The creative power of the Holy Spirit

Date: 20 Febru­ary 2022 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Gene­sis 1:2 + 2:7
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

Who and what is the Holy Spi­rit? In the Hebrew Bible he is cal­led Ruach and is fun­da­men­tal­ly loca­ted in the crea­ti­on texts. The Ruach is that which enables and crea­tes life – be it in crea­ti­on or in re-crea­ti­on. The Ruach is rea­li­sed in socie­ty in jus­ti­ce, mer­cy, law and peace.

I read the fol­lo­wing joke: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spi­rit want to go on holi­day. Says the father: «Let’s go to Paki­stan.» The son says: «I think we are not so wel­co­me the­re.«Says the Holy Spi­rit: «Let’s go to Chi­na.» The father says: «That’s whe­re we get kicked out too.«The son says: «Then let’s go to Rome!«The Holy Spi­rit says with joy: «That’s a gre­at idea, we defi­ni­te­ly have to go the­re, I’ve never been the­re!«This punch line in no way coin­ci­des with my per­so­nal opi­ni­on! What is true is that God reve­a­led in the per­sons of Father, Son and Holy Spi­rit. The terms «Father» and «Son» are easi­ly acces­si­ble to us. With both expres­si­ons we asso­cia­te memo­ries, images and fee­lings. They are social expe­ri­en­ces. We have more dif­fi­cul­ty with the third per­son of the Tri­ni­ty. We sim­ply lack the back­ground of expe­ri­ence. Child­ren might think of a ghost. Adults have asso­cia­ti­ons like the huma­ni­ties as oppo­sed to the natu­ral sci­en­ces. «Ghost» means the intellect of a per­son. Peo­p­le who work with their hands are prac­ti­tio­ners. In con­trast, theo­rists work with their heads. «Mind» the­r­e­fo­re belongs to the cate­go­ry of «theo­ry».

In the ori­gin of the term it was com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent. The Hebrews call the third per­son of the God­head «the Ruach». To Ruach to ade­qua­te­ly para­phra­se, we need three words: Breath, wind and life ener­gy. The Ruach is always in moti­on and sets others in moti­on. For the Hebrews, the Ruach not an inter­per­so­nal expe­ri­ence, but an expe­ri­ence of natu­re and the body.. In breath and wind, the Ori­en­tal expe­ri­en­ces the mys­tery and fasci­na­ti­on of life. Both are natu­ral phe­no­me­na. In con­trast, reli­gious peo­p­le are often fix­a­ted on the super­na­tu­ral, on mira­cles. The Holy Spi­rit, howe­ver, is about the mys­te­rious­ness of the natu­ral. Ruach reminds us to stay simp­le, healt­hy and natural.

To under­stand the Holy Spi­rit and His work, it is of utmost importance to under­stand Him from the Hebrew Bible.

The Ruach in Creation

In the second ver­se of the Bible, the Ruach for the first time: «And the earth was deso­la­te and was­te, and dark­ness was upon the face of the waters. And the spi­rit (ruach) of God hover­ed over the face of the waters.»(Gene­sis 1:2 NLB). The pre­sence of the Ruach is the con­di­ti­on for what comes now: «Then God said: «Let the­re be light!», and the­re was light»(Gene­sis 2:3 NLB). Crea­ti­on takes place in clo­se con­nec­tion bet­ween the crea­ti­ve Word and the Ruachthat makes this crea­ti­ve word pos­si­ble at all. «The hea­vens were made by the word of the LORD, and all his host by the breath (ruach) of his mouth.»(Psalm 33:6 LUT). Breathing is clo­se­ly rela­ted to spea­king. We com­mu­ni­ca­te with the exha­la­ti­on. Wit­hout air in moti­on the­re is no voice, no sin­ging and no sound.

In reli­gi­on class, Fre­de­rik lear­ns how God crea­ted ever­y­thing, inclu­ding peo­p­le. He lis­tens very careful­ly when the tea­cher tells him how Eve was crea­ted from Adam’s rib. A few days later, his mother noti­ces that Fre­de­rik is not fee­ling very well and asks: «Fre­de­rik, you’­re not get­ting sick, are you?» The son repli­es: «I have a ter­ri­ble stitch in my side. I think I’m going to have a wife.» In the sto­ry of crea­ti­on we see that every human being was crea­ted through the Ruach is ali­ve: «Then the Lord God for­med man from the earth and brea­thed into his nostrils the breath (ruach) of life. Thus man came to life»(Gene­sis 2:7 NLB).

After God had for­med Adam from the dust of the earth, the decisi­ve step comes: God brea­thes breath into man’s nostrils. Man is crea­ted to have the breath of life, he is a breathing being. Breathing is the need that we can least post­po­ne. We con­scious­ly do our own drin­king, eating and slee­ping. Breathing hap­pens auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. Accor­ding to Hebrew thin­king, man is high­ly depen­dent and not – as we in the West often belie­ve – self-suf­fi­ci­ent. The move­ment of life hap­pens sil­ent­ly and unob­tru­si­ve­ly.

Breathing is much more than taking in and releasing air. It is the move­ment of life. We are on the drip of air from the first breath to the last. Every breath is a kind of exer­cise in trust. We ent­rust our­sel­ves to the air and allow it to enter our inner being. It is appro­pria­te to trust God as we trust the air we brea­the. Becau­se God is as clo­se­ly con­nec­ted to our lives as the air we brea­the. HE is as important as the air we brea­the. When peo­p­le are gas­sed, the most natu­ral basis of our lives beco­mes the ene­my. That is why it is so abysmal­ly evil.

The moving air from the mother’s mouth has a mys­te­rious heal­ing power when her child has a wound. Alt­hough it can­not be explai­ned sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly, the pain dis­ap­pears. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, we like to lea­ve breathing exer­ci­s­es to eso­te­ri­cism. Cor­rect breathing is very healt­hy and has a heal­ing power. Healt­hy breathing cau­ses a light con­ti­nuous mas­sa­ge of the lower body. If we do not brea­the deep­ly, the body tem­pe­ra­tu­re can drop by up to half a degree, which is the cau­se of many dise­a­ses. In the same way Ruach a heal­ing power when we con­scious­ly recei­ve Him and give Him space.

The term ruach is femi­ni­ne in Hebrew. This is very deli­bera­te­ly cho­sen. The­re is a clo­se con­nec­tion with the pro­cess of child­birth. Not­hing is as crea­ti­ve as a birth. In the Bible, the­re is the word ruach rela­ted term rewachwhich means vast­ness, space. During a birth, it goes through the birth canal into the expan­se. The peo­p­le of Isra­el were led into a new vast land, Cana­an. The Ruach never leads into nar­row­ness, into small-min­ded­ness. When faith in Jesus Christ beco­mes a nar­row coun­try, we are on a sicke­ning wrong track. Inci­den­tal­ly, the enti­re peo­p­le of Isra­el were «born of the wind». When they fled Egypt, they were in dan­ger of drow­ning in the chao­tic power of the water from the Reed Sea. But the wind dro­ve the water apart and the peo­p­le pas­sed through the «birth canal» and then hea­ded towards Cana­an, the pro­mi­sed vast land.

The Ruach in the New Creation

The Ruach is that which enables and crea­tes life – be it in crea­ti­on or in re-crea­ti­on. In Eze­kiel 37 the­re is the well-known text about the bones of the dead lying around in a field. The text speaks into a situa­ti­on in which the peo­p­le of Isra­el were withe­red and cut off from vibrant life. Do you also some­ti­mes feel at the end, dried up and wit­hout hope? Unfort­u­na­te­ly, the­re are such lows in life.

And that’s when the secret of the Ruach into play. Eze­kiel 37 is the most inten­se text in the Bible about the life-giving power of the Ruach. The term appears 9 times in this chap­ter alo­ne! Here is an excerpt: «Then he said to me: «Pro­phe­sy over the breath, pro­phe­sy, child of man, and say to the breath: «Thus says the Lord God: Come, O breath, from the four winds! Brea­the on the­se slain, that they may come to life again.» I pro­phe­sied as he com­man­ded me, and the breath ente­red them and they came to life. They stood up and the­re was a huge crowd of peo­p­le» (Eze­kiel 37:9f NLB). Only the Ruach can once again give a new begin­ning.

The who­le earth sighs and longs for redemp­ti­on. It is sever­ely stri­cken. Only the Ruach, the Spi­rit of God, can crea­te the world anew. It will final­ly hap­pen when God’s king­dom comes to earth as a new Jerusalem.

The Ruach with the Messiah

The Ruach is also stron­gly repre­sen­ted in the mes­sia­nic texts of Isai­ah. «On him will rest the Spi­rit of the Lord – the Spi­rit of wis­dom and under­stan­ding, the Spi­rit of coun­sel and might, the Spi­rit of know­ledge and the fear of the Lord»(Isai­ah 11:1 NLB). For the first time it says about a per­son that the Ruach will rest on him. The Mes­siah is the «Spi­rit-bea­rer par excel­lence» and lives in a per­ma­nent rela­ti­onship with him. The effects of this are wis­dom, know­ledge and fear of God. A litt­le later it says: «It pro­vi­des for Jus­ti­ce among the poor and pro­vi­des jus­ti­ce for the oppres­sed» (V.4 NLB). Ano­ther text says: «[…] I have given him my spi­rit to bring jus­ti­ce to the nati­ons. […] He will not break the bent reed nor extin­gu­ish the smould­e­ring wick. He will bring the right truthful­ly to light»(Isai­ah 41:1–3 NLB). This is an image of mer­cy.

So the signs of authen­ti­ci­ty of the Holy Spi­rit are not pri­ma­ri­ly super­na­tu­ral phe­no­me­na or rap­tu­re, but tan­gi­ble jus­ti­ce, mer­cy and righ­teous­ness. What would hap­pen if the­se Ruach with exact­ly the­se effects would rest on every human being on earth? We would have the Gar­den of Eden 2.0.


Towards the end of the Old Tes­ta­ment we encoun­ter the fol­lo­wing pro­mi­se: «In the last days I will pour out my Spi­rit on all peo­p­le. Your sons and daugh­ters will pro­phe­sy, your old men will have pro­phe­tic dreams and your young men visi­ons»(Joel 3:1 NLB). The time will come when the Ruach Pou­red out on all peo­p­le. In Peter’s Pen­te­cost ser­mon this text is quo­ted (Acts 2:17ff). The Ruach as breath is in every human being. In him we all live, wea­ve and are. Sin­ce Pen­te­cost the­re has been the offer from God that the Ruach rests in a human being. The con­di­ti­on for this is the per­so­nal rela­ti­onship with Jesus Christ, the con­scious accep­tance of what He has done for us.. Whoe­ver opens his heart to Jesus, on him rests the Ruach. Such a per­son will fear God and work for mer­cy, jus­ti­ce and righ­teous­ness in this world. The­se are then pre­cis­e­ly the har­bin­gers of the new crea­ti­on that began with Jesus Christ!




Questions for the small groups

Read the Bible text: Eze­kiel 37:1–14; Isai­ah 11:1–4; 42:1–4

  1. What did you learn about the Holy Spi­rit today that you were not awa­re of before?
  2. What does the term Ruach in con­trast to the term Holy Spi­rit?
  3. Have you ever thought about breathing? Do a breathing exer­cise whe­re you con­scious­ly brea­the in and out. What does this trigger?
  4. What role does the Ruach have in the re-creation?
  5. What is the main thrust of the Holy Spi­rit in our lives? What impact could this have on society?
  6. How and why can you initia­te har­bin­gers of new creation?