am a child of God (Yes I am)
Here the songwriter has individualised a story from the Old Testament. He uses the image of salvation through the Red Sea to communicate a New Testament truth. God split the sea so that the Israelites could pass through it, be saved from slavery and become his people. He personalises it to the first person singular. The gigantic love of God saves us from the enemy and our justified fear is drowned in the water and thus eradicated. The fears and thus the enemy are drowned in the water. That is the reason why I can now stand here and sing that I am a child of God.
An infectious song
I can still remember when this song came out. I was fascinated by the enthusiasm with which the singer sang it. It wasn’t just singing, it was one hundred per cent conviction and this conviction spilled over. I thought to myself that there must be a story behind it. I searched the internet and came across an interview. I would like to tell you about it.
Wow, what a declaration: we are freed from our fear because we are children of God. This is so important in our life of faith that we know, believe and live this truth.
Born to new life
«A thief wants to rob, murder and destroy. But I (Jesus) have come to give them life in all its fullness» (John 10:10 NLB). The thief wants to rob, murder and destroy. Fear wants to steal our joy. The thief even wants to hold us captive as Christians. He wants to destroy our relationship with God through fear. Fear brings death, but Jesus gives us life in all its fullness. In this fullness of freedom, only in this conscious new identity can we follow Jesus. The new identity in Jesus is the key to freedom. With this song we declare our new identity – fear has no chance.
This song is always a reminder of what we are in Jesus.
Next Sunday is water baptism, a sign of new identity
The Israelites were saved by water. In water baptism, we are symbolically saved by water. When we are immersed, the old dies – even fear and anxiety die. We then emerge from the water with Jesus in a new identity. Now we are ready to follow him. Full of trust, we walk as children of God. Melissa, the singer, explained in the interview that she had sung it, but always ran into a wall. She felt God saying to her: I won’t let you sing it if you don’t really believe it. She struggled with the lyrics and the breakthrough is audible. This is my prayer for us, that we don’t just listen to this song, hum it or sing it. But that this truth shouts out from our hearts our new identity in Jesus as children of God. But even if we don’t feel it in our hearts yet, let’s sing it as a declaration of the important biblical truth: «Our new identity in Jesus gives us the freedom to truly follow Him.»
Possible questions for the small group
Read Bible text: Genesis 13:1–2; 25–33
- Public speaking, fear of being rejected and fear of failure are some of the biggest fears. Which one can you identify with the most?
- What was Peter’s fear when he denied Jesus three times?
- Give an example where fear has taken away your freedom of choice?
- Can you understand why our new identity in discipleship is so important?
- Are you used to speaking biblical truths about your life?