Droughty shrub or vigorous tree?
Jeremiah presents two options: to become like a scrawny bunch of junipers in the desert or like a sturdy tree by the water. Which way we go depends on who we rely on. Do we trust in ourselves or in other people or do we trust in the Lord? We cannot become a strong tree by our own strength, but with the strength of our decisions.
Last Sunday evening we once again sat under our widely branched cherry tree. Although the sun stung a little poisonously, it was very pleasant under the cherry tree bio air conditioner. The tree also protects our house from unpleasant overheating. Moreover, it was heavily hung with fruit. All you had to do was open your mouth and you would have had your fill. The tree protects our house and makes our seating area to the west opaque. The tree is a visual eye-catcher and worth its weight in gold in useful terms.
God’s creation provides images for our spiritual life. We are invited to become such a tree like our cherry tree.
Duerr shrub
«Thus says the Lord: Cursed be he who turns away from me and relies only on men or his own strength. He is like a puny juniper bush in the desert, trying to grow on salty, barren ground – he will not have much luck» (Jeremiah 17:5–6 NLB).
A person’s choices in life have an influence on whether he becomes a puny juniper bush in the desert or a sturdy tree on the shore. The cause of such a miserable existence is to turn away from God and rely only on people or one’s own strength. Since paradise, this has been the original temptation of man. Adam and Eve already distrusted God and trusted more in their own ways to happiness. This is called sin; putting one’s trust in something other than God..
Many rely on people. The saying goes: Whoever relies on other people is abandoned. Such people base their lives on the opinions and philosophies of men. When people have a greater influence than God on my life, it shows in fear of man. What do my colleagues at work think when they find out that I am on a first-name basis with Jesus? You throw your convictions overboard just to look good with people. You compromise so as not to be sidelined by your friends.
Others rely on their own strength. For many years of your life you think you are invulnerable. A week and a half ago I got a call from a woman whose husband had a cardiac arrest. At the latest in such moments you realise that literally every breath we take is given by God. «If you take their breath away, they die and turn to dust again.»(Psalm 104:29b NLB). Our lives are much more fragile than we think.
Whoever trusts himself or other people more than God will have a miserable existence, spiritually speaking.. He «tries to grow in salty, infertile soil – it won’t have much luck». Such a person sucks up everything that promises happiness. It melts away between his fingers. In essence, he is very self-centred. Everything such a person can get, he needs for himself. Nothing is left for others. She has to see how she can survive in the barren desert. Narcissism is a variety of this miserable existence.
Strong tree
«But blessings shall come upon him who puts all his hope in the Lord and trusts him completely. This man is like a tree planted on the bank. Its roots are deeply rooted in the streambed: even in scorching heat and months of drought, its leaves remain green. Year after year he bears abundant fruit» (Jeremiah 17:7–8 NLB).
The pathetic little shrub is contrasted with a vigorous healthy tree. One option for our life is to become a strong tree. Such a tree has reserves and does not need all the sap of life to keep itself afloat. Its leaves are green. Year after year it bears fruit abundantly.
A person who has become a powerful tree spiritually offers everything that our cherry tree is:
- Bioclimatic systemOther people like to be in his presence, there is a pleasant climate. Especially people marked by suffering are attracted and find peace for their souls.
- Provider: Trees at the water’s edge are not end users, but have left self-encirclement behind. Thus they themselves become a source for others. Jesus describes this: «[…] If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink! He who believes in me, from within him shall flow rivers of living water […].» (John 7:37–38 NLB).
- Opaque: They do not flaunt the weaknesses of others through irony, but are tactful and cover other people’s shame, granting them honour and dignity.
- Beauty: A person who has become such a tree radiates beauty. Not because he has the right mass, clear features or sex appeal, no, he radiates a deeper and purer beauty.
A person as strong as a tree is not frightened even in the face of death, but approaches it confidently, calmly and trustingly. I recently experienced this with a person who knows that her life is hanging by a thin thread.
You can decide
«But blessings shall come upon him who puts all his hope in the Lord and trusts him completely»(Jeremiah 17:7 NLB). The conditions for a person to stand like a vital tree are: to put one’s hope in the Lord and to trust Him completely.
Many years ago I was on a demanding climbing tour in the Bergell in tow of my mountain guide colleague Martin. When I looked at myself, every step was too much of a challenge. To the left and right, it felt like hundreds of metres of almost vertical descent. My hope was that I could secure myself with Martin and that he would give me courage through his calm, certain and competent manner. His experience was based on the fact that he had already guided dozens of guests safely to the summits and back to the valley.
The Hebrew word for Trust says Secure in. Trusting the Lord completely means securing one’s life with Him. He is competent, good, knows us and knows what He can expect of us. Life with God is an adventure like mountain climbing. Secured in God, we can climb rocks without fear that we would never manage on our own. And God is good. He has already led thousands of people safely through life.
We cannot become a healthy and strong tree by our own power, but with the power of our decisions we can become a healthy and strong tree.. «Today I present you with a choice between life and death, between blessing and curse. Heaven and earth are my witnesses. Choose life, so that you and your descendants may live!» (Deut. 30:19 NLB). We have a choice. Do I want to put my trust in God or in people? You cannot demand trust, you have to give it to someone. When trust is broken in a marriage through unfaithfulness, it takes a very long time and many good experiences to rebuild it. Jeremiah says in the name of the Lord: «Cursed be he who turns away from me and relies only on people or his own strength.» The opposite is to turn to God. Again and again. That is how trust grows.
How can we become people who put all their trust in God? The Psalms also outline the way in which a person can become a tree by the water. «Happy is he who desires the law of the LORD and thinks about it day and night.»(Psalm 1:2 NGÜ). In the Bible we see and experience how trustworthy God is. In Him there are no shadows, only light. No one else in this world is so faithful, so good, so full of integrity. Putting your trust in this wonderful God involves no risk. The gain is great: becoming like a tree planted by streams of water. In reading and meditating on God’s Word, our trust in God grows. If you wash a red sock together with a white shirt, the shirt gets a red tint. In the same way, when God’s word is read and chewed, God rubs off on us.
Peter Hahne writes: «He who kneels before God can stand upright before men.» Whoever relies on God becomes a strong tree that does not easily bend before men. We cannot become a strong tree by our own power, but with the power of our decisions we can become a strong tree.. The consequence of relying on people is fear of man. John Bevere says: «You will serve what you fear. If you fear God, you will serve Him. If you fear people, you will serve people. You have to decide.» The decision is ours.
Next to the cherry tree, there is a spring in our garden. Crystal clear water runs continuously. Before every meal we fill a jug and enjoy it. In the vision of seetal chile, too, a spring forms the centre. Jesus invites us: «[…] If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink!»(John 7:37 NLB). The decision whether we want to drink from the source of Jesus is ours. The water is a symbol of the Holy Spirit (v.39), which is given to all who trust Jesus Christ. And this Spirit brings about in us what we cannot do ourselves: to become a vigorous tree!
Questions for the small groups
Read Bible text: Jeremiah 17:5–8; John 7:37–39
- Where do you see the differences between a scrawny shrub and a strong tree – in a direct and figurative sense?
- In what does it show that I rely on myself or on other people?
- What does it mean concretely in everyday life to rely completely on the Lord and to put one’s hope in Him?
- What are the consequences of such a life?
- Do you know people who you would say have the qualities of a strong tree? Where do you see your own beginnings?