The red lantern
Series: Metamorphosis | Bible text: Isaiah 35:3–6
In the film «The Shepherd», it is impressively shown how Jesus changes the life of the shepherd Simon. With a limp, a gaping wound on his arm and a defective sacrificial lamb, he is humiliated. He brings up the rear and carries the Red Lantern. When Jesus is born, he is suddenly first. Jesus turns his life upside down. Jesus – the light of the world – took the Red Lantern from him and – he still does.
Holding the Red Lantern
This lantern with the red candle stands symbolically for the so-called red lantern, for the taillight. We know the expression: to carry the red lantern, to bring up the rear. Last weekend, the preliminary round of the Super League was completed. FC Luzern, called «the shining city», is in last place and carries the red lantern. Simon, the shepherd, is also such a typical last-place finisher. Always a little late. Full of shame. Then he brings a sacrificial lamb that is not spotless. The priest reproaches him: «You wonder why the Messiah is not here yet? It is people like you who are keeping him away.» His fellow shepherds then snub him: «Make sure you keep up or you’ll be going it alone in the future.» Simon is ashamed, very sad, he falls down and hurts his arm.
In parallel, he hears prophetic texts about the Messiah being read in the synagogue:
«But to Bethlehem in the territory of the clan of Efrat the Lord says: «You are indeed one of the smallest towns in Judah, but from you comes the man who will lead the people of Israel in my name»(Micah 5:1 HFA).
«Strengthen the feeble hands! Let the trembling knees become firm again! Say to those who are afraid: «Take courage! Fear no more, for your God is with you! Now he will repay your enemies for all the wrong they have done you. God himself is coming to save you.» Then the eyes of the blind are opened, and the deaf can hear all at once. The paralysed leap like a deer, and the dumb sing at the top of their voices. Springs burst forth in the desert, streams flow through the barren steppe» (Isaiah 35:3–6 HFA).
We all know the feeling of holding the red lantern in our hands. What does it mean to be in last place? Until recently, we were still in the lead and had something to show for it. Then came setbacks: An illness that pulls the rug out from under you. Business was going great until Corona came along. Everything fell apart for him. Insolvency. His wife moved out, divorce. His family was fine until it came out that he was leading a double life, the affair became known, and now the war of the roses is raging. Health-wise, everything was fine, then a little twinge and tweak and now, at 63, the devastating cancer diagnosis. The tumour has spread everywhere. That’s the taillight. The red lantern. Well, what to do then? Often the last wagons are uncoupled, you feel completely left behind.
Handing over the red lantern
«Now the Lord gives you a sign of his own accord: The young woman will become pregnant and have a son. Immanuel («God is with us») she will name him»(Isaiah 7:14 HFA).
Simon, the man with the tail light, was the first to realise on the field that something epochal was happening right now. In recent years, he has never travelled as fast as he did in the sprint to Bethlehem with his handicap. Suddenly he seems vital and healthy. When the shepherds storm the stable, Joseph feels disturbed in his intimacy. He stands protectively in front of Mary, who is carrying Jesus in her arms. But when he recognises Simon, he beckons the shepherds and places Jesus in Simon’s arms. Full of deep joy, Simon says: «We have waited so long for this, endlessly!«Mary hands Simon a bandage from Jesus to bind his injured arm. When he then learned that the child Jesus (the Lord saves), all the dams break. Full of enthusiasm, Simon leaves the stable to bring the good news to all the people. Simon’s gaping wound on his arm and his broken foot have healed.
«For a child is born to us! A son is given to us! He will take over the reigns. He is called «Wonderful Counsellor», «Strong God», «Everlasting Father», «Prince of Peace». He will extend his reign far and wide and bring lasting peace»(Isaiah 9:5f HFA).
On his preaching tour, he meets the priest who brusquely rejected him some time ago. «I told you, you’re not wanted here. So where is it, have you finally found a spotless sacrificial lamb?», he asks him. Simon reflects and smiles mischievously. He knows that Jesus is the spotless sacrificial lamb! Because Jesus is spotless, I am right with him with my blemishes.
And this Jesus came into the world as a light (Isaiah 42:6). One of the tasks of this light is: «He will not break the bent reed or extinguish the smouldering wick. Unwaveringly he stands up for the right»(Isaiah 42:3 HFA). Jesus does not extinguish even a taillight. On the contrary: the inconceivably brilliant message of Christmas is: Jesus makes lights out of taillights! And as such they shine into the dark world.