The twelve disciples of Jesus in focus
Series: Like you and me | Bible text: Ephesians 1:5,12
We look at the fingers of the 12 disciples and ask ourselves what lessons we can learn from this for our togetherness in the congregation.
The term «disciple» originally refers to the pupils of a teacher. In the Old Testament world, disciples belonged to a rabbi or a prophet; in the Greek world, they gathered around the philosophers. The forerunner of Jesus, John the Baptist, already had his disciples, as did Jesus. We only encounter the term disciple in the Gospels and in the Acts of the Apostles, not afterwards. But it has remained a familiar, common term for us in Christianity throughout the centuries, not least because Jesus called on his disciples in the Great Commission: «Go into all the world and make disciples…»
Today we speak of Jesus» followers or God’s children instead of disciples, but we mean the same thing. Of the 12, we know mainly Peter, James and John; and of course Judas, the traitor, or Thomas the doubter. Of the others (Andrew, Philip and Matthew) we hear little. Of the last four disciples, we only know their names, but they were disciples and were sent out by Jesus like all the others: Bartholomew; James the son of Alphaeus; Simon the Cananaean and Thaddaeus (called Judas in Luke’s Gospel, son of James). 12 men who could not be more different! As different as we are here in worship or all of us in the livestream. And now in the 21st century Jesus Christ is still calling people to follow him! How does he do that?
How did the 12 become disciples?
Jesus met each one, addressed them and called them to follow him. All of them reacted instantly. They left everything and went with Jesus. Of course, they were all still very young and unattached. But this common experience united them strongly. They were probably all of a similar age at that time, whereas it can be very different for us. You may have met Jesus as a child, or later as a teenager or adult, or even in old age.
How such a call to discipleship can take place became clear last Sunday in the reports of the experiences of the baptised. We hear about Jesus at home or in church services, in conversation with other people, when reading the Bible, others experience God in dreams or visions, etc. and one day we feel that a little knowledge about God and Jesus is not everything. Jesus aims at a personal relationship with us. He knocks on our heart’s door, gently for some, strongly for others. And suddenly you realise: I am faced with a decision! The question is in front of me: Do I open myself to a life with Jesus, or do I put his request on the back burner?
In the marketplace of Athens at that time, Paul preached the following: «From the beginning it was his (God’s) plan that the nations should seek God and become aware of him and find him – for he is not far from any of us. In him we live, act and are». (Acts 17:27–28a). God is not far from any human being. He is within reach of all people because he wants to give everyone the opportunity to find him. No one should be able to say: I did not find you! Most of the time it is the other way round, that God has to address people repeatedly with a lot of patience, because they are so far away from him!
This is a very decisive but beautiful moment when you are faced with this decision of faith: Yes or No? It is similar to when a man falls on his knees before a woman and asks her to marry him! What did he not come up with for this moment! Maybe today you feel this gentle knocking of Jesus! Trust him with your life! Jesus took the disciples with him and they stayed with him. We read in the Gospel of Luke:«Jesus went through the nearby towns and villages to proclaim the message of the kingdom of God. He took his twelve disciples with him, and some women… these included Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna and many others who supported Jesus and his disciples with what they had.» (Luke 8:1–3 NL).
So the public appearance of Jesus was not a 3 year old men’s event! There were women there who cared for them and who also wanted to learn from Jesus! The disciples were first allowed to just be there, to watch and listen to all that Jesus was doing. This is like the beginning of a vocational apprenticeship! The disciples experienced a lot every day! These were formative and faith-strengthening experiences: The wedding at Cana, where Jesus turned water into the best wine. Hearing the power message of the Sermon on the Mount. The stilling of the storm – where they had to endure fears of death. The feeding of the 5,000. All the healings and casting out of demons – it all got under their skin!
If you are new to following Jesus: You can just be there! Watch and listen! Say to Jesus: «Jesus, I want to be near you all the time, just like your disciples back then, and experience my days with you and learn from you. Read Bible stories and be amazed at what is possible with God! Read books by Christians who tell about their lives. At you can listen to many faith experiences under «Mini Gschicht mit Gott»! Or ask left and right here in the congregation how she Experience Jesus.
The disciples in the internship
And suddenly your everyday life becomes an internship. Just like with the disciples. Jesus sent them out two by two and said: «Go and talk to people about the kingdom of heaven, preach, heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead…» These are great expectations! I wonder if the disciples also said, «Surely I can’t do that…?» The good thing about Jesus is that when he sends us into action, he himself takes responsibility for the result! This is probably clear to all of us: the disciples could not heal the sick, preach impressively or cast out demons by themselves – and certainly not raise the dead! Whatever they could achieve, Jesus did through them! They acted in Jesus» name. He gave them the authority and the success. It is the same with us. It is the Holy Spirit who works through us. It is the Holy Spirit who gives us the right words. (Example: prayer for good conversations when visiting). He made it clear to them that it would be a challenging time by saying that he was sending them out like sheep among wolves.
But after the internship, the disciples came back all excited! «That was great! That was mega cool! In your name, Jesus, we were even able to cast out evil spirits». Jesus holds for them: I have given you the power to do this! And then adds something interesting: «Do not rejoice that evil spirits obey you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven» (Luke 10:20 NL). If we can rejoice that our names are written in the book of life in heaven, then we are less in danger of immersing ourselves in performance and success thinking. The fact that you are listed there is due solely to the grace of God. This keeps us grounded in humility and reality!
The disciples also give their master trouble sometimes
Jesus said to the disciples: «If anyone wants to be first, let him be last of all and servant of all». (Mk 9,35 NGÜ). Who wants to be last! And certainly not the last one in line! In other Bible passages it is expressed even more strongly: We are to be servants! Become like children, because the smallest will be great…
The 12 disciples often failed in trials:
- Just now they have experienced the miraculous multiplication of bread with thousands of people. And a short time later they are horrified that they forgot to buy bread.
- On the way with Jesus in the boat, they lose all faith in the storm: «We will perish!» is their conviction! Jesus can only ask: Where is your faith?
- Or then Jesus must rebuke them: You are so unintelligent! Have you still not understood!
- The moment Jesus is arrested by the soldiers, most of them take flight.
- After Jesus» resurrection, women come to the disciples with this wonderful message – no one believes them!
The good thing about Jesus is that because he himself became man, he understands our human weaknesses and we are allowed to make mistakes with him! Jesus knows about our small faith – but he continues with us and gives us new faith. Have you ever been worried about little things and suddenly realised that Jesus is there and sees your situation too? There were people who followed him for days, who already counted themselves among his disciples, and suddenly they were gone. Jesus asks his 12 sadly: Do you want to go away too? Peter replies: «Lord, where should we go? You have words of eternal life; and we have believed and known: Thou art the Holy One of God» (John 6:68–69 LU). Are you more in an up-and-away phase at the moment or are you already as far along as Peter in your conviction? «What away from Jesus? Impossible! There is no alternative, no plan B!» I am thrilled that Jesus kept everyone with him until the end and that the disciples stayed with Jesus despite all the possible up-and-down thoughts. After the resurrection, everyone was still there, except Judas.
Jesus wants to accompany you
As different as the disciples are – Jesus has called them, formed them, empowered them and sent them out with a mission. Your life is just as valuable to him. He wants to accompany you and, despite doubts, small faith and failure, make you into a person who is glory and honour to God. As a child of God you are blessed and will be a blessing! «From the very beginning, God has destined us to become his sons and daughters through Jesus Christ…; with the aim that we contribute to the glory of his power and glory – all of us who have placed our hope in Christ». (Ephesians 1:5,12 NGÜ). Amen!
Possible questions for the small groups
Read Bible text: Ephesians 1:5,12
- How did Jesus present you with the decision?
- Has Jesus also given you a mission? Did you do it or not?
- 3 favourite disciples, 1 traitor, 1 doubter, 4 still waters ‑How did the 12 manage to stay together?
- Why do we forget encouraging experiences with Jesus so quickly?
- Rather, rejoice that your names are written in heaven… What are the side effects of this joy?
- Throwing faith overboard – have you ever had such thoughts?
- What are your biggest challenges in life with Jesus at the moment?
- What are the biggest encouragers?