The twelve disciples of Jesus in focus

Date: 6 Sep­tem­ber 2020 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Ephe­si­ans 1:5,12
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

We look at the fin­gers of the 12 disci­ples and ask our­sel­ves what les­sons we can learn from this for our tog­e­ther­ness in the congregation.

The term «disci­ple» ori­gi­nal­ly refers to the pupils of a tea­cher. In the Old Tes­ta­ment world, disci­ples belon­ged to a rab­bi or a pro­phet; in the Greek world, they gathe­red around the phi­lo­so­phers. The forerun­ner of Jesus, John the Bap­tist, alre­a­dy had his disci­ples, as did Jesus. We only encoun­ter the term disci­ple in the Gos­pels and in the Acts of the Apost­les, not after­wards. But it has remain­ed a fami­li­ar, com­mon term for us in Chris­tia­ni­ty throug­hout the cen­tu­ries, not least becau­se Jesus cal­led on his disci­ples in the Gre­at Com­mis­si­on: «Go into all the world and make disciples…»

Today we speak of Jesus» fol­lo­wers or God’s child­ren ins­tead of disci­ples, but we mean the same thing. Of the 12, we know main­ly Peter, James and John; and of cour­se Judas, the trai­tor, or Tho­mas the doub­ter. Of the others (Andrew, Phil­ip and Matthew) we hear litt­le. Of the last four disci­ples, we only know their names, but they were disci­ples and were sent out by Jesus like all the others: Bar­tho­lo­mew; James the son of Alphae­us; Simon the Cananae­an and Thad­dae­us (cal­led Judas in Luke’s Gos­pel, son of James). 12 men who could not be more dif­fe­rent! As dif­fe­rent as we are here in wor­ship or all of us in the live­stream. And now in the 21st cen­tu­ry Jesus Christ is still cal­ling peo­p­le to fol­low him! How does he do that?

How did the 12 become disciples?

Jesus met each one, addres­sed them and cal­led them to fol­low him. All of them reac­ted instant­ly. They left ever­y­thing and went with Jesus. Of cour­se, they were all still very young and unat­ta­ched. But this com­mon expe­ri­ence united them stron­gly. They were pro­ba­b­ly all of a simi­lar age at that time, whe­re­as it can be very dif­fe­rent for us. You may have met Jesus as a child, or later as a teen­ager or adult, or even in old age.

How such a call to disci­ple­ship can take place beca­me clear last Sun­day in the reports of the expe­ri­en­ces of the bap­ti­sed. We hear about Jesus at home or in church ser­vices, in con­ver­sa­ti­on with other peo­p­le, when rea­ding the Bible, others expe­ri­ence God in dreams or visi­ons, etc. and one day we feel that a litt­le know­ledge about God and Jesus is not ever­y­thing. Jesus aims at a per­so­nal rela­ti­onship with us. He knocks on our heart’s door, gent­ly for some, stron­gly for others. And sud­den­ly you rea­li­se: I am faced with a decis­i­on! The ques­ti­on is in front of me: Do I open mys­elf to a life with Jesus, or do I put his request on the back burner?


In the mar­ket­place of Athens at that time, Paul pre­a­ched the fol­lo­wing: «From the begin­ning it was his (God’s) plan that the nati­ons should seek God and beco­me awa­re of him and find him – for he is not far from any of us. In him we live, act and are». (Acts 17:27–28a). God is not far from any human being. He is within reach of all peo­p­le becau­se he wants to give ever­yo­ne the oppor­tu­ni­ty to find him. No one should be able to say: I did not find you! Most of the time it is the other way round, that God has to address peo­p­le repea­ted­ly with a lot of pati­ence, becau­se they are so far away from him!

This is a very decisi­ve but beau­tiful moment when you are faced with this decis­i­on of faith: Yes or No? It is simi­lar to when a man falls on his kne­es befo­re a woman and asks her to mar­ry him! What did he not come up with for this moment! May­be today you feel this gent­le kno­cking of Jesus! Trust him with your life! Jesus took the disci­ples with him and they stay­ed with him. We read in the Gos­pel of Luke:«Jesus went through the near­by towns and vil­la­ges to pro­cla­im the mes­sa­ge of the king­dom of God. He took his twel­ve disci­ples with him, and some women… the­se included Mary Mag­da­le­ne, Joan­na, Susan­na and many others who sup­port­ed Jesus and his disci­ples with what they had.» (Luke 8:1–3 NL).

So the public appearance of Jesus was not a 3 year old men’s event! The­re were women the­re who cared for them and who also wan­ted to learn from Jesus! The disci­ples were first allo­wed to just be the­re, to watch and lis­ten to all that Jesus was doing. This is like the begin­ning of a voca­tio­nal app­ren­ti­ce­ship! The disci­ples expe­ri­en­ced a lot every day! The­se were for­ma­ti­ve and faith-streng­thening expe­ri­en­ces: The wed­ding at Cana, whe­re Jesus tur­ned water into the best wine. Hea­ring the power mes­sa­ge of the Ser­mon on the Mount. The stil­ling of the storm – whe­re they had to endu­re fears of death. The fee­ding of the 5,000. All the healings and cas­ting out of demons – it all got under their skin!

If you are new to fol­lo­wing Jesus: You can just be the­re! Watch and lis­ten! Say to Jesus: «Jesus, I want to be near you all the time, just like your disci­ples back then, and expe­ri­ence my days with you and learn from you. Read Bible sto­ries and be ama­zed at what is pos­si­ble with God! Read books by Chris­ti­ans who tell about their lives. At you can lis­ten to many faith expe­ri­en­ces under «Mini Gschicht mit Gott»! Or ask left and right here in the con­gre­ga­ti­on how she Expe­ri­ence Jesus.

The disciples in the internship

And sud­den­ly your ever­y­day life beco­mes an intern­ship. Just like with the disci­ples. Jesus sent them out two by two and said: «Go and talk to peo­p­le about the king­dom of hea­ven, preach, heal the sick, cast out demons, rai­se the dead…» The­se are gre­at expec­ta­ti­ons! I won­der if the disci­ples also said, «Sure­ly I can’t do that…?» The good thing about Jesus is that when he sends us into action, he hims­elf takes respon­si­bi­li­ty for the result! This is pro­ba­b­ly clear to all of us: the disci­ples could not heal the sick, preach impres­si­ve­ly or cast out demons by them­sel­ves – and cer­tain­ly not rai­se the dead! Wha­te­ver they could achie­ve, Jesus did through them! They acted in Jesus» name. He gave them the aut­ho­ri­ty and the suc­cess. It is the same with us. It is the Holy Spi­rit who works through us. It is the Holy Spi­rit who gives us the right words. (Exam­p­le: pray­er for good con­ver­sa­ti­ons when visi­ting). He made it clear to them that it would be a chal­len­ging time by say­ing that he was sen­ding them out like sheep among wolves.



But after the intern­ship, the disci­ples came back all exci­ted! «That was gre­at! That was mega cool! In your name, Jesus, we were even able to cast out evil spi­rits». Jesus holds for them: I have given you the power to do this! And then adds some­thing inte­res­t­ing: «Do not rejoice that evil spi­rits obey you, but rejoice that your names are writ­ten in hea­ven» (Luke 10:20 NL). If we can rejoice that our names are writ­ten in the book of life in hea­ven, then we are less in dan­ger of immer­sing our­sel­ves in per­for­mance and suc­cess thin­king. The fact that you are lis­ted the­re is due sole­ly to the grace of God. This keeps us groun­ded in humi­li­ty and reality!

The disciples also give their master trouble sometimes

Jesus said to the disci­ples: «If anyo­ne wants to be first, let him be last of all and ser­vant of all». (Mk 9,35 NGÜ). Who wants to be last! And cer­tain­ly not the last one in line! In other Bible pas­sa­ges it is expres­sed even more stron­gly: We are to be ser­vants! Beco­me like child­ren, becau­se the smal­lest will be great…

The 12 disci­ples often fai­led in trials:

  • Just now they have expe­ri­en­ced the mira­cu­lous mul­ti­pli­ca­ti­on of bread with thou­sands of peo­p­le. And a short time later they are hor­ri­fied that they for­got to buy bread.
  • On the way with Jesus in the boat, they lose all faith in the storm: «We will peri­sh!» is their con­vic­tion! Jesus can only ask: Whe­re is your faith?
  • Or then Jesus must rebu­ke them: You are so unin­tel­li­gent! Have you still not understood!
  • The moment Jesus is arres­ted by the sol­diers, most of them take flight.
  • After Jesus» resur­rec­tion, women come to the disci­ples with this won­derful mes­sa­ge – no one belie­ves them!

The good thing about Jesus is that becau­se he hims­elf beca­me man, he under­stands our human weak­ne­s­ses and we are allo­wed to make mista­kes with him! Jesus knows about our small faith – but he con­ti­nues with us and gives us new faith. Have you ever been worried about litt­le things and sud­den­ly rea­li­sed that Jesus is the­re and sees your situa­ti­on too? The­re were peo­p­le who fol­lo­wed him for days, who alre­a­dy coun­ted them­sel­ves among his disci­ples, and sud­den­ly they were gone. Jesus asks his 12 sad­ly: Do you want to go away too? Peter repli­es: «Lord, whe­re should we go? You have words of eter­nal life; and we have belie­ved and known: Thou art the Holy One of God» (John 6:68–69 LU). Are you more in an up-and-away pha­se at the moment or are you alre­a­dy as far along as Peter in your con­vic­tion? «What away from Jesus? Impos­si­ble! The­re is no alter­na­ti­ve, no plan B!» I am thril­led that Jesus kept ever­yo­ne with him until the end and that the disci­ples stay­ed with Jesus despi­te all the pos­si­ble up-and-down thoughts. After the resur­rec­tion, ever­yo­ne was still the­re, except Judas.

Jesus wants to accompany you

As dif­fe­rent as the disci­ples are – Jesus has cal­led them, for­med them, empowered them and sent them out with a mis­si­on. Your life is just as valuable to him. He wants to accom­pa­ny you and, despi­te doubts, small faith and fail­ure, make you into a per­son who is glo­ry and honour to God. As a child of God you are bles­sed and will be a bles­sing! «From the very begin­ning, God has desti­ned us to beco­me his sons and daugh­ters through Jesus Christ…; with the aim that we con­tri­bu­te to the glo­ry of his power and glo­ry – all of us who have pla­ced our hope in Christ». (Ephe­si­ans 1:5,12 NGÜ). Amen!


Possible questions for the small groups

Read Bible text: Ephe­si­ans 1:5,12

  • How did Jesus pre­sent you with the decision?
  • Has Jesus also given you a mis­si­on? Did you do it or not?
  • 3 favou­ri­te disci­ples, 1 trai­tor, 1 doub­ter, 4 still waters ‑How did the 12 mana­ge to stay together?
  • Why do we for­get encou­ra­ging expe­ri­en­ces with Jesus so quickly?
  • Rather, rejoice that your names are writ­ten in hea­ven… What are the side effects of this joy?
  • Thro­wing faith over­board – have you ever had such thoughts?
  • What are your big­gest chal­lenges in life with Jesus at the moment?
  • What are the big­gest encouragers?