Homeless or adopted home
Series: Holy – Holy – Holy | Bible text: 2 Timothy 1:13b-14 NLB
Waiting for promises – bottomless or with ground under our feet? How do we make ends meet?
A warm welcome to all of you who are back after the holidays! Back in your familiar home! This is where I would like to start my sermon: What is home for you? Is it where you live at the moment? Or is it your parents» house? The other question is: What is home for you? Is it also your home? Or your hometown, where you are naturalised? Maybe you have a home of choice? Or do you have the same conviction as Paul who wrote to Philippi? «[…]our home is heaven, where Jesus Christ the Lord lives. And we wait eagerly for him, for the return of our Saviour». (Philippians 3:20 NLB).
We are waiting…
We are waiting… ok! But longingly? I don’t know! Sometimes I have the impression – also of myself – that we are still too strongly grounded! We don’t glue ourselves to the streets, but we glue ourselves to other things. What have you glued yourself to? «The Lord is good to those who wait for him and seek him». (Lamentations 3:25 NLB). Waiting alone can be gruelling, it takes patience, perseverance and a firm faith. Waiting together is easier for us. If we help each other in this and experience good, reliable and friendly relationships here, it is a great help to us! Always in the knowledge: The waiting of the godly leads to joy… (Philippians 3:20 NLB).
The greatest help in waiting is Jesus himself. How does he do it? He has taken us into his heart! In his farewell discourse, he told his disciples that he would soon be going back to the Father in heaven, and this is what he said: «In that day you will know that I am in my Father and you are in me and I am in you». (John 14:20 LUT). «You in me» – Jesus has taken his followers into his heart! Just as you have taken him into your life and into your heart, he has taken you into his heart. Jesus has a big heart, in his heart he has room for all of us. «You in me and me in you…!»
You have to let this fact pass on your tongue for a while and enjoy it! But beware! You can withdraw yourself from the heart of Jesus. In the Gospel of John, Jesus talks about this in the vine parable. You all know this: «I am the vine, you are the branches… He who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit… He who does not abide in me is cast away and withers, and is burned».
How do we stay in the heart of Jesus? If we thank him again and again for taking us into his heart. When we say to him «I love you», «I like you» or similar. We remain in Jesus» heart if we also value this closeness, listen to Jesus and also talk to him. In other words, read the Bible and pray. Open the Bible! God speaks to us most clearly through his Word! He can also spark into your mind, or speak to you through other people. Here in the service or in the small groups. Communication is everything, also in our relationship with Jesus. Last Tuesday we met again in the small group and last night we had a summer party together. If we stay connected with each other like this and wait together for our future in heaven, we can already become a bit at home there and develop homelike feelings!
Abraham’s story
Abraham has a remarkable story about waiting! God said to him «go» – and he went, even though he did not know where God wanted to send him. God sent Abram out into the world with the words: «Go from your father’s country and from your kindred and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you». (Genesis 12:1 LUT).
Abram was already married when he moved with the whole clan of his parents from Ur in Chaldea over 1000 km to Haran in the north. And now, with a full 75 years under his belt, he is supposed to pack his bags again and set off! Indeed! He does it! So Abram went out, as the Lord had said to him (Genesis 12:4 LUT). He takes his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot (the son of his deceased brother), his servants and maids – and off he goes! I would love to go on holiday like that, it would be exciting and adventurous! But a move into the unknown would be much more challenging!
God leads Abram and Sarai into the land of the Kaananites. After about 600 km they stop at Shechem. There God appears to Abram and says: «To your descendants I will give this land». And Abram built there an altar unto the LORD, which appeared unto him». (Genesis 12:7 LUT).
The Canaanites had no idea of Abram’s God, but served other gods. Abram does not want to go along with this and builds an altar to his God, the Almighty. Abram was a true nomad: From Shechem they go on to Bethel, where Abram builds the next altar to worship God. After some time, a great famine forces them to break down the tents and move to Egypt. There their flocks have grown so large that Abram and Lot have to part with all their goods after their return. Lot moves to the watery region of Sodom. Abram stays in Bethel and later moves to the region of Hebron. God confirms his promise to Abram there: «Look around you on all sides. All this land that you see I will give to you and your descendants for a possession forever. And I will give you so many descendants that they cannot be counted – like the dust on the ground». (Genesis 13:14b-16 NLB).
If I had been Abram, I would probably have thought: «Why should I look at this land, it’s not mine yet! Now I’m almost 100 years old and I don’t have any descendants yet, except Ishmael from the maid Hager, which is rather a faux pas for me!» God makes a covenant with Abram in Hebron, his next place of residence, and gives him and his wife new names: Abram is now called Abraham and Sarai Sarah. In addition, God promises Abraham that he will soon have a son with Sarah! This is a laughing stock for Abraham! «Then Abraham fell on his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born to me at the age of an hundred years, and shall Sarah, ninety years old, bear» (Genesis 17:17 LUT).
Should anything be impossible for God?
Some time later they are visited by three messengers from God, who also personally announce to Sara that she will have a son in a year. Sara can’t help laughing either. «What, now at our age we are still supposed to cultivate love, while my husband is also very old!» She must have been thinking, «They could have come a little earlier!!! The three men have a short answer ready for the two of them: Should anything be impossible for God?
Have you ever thought: Dear God, why didn’t you intervene earlier? Don’t we sometimes have trouble waiting for God to act? Didn’t God say? This was like an inspiration from God for me, why doesn’t he react? Where is it stuck?
Abraham repeatedly received a clear promise: Descendants as many as stars in the sky; descendants as many as grains of sand on the shore of the ocean! And now he is old, soon to be 100 years old and the first descendant of Sarah and he is still missing! But oh miracle! The promise is indeed fulfilled! Isaac is here! But what about the taking of the land? Abraham could see the future land for God’s people, but he remained a stranger here. He always had Canaanites around him who worshipped their gods. He lived there, but he was something of a homeless man. It was not a real home.
This is what happened to his descendants Isaac and Jacob. In Hebr. 11 we read: «All these people believed until they died without having received what God had promised them. But they saw what was promised to them from afar and looked forward to it, for they had recognised and testified that they were only guests and strangers here on earth. And they confessed that they were searching for a land that they could call home. (Hebrews 11:13–14 NLB). Here we notice how something connects us to these forefathers in faith! We are also promised a land! Our goal is the kingdom of God in glory. Don’t we as Christians in our surroundings often feel very much like they did back then? Strangers, where you live! At the workplace, in the school class, in the lecture hall… We are confronted with many idols and gods! We encounter many ungodly things in this crazy world. We are human beings like everyone else, with feelings, with character, with interests, with likes and dislikes… but the special thing is Christ in us, our new creature!
Abraham held on to his faith through it all. Paul calls us to do the same in 2 Timothy. «Lead your life in the faith and love of Christ Jesus. Carefully guard what has been entrusted to you; the Holy Spirit who lives in us helps you to do this» (2 Timothy 1:13b-14 NLB). The Holy Spirit helps us to be strong in faith. Another help is praying for each other. We were able to experience this personally in an impressive way. When we took up our last position in Viva-Chile Zug shortly before the turn of the century, we soon won a dear woman as a prayer warrior for our whole family. For 25 years now she has been praying for us, Rosmarie and me, for our two children, their spouses and for all our grandchildren. She will be 94 next Wednesday, but still knows all our names! This woman has been a great help to us! Do you pray regularly for people dear to you? Then keep at it, because you are such a great blessing to these people, visibly or invisibly. Be there for each other. Be strong together! To be on the way together with Jesus. Believing together. Hoping together. Waiting together.
Jesus gets my closing word: «I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from evil. They are not of the world, as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I sent them into the world. I sanctify myself for them, that they also may be sanctified in the truth». (John 17:15–19 LUT).
Possible questions for the small group
- Where do you feel at home? What does it take for you to feel at home?
- Is there an area that you would call home?
- Why is it important that we do not lose sight of our future home with Jesus?
- What does it mean to you to have a firm place in the heart of Jesus?
- Do you think it is wrong of God to make his promises known so early that those concerned cannot even experience it?
- What was God thinking of when he promised Abraham descendants as many as the sand of the sea or as many as the stars in the firmament?
- When, how and where have you felt a certain strangeness as a Christian among those who think differently?
- Do you have loved ones for whom you pray blindly (without always knowing if it will happen)?