Date: 21 May 2023 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Psalm 25:10
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

Holi­ne­ss and love belong tog­e­ther. He who loves com­ple­te­ly does not allow harm to come to the bel­oved. We have a choice: we can place our­sel­ves under the love of God or we can choo­se self-rea­li­sa­ti­on and sel­fi­sh­ness. With the lat­ter, our actions will affect, harm others. Becau­se God loves all peo­p­le, he does not allow that, his holi­ne­ss does not allow that. God’s holi­ne­ss is so important for love becau­se it gua­ran­tees that he never cea­ses to seek the abso­lu­te good, this leads to «glo­ry»: whe­re he comes into play with his holy love, it beco­mes «glo­rious».

The mother bear

A mother bear is dan­ge­rous. Why? For whom? The dan­ger comes from her wan­ting to main­tain a safe space for her cubs. For the bear’s cubs, she is not a dan­ger – on the con­tra­ry. For them, she is the caring mother. For a mother bear, the­re are only two spaces: you are her child and the­r­e­fo­re under her pro­tec­tion, or you are out­side. The bear’s love for her child­ren beco­mes a dan­ger for tho­se who want to inter­fe­re with this love.

Real love is sacred: It crea­tes a clear sepa­ra­ti­on bet­ween good and evil. Dan­ge­rous and loving, we also expe­ri­ence this ten­si­on with God – for the same reason. God is holy, but he is also love:

Whoever lives with God is under his love

«God is love, and he who lives in love lives in God and God lives in him»(1 John 4:16 NLB).

«The ways of the LORD are good­ness and faithful­ness to all who keep his coven­ant and his tes­ti­mo­nies.»(Psalm 25:10 LUT).

Whoever turns against goodness is struck by the holiness of God:

«But as the LORD your God gave you the good things he pro­mi­sed you, so will he bring evil upon you if you break the coven­ant of the LORD your God which he com­man­ded you. He will cut you off in this good land he has given you. If you wor­ship other gods and ser­ve them, his anger will fla­re up against you.» (Joshua 23:16 NLB).

Whoe­ver breaks the coven­ant breaks out of this cir­cle of the loving Father’s pro­tec­tion and deci­des for the worse. Like the pro­di­gal son. He also left his father’s pro­tec­tion and wan­de­red the world until he could no lon­ger even eat what pigs are allo­wed to eat – lite­ral­ly, he had to live «under the worst of circumstances».

Understanding love correctly

How does love actual­ly work?

  • Start: I con­sider some­thing to be valuable and «wort­hy of love
  • I won­der what the bel­oved needs to deve­lop fully
  • I am total­ly com­mit­ted to making good a rea­li­ty for the beloved.

Now God’s love is holy: that means: He loves unce­a­sing­ly and com­ple­te­ly. The­re is no dimi­nis­hing of his love, neither in time nor in inten­si­ty. Now the gre­at mys­tery of the uni­ver­se is that God has cho­sen to love man, to make him his children.

In this world, the­re are only two ways to seek happiness:

  • With God as my Lord and Father and Christ His Son and my Brother
  • Or about self-rea­li­sa­ti­on = ego­ism = sin

I can only with­draw from this love if I remo­ve mys­elf. That is what Adam and Eve did, they cho­se the path of self-rea­li­sa­ti­on, that is why they had to lea­ve para­di­se and sin­ce then man has been sepa­ra­ted from God. Whoe­ver sins des­troys the good that God has made. Every sin­gle sin – des­troys some­thing and thus makes him an ene­my of God, the guar­di­an of good. His holi­ne­ss is the strength and deter­mi­na­ti­on with which he seeks the good and sepa­ra­tes hims­elf from all that is bad. Or as the Bible puts it: «This is the mes­sa­ge he has given us to share with you: God is light; in him the­re is no dark­ness.» (1John 1:15 NLB). Mea­ning: Whoe­ver choo­ses the dark­ness or remains in it has the light as an enemy.

Love overcomes, the separation between God and man

If God were «only» holy, the sepa­ra­ti­on bet­ween God and man would have remain­ed fore­ver. It was the love of God that bridged the gap bet­ween God and man. The love of God is the motor that dro­ve God to over­co­me the gulf with man:

«For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoe­ver belie­ves in him should not peri­sh but have eter­nal life»(John 3:16 NLB).

If God were only holy, he would have wiped out huma­ni­ty com­ple­te­ly becau­se it does not love. That is what the holy God almost did with Noah. But God loves man. But God does not just lea­ve man ali­ve, alo­ne on his own. No, man can­not find real hap­pi­ness wit­hout God. Leone’s love is the motor that He Hims­elf came into this unho­ly world in His Son Jesus Christ. God has over­co­me the gulf bet­ween Him and man not us. All reli­gi­ons tell us that we have to over­co­me the gap with the gods. The bibli­cal God is dif­fe­rent, He has ope­ned up to us. 

But God has not given up his holi­ne­ss. The fact that God took on man does not make him pure. It took the sub­sti­tu­tio­na­ry death on the cross, whe­re God Hims­elf takes upon Hims­elf the sins of man and washes them clean. The mys­tery of the cross is that God, despi­te his love, did not betray his holi­ne­ss. He found a way to remain holy and still be able to love us by washing us clean through the sacri­fice of Christ. He beca­me unho­ly for us so that we might beco­me «sanc­ti­fied». On the cross, holi­ne­ss and God’s love meet, in which God Hims­elf takes upon Hims­elf sepa­ra­ti­on from life – death! 

Only on the basis of the sacri­fice of Jesus Christ does ever­yo­ne have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to deci­de for them­sel­ves whe­ther they want to live under God’s love and come back to Him, or whe­ther they remain God’s ene­my who des­troys God’s good with their «sins».

Glory – the place where holiness and love meet

God is all light and no dark­ness is in him. He is holy. Light is good. Light gives colour, light gives warmth, light gives ori­en­ta­ti­on, light lets us see every object as it is. Light gives us the abili­ty to see things cor­rect­ly. In the dark­ness the­re is cold­ness, ever­y­thing is black, you can­not see or reco­g­ni­se anything.

«The fruit of the light is pure good­ness and jus­ti­ce and truth». (Ephe­si­ans 5:9 NLB). 

God is always light, God is always holy (full of truth and jus­ti­ce), but God is also always full of good­ness. Holi­ne­ss and love can­not be separated. 

This makes it clear why holi­ne­ss is so important, espe­ci­al­ly for love. God’s holi­ne­ss gua­ran­tees that he never cea­ses to seek the abso­lu­te good, which leads to «glo­ry». 

«They cried out to one ano­ther: «Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almigh­ty! The earth is fil­led with his glo­ry!»(Isai­ah 6:3 NLB). 

Glo­ry means that in a place (keit), someone (a Lord) reacts in a cer­tain way (lich). With self-glo­ry – I rule and that does­n’t come good. Glo­ry, glo­rious is posi­ti­ve. Now when it says that the «earth is fil­led with his glo­ry», it means that the unrest­ric­ted, holy love of God brings an incre­di­ble glo­ry to the who­le earth. We see what such glo­ry can look like in crea­ti­on. After crea­ti­on, God loo­ked at ever­y­thing and recor­ded: It is very good. 

And we are alre­a­dy allo­wed to live with this God. If Christ has room in our hearts, he will «glo­ri­fy» hims­elf in and through us. We will sepa­ra­te our­sel­ves from ever­y­thing dark and bad and turn to the light and good. In this chan­ge of our lives, holy love of God and his Son and his Spi­rit will then beco­me visi­ble in our lives. And then peo­p­le will see the crea­ti­ve power and love of God in us.

Are we holy – is the love of God visi­ble in us and through us?



Possible questions for the small group 

  1. What is the dif­fe­rence bet­ween a mother bear pro­tec­ting her child­ren and the hea­ven­ly Father? (pos­si­ble ans­wer: The mother bear is not all-powerful, but God is. A mother bear can­not pro­tect her cubs against all dan­gers, God can).

  2. Do you belie­ve that God real­ly loves you and seeks the good for you and wants to be clo­se to you, or is God some­what ali­en to you becau­se of his holiness?

  3. How far have I unders­tood that it is me with my decis­i­ons that leads to a sepa­ra­ti­on with God or main­ta­ins the exis­ting sepa­ra­ti­on with God and not God who is the one see­king the sepa­ra­ti­on? (God always loves me. God always seeks the good for me. But if I choo­se self-rea­li­sa­ti­on and sel­fi­sh­ness, it des­troys my envi­ron­ment. If I beco­me the des­troy­er, I auto­ma­ti­cal­ly beco­me the ene­my of the «buil­der»).

  4. How far do you share the view that holi­ne­ss and love belong tog­e­ther? And if so, what does that mean for your ever­y­day life?