Date: 4 Novem­ber 2018 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Book of Job (espe­ci­al­ly chap­ters 1,2,19 and 42)
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

The Book of Job gives us a deep insight into evil, who is behind it and how it works. Very impres­si­ve­ly, Job lives out how we can behave in dark times so as not to beco­me a prey to evil. Through his clinging to the Rede­emer («Yet I know that my Rede­emer lives and will have the last word on this earth.») his faith was rai­sed to a hig­her level and he was bles­sed in an impres­si­ve way.