Date: 26 Janu­ary 2025 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Isai­ah 42:1–9
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

«He will not break the bent reed or extin­gu­ish the smould­e­ring wick. […]» (Isai­ah 42:3 NLB). This is today’s mot­to. It descri­bes the pro­mi­sed ser­vant of God. Jesus Christ ful­fils every aspect of what is pro­mi­sed about him. He is the gent­le ser­vant of God who does not break the brui­sed reed or snuff out the smould­e­ring wick. The one who meets us weak peo­p­le as a pati­ent phy­si­ci­an and wants to show hims­elf strong in our weak­ne­ss. In this way, we can live a life in honour of God pre­cis­e­ly in our weak­ne­ss, in the know­ledge that he has cho­sen us, the weak.

Jesus – the servant of God

Today’s ser­mon is based on today’s mot­to, which is con­tai­ned in the text we read ear­lier. It paints a pic­tu­re of a so-cal­led ser­vant of God. It is the image of the coming saviour – the Mes­siah. The­re are many pro­phe­ci­es in the Old Tes­ta­ment about what the anoin­ted saviour must be like. Jesus Christ ful­fils every sin­gle one of them. In the sec­tion of ver­ses one to four, five things are men­tio­ned that should app­ly to the coming ser­vant of God. He must be cho­sen, quiet, meek, righ­teous and stead­fast. I will go into meekness in more detail later.

An important cha­rac­te­ristic is that of elec­tion. «Look, this is my ser­vant whom I am hol­ding. He is my cho­sen one and brings me joy. I have given him my spi­rit so that he may bring jus­ti­ce to the nati­ons» (Isai­ah 42:1 NLB). But what is the distin­gu­is­hing mark of the cho­sen one? The mark is the Spi­rit of God that rests on him. After Jesus Christ was bap­ti­sed, this beco­mes evi­dent. «When he came up out of the water, he saw the hea­vens open and the Holy Spi­rit des­cend on him like a dove» (Mark 1:10 NLB).

Ano­ther sign of the Saviour is calm­ness. «He will neither shout nor länor his voice on the streetsse hölet» (Isai­ah 42:2 NLB). In the New Tes­ta­ment we read that Jesus could not be rus­hed. If Jesus had some­thing we don’t have, it was time. He acted out of calm. Even when he lear­ns of the life-threa­tening ill­ness of a good fri­end, Jesus does not allow hims­elf to be rus­hed and remains whe­re he was for ano­ther two days befo­re set­ting off to find him. Jesus can­not be rus­hed! As Paul wro­te a few deca­des later, Jesus is not sub­ject to the spi­rit of the times. «We use the migh­ty wea­pons of God and not world­ly wea­pons to des­troy human thought struc­tures» (2 Corin­thi­ans 10:4 NLB).

Bes­i­des, the saviour is some­thing I would descri­be as righ­teous. «[…] He will bring the law to light truthful­ly» (Isai­ah 42:3 NLB). Jus­ti­ce is some­thing important in this pas­sa­ge. It appears three times in the first four ver­ses of Isai­ah 42. The pro­mi­sed ser­vant of God brings jus­ti­ce to the nati­ons, he brings jus­ti­ce to light and he estab­lishes jus­ti­ce on earth. Whe­re God estab­lishes jus­ti­ce, sal­va­ti­on and righ­teous­ness come into being. It is cru­cial that God must enforce jus­ti­ce. For he can­not tole­ra­te inju­s­ti­ce in his pre­sence. In order to come into his pre­sence, jus­ti­ce must the­r­e­fo­re be estab­lished. Howe­ver, it is not just a mat­ter of some­thing being car­ri­ed out cor­rect­ly. Rather, God’s jus­ti­ce always goes hand in hand with kind­ness, faithful­ness and hel­pful mer­cy. This is shown in par­ti­cu­lar by the fact that whe­re jus­ti­ce is estab­lished, i.e. enforced, God meets peo­p­le in sal­va­ti­on and faithful­ness. This is exact­ly what Jesus did. He enforced the law by pay­ing the pri­ce so that inju­s­ti­ce could be taken out of the way. In doing so, he set all peo­p­le who belie­ved in him free.«Only when the Son makes you free are you tru­ly free» (John 8:36 NLB).

The last point is the one I descri­be as stead­fast. «He will not be müor be bro­ken until jus­ti­ce is firm­ly estab­lished throug­hout the earth.üstands the­re. […]» (Isai­ah 42:4 NLB). Jesus accom­plished his mis­si­on and stead­fast­ly pur­sued it to the end. When he died on the cross, he made the state­ment «It is finis­hed». Jesus car­ri­ed out God’s will to the end (John 19:30).

Kinked pipe, smouldering wick

Today’s dai­ly lot con­sists of the first part of ver­se three. «He will not break the bent pipe or extin­gu­ish the smould­e­ring wick.öschen. […]» (Isai­ah 42:3 NLB). This text was writ­ten at a time when the Israe­li­tes were in exi­le. Part of the popu­la­ti­on was depor­ted abroad and so two ques­ti­ons are of par­ti­cu­lar importance. Is the God of Isra­el real­ly God? And if so, what can he do? Appar­ent­ly, the God of Isra­el is on the ground. Becau­se other nati­ons are more powerful than Isra­el. In tho­se days, every nati­on had its own God, so if a nati­on was strong, its God had to be strong too. And if a nati­on was weak, then their God was also weak. But here comes a decisi­ve dif­fe­rence, which is sta­ted by the God of Isra­el and which is also his uni­que sel­ling point! He is the only one who knows the future. This is empha­sis­ed again and again. This is also the case in ver­se nine, which was read out at the begin­ning of the sermon.

The bent reed and the smould­e­ring wick are an image for Isra­el. The reed is a rush plant that is used for wea­ving bas­kets etc. If it is bent, it can no lon­ger grow. If it is bent, it can no lon­ger con­ti­nue to grow. The wick is made of flax. If it only glows, the oil lamp is about to go out and the­r­e­fo­re no lon­ger ful­fils its func­tion. Both are images for the situa­ti­on of Isra­el. It was to be a gre­at, strong peo­p­le of God as a good exam­p­le for others. It was to be a light for the other nati­ons. But why is Isra­el now in this self-inflic­ted situa­ti­on? They have not ori­en­ta­ted them­sel­ves towards God. Isra­el can only be accept­ed again through for­gi­ve­ness. It can only hap­pen by the Ser­vant of God dying on their behalf.

On the other hand, the kin­ked pipe and the smould­e­ring wick are images for us humans. It is an image of the insi­de. We would like to be straight in life, firm­ly ancho­red and unshakeable. We would love to be full of ener­gy, not burnt out or burnt down. But unfort­u­na­te­ly, things usual­ly look dif­fe­rent. Social media is not a reflec­tion of rea­li­ty. Accor­ding to the Swiss Health Sur­vey 2022, more than 13 of the Swiss popu­la­ti­on have a long-term health pro­blem. Almost 15 are strugg­ling with men­tal health chal­lenges. We are peo­p­le who are men­tal­ly distres­sed. We are peo­p­le who are in poor health. We are peo­p­le who strugg­le with their part­ner. We are peo­p­le who have no pati­ence with our child­ren. We are peo­p­le who take every short­cut to be five minu­tes fas­ter. We are peo­p­le who­se life sto­ry keeps cat­ching up with them. We are peo­p­le who almost col­lap­se under the weight of what life has in store for them. Added to this is the chall­enge of not being able to get out of cer­tain situa­tions our­sel­ves. We can’t light the fire our­sel­ves. We can’t straigh­ten the kin­ked pipe our­sel­ves. In such situa­tions, tal­king can help. A first step can be to open up to someone. At see­tal chi­le, we have sum­ma­ri­sed various offers under the umbrel­la term men­to­ring. We warm­ly invi­te you to make use of them.

Chal­lenges are dif­fi­cult and all peo­p­le face them. An Ame­ri­can say­ing goes. «Eit­her they will make you or they will break you!». Eit­her they will make you or they will break you. I am not say­ing that it is easy, but that it is worth facing the challenges.

Jesus – the gentle one

In Matthew 12:18–21, the words of Isai­ah are quo­ted and refer­red to Jesus Christ. He is the ser­vant of God who ful­fils and per­forms all the­se things. He is the ser­vant of God who was pro­mi­sed to the peo­p­le of Isra­el. The peo­p­le of Isra­el led a self-deter­mi­ned, inde­pen­dent life, detached from God. This is the epi­to­me of fol­lo­wing other gods. Howe­ver, God empha­ti­cal­ly for­ba­de the peo­p­le to do this seve­ral times. «You shall neither wor­ship them nor pro­stra­te yours­elf befo­re them, for I, the LORD your God, am a jea­lous God! I do not lea­ve the sins of tho­se who hate me unpu­nis­hed, […]» (Deu­te­ro­no­my 5:9 NLB). The basis for God’s strict beha­viour towards his peo­p­le is the coven­ant bet­ween the­se two par­ties. «This coven­ant bet­ween us shall be for the gene­ra­ti­ons to come; it shall be for all time bet­ween me and your des­cen­dants. I will be your God and the God of your des­cen­dants» (Gene­sis 17:7 NLB). The peo­p­le of Isra­el deser­ved God to break off the bent reed and extin­gu­ish the smould­e­ring wick. They have no right to expect God to act mercifully.

But God remains true to hims­elf. He stands by his word, which he has given to his peo­p­le. But he also stands by the fact that jus­ti­ce must be done. The coven­ant must be res­to­red. The cru­cial point is this: Res­to­ra­ti­on is only pos­si­ble through for­gi­ve­ness. For­gi­ve­ness is God’s decis­i­on to for­gi­ve Isra­el, even though they were guil­ty against him and no lon­ger wan­ted to fol­low him. But only God can do this! That is why the ser­vant of God must suf­fer, die and thus clear the way to God. As I said, Jesus is this ser­vant of God. His task is to res­to­re the coven­ant. But he does even more. He makes a new coven­ant in which des­cent is no lon­ger the decisi­ve element.

So what does Jesus do with us, the bro­ken and burnt-out peo­p­le? He does the same as for the peo­p­le! He gives his life so that jus­ti­ce is done. He does not break off the bent reed or extin­gu­ish the smould­e­ring wick. Rather, he meets peo­p­le as a phy­si­ci­an. «Then the Pha­ri­sees and scri­bes rebu­ked Jesus» disci­ples: «How can you eat and drink with this scum? Jesus ans­we­red them: «It is not the healt­hy who need a doc­tor, but the sick. I have come to help Süs to rep­ent from their süI want to call out to my fri­ends, not to spend my time with tho­se who have alre­a­dy made up their minds.ür good enough» » (Luke 5:30–32 NLB). Sin means living in con­tra­dic­tion to what God desi­res. This hope that Jesus is the good doc­tor who helps me does­n’t make it easy, but it does make it easier.

In our annu­al the­me «EIFACH mue­tig – with Jesus as our role model», we are focus­sing on various key are­as. During the holi­days and public holi­days, we are tra­vel­ling out­side of the­se focal points. On 5 Janu­ary, I gave the ope­ning ser­mon on the topic of «Rela­ti­onships | Jesus woo­ing his bri­de». The fol­lo­wers of Jesus are the bri­de and Jesus is the bri­de­g­room. We immer­sed our­sel­ves in the anci­ent betro­thal cerem­o­ny. The enga­ge­ment beg­ins with the sig­ning of the «ketub­ba», the mar­ria­ge con­tract. This imme­dia­te­ly chan­ges the sta­tus of the bri­de. The enga­ge­ment thus has a clear direc­tion towards the wed­ding and both par­ties can­not easi­ly get away from it. During this enga­ge­ment peri­od, both par­ties have clear tasks. The groom pre­pa­res a home. When he is rea­dy, he comes back and brings his wife to him. During this time, the bri­de is very busy wea­ving tapestries for the future home. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus as the bri­de have the task of sha­ping their lives in such a way that they do honour to their bri­de­g­room. But the wea­ving hap­pens after the sig­ning of the «ketub­ba». In other words, after Jesus, as God’s ser­vant, has paid for ever­y­thing and res­to­red access to God. The wea­ving is a reac­tion to what Jesus has done – not the other way round.

The the­me of the year has the dan­ger of crea­ting the fee­ling that I have to do ever­y­thing from my strength. But the the­me «EIFACH mue­tig» is much more about taking con­cre­te steps in disci­ple­ship out of my weak­ne­ss – with God’s help and the power of the Holy Spi­rit. «God has cho­sen what is low­ly in the eyes of the world in order to shame tho­se who con­sider them­sel­ves wise. He has cho­sen the weak to humi­lia­te the strong» (1 Corin­thi­ans 1:27 NLB). Jesus does­n’t just lea­ve the bent reed stan­ding by chan­ce. Rather, he choo­ses pre­cis­e­ly this! Jesus does­n’t lea­ve the almost extin­gu­is­hed wick glo­wing just by chan­ce. He choo­ses this very thing! Jesus does­n’t just lea­ve you in your chall­enge out of good­will. Ins­tead, he choo­ses YOU! Jesus choo­ses the weak!

That’s why I wea­ve my car­pet out of my weak­ne­ss. The Holy Spi­rit helps me to do this as a dejec­ted, burnt-out man. A small asi­de. The smould­e­ring wick, which the ser­vant of God does not extin­gu­ish, is made of flax. Tex­ti­le fibres were and are made from it. God can also use my bro­ken­ness to wea­ve my tapestry with me.

Possible questions for the small group

Read the Bible text: Isai­ah 42:1–9

  1. Which aspect that the Ser­vant will ful­fil appeals to you the most? Why?
  2. In which area of your life or in which situa­tions do you curr­ent­ly feel dis­con­nec­ted or burnt out? What do you do in such situations?
  3. Have you alre­a­dy expe­ri­en­ced Jesus as a doc­tor in your life? Lay your chall­enge befo­re him in pray­er and ask him to show hims­elf to you.
  4. As a rule, we want a quick way out of dif­fi­cult times. In retro­s­pect, howe­ver, it is pre­cis­e­ly the expe­ri­en­ces that we gain during chal­lenges that help us in the long term. How do we mana­ge to get through dif­fi­cult times and turn them into posi­ti­ve ones?
  5. How could your weak­ne­ss make a dif­fe­rence in your per­so­nal fol­lo­wing of Jesus? How can you wea­ve your life in honour of God with and in your weakness?