The power of God
Series: Metamorphosis | Bible text: Ephesians 1:17–23
God’s power shows itself in miracles that we can perceive with our natural eyes. But miracles are not the daily portion of God’s power that we need most. If we want to experience God’s power permanently, deeply and existentially, so that our feelings, thoughts and actions are gripped by it, then we must learn to see with the inner eyes, with the eyes of the heart.
Power means freedom of action. There are those in power, those who exercise power, those who play power games and those who wield power. Power does not have a good reputation. That’s why there’s the saying: Power for no one. We like to say: «Power corrupts character.«Abraham Lincoln was convinced of the opposite: «If you want to know the character of a person, give him power.» According to Lincoln, human character corrupts power. Power merely reveals character. That is why human power is such a problematic thing. It is our great good fortune that God, in the best sense of the word, is inhuman with power. Paul had a longing desire for the Christians in Ephesus to know God and His power. That is why he utters the passionate prayer written down in Ephesians 1:17–23.
Why do we so easily misjudge the power of God?
«May he open your eyes of heart to realise what hope God gave you when he called you, what a rich and wonderful inheritance he has in store for those who belong to his holy people, and with what an overwhelmingly great power he is at work among us, the believers.»(Ephesians 1:18f NGÜ). Paul prays for open eyes of the heart for the hope that God has given them. With this he looks into the past, to the beginning of their faith. Likewise, he looks into the future, to the inheritance that is ready for them. And then to the overwhelmingly great power and strength that is now at work in the present in the church of Ephesus.
If a tank were to drive by on the Seetalstrasse right now, we would notice it immediately. A tank is nothing compared to God’s power. Why does Paul have to pray for people to recognise such an inconceivably great power? Why is it so easy to misjudge?
We encounter the same problem at the very beginning of God’s great history with mankind; namely with Abraham and Sarah, the progenitors of faith.. The lives of the two are marked by a tension: on the one hand, God’s promise and, on the other, natural circumstances. God promised Abraham in a starry hour to make him a great nation and Sarah the mother of many nations. The external circumstances point in a completely different direction. In addition to her infertility, Sara’s biological clock has long since run out. Abraham’s situation is not much better. Nevertheless, God promises Abraham, now 99 years old, the same thing again. Shortly afterwards, God visits Abraham in the form of three men. They say: «We’ll be back in a year and Sara will have a son..» Sara, who was baking a cake in the kitchen tent, heard this sentence through the tent wall. She can’t help herself and starts laughing. She knew what was going on: her amendment was years ago. And anyway, nothing was going on between them anymore. «Then said the LORD unto Abraham, Why laughed Sarah, saying, Should I indeed yet bear, now that I am old? Is anything impossible for the LORD? At this time I will come again unto thee for the year: then shall Sarah have a son. And Sarah denied it, saying: I laughed not: for she was afraid. And he said, It is not so; thou hast laughed.» (Genesis 18:13–15 LUT). Sarah, a God-fearing woman, would have confessed in every service: God is all-powerful. But deep in her heart, God was small. As she laughs, what is deep inside her comes out intuitively. She attributes more power to natural circumstances than to God. Her common sense has the upper hand in her heart. I can understand Sara so well. We too are confronted with natural circumstances from morning till night. These have formed in us a common sense on which we rely. But is that all?
The crucial question in the lives of Sarah and Abraham, and in ours, is: Can God do what he promises? Can he make the impossible possible? Is he above natural circumstances? Is he all-powerful? The story of Sara teaches us that natural circumstances are only half the truth. We need an inner eye to see the whole reality. This is exactly what Paul prays passionately for. The inner eye is so easily overridden by the outer eyes and the mind. Only the inner eye sees God in His power and in His limitless possibilities.
Do you also long for revival? Revival is when we no longer misjudge God’s power but recognise it and when this recognition of God’s power determines our actions, thoughts and feelings.
How does God’s power work in us?
In the context of ski racing there is the saying: The weather is the boss. We know that God is the boss and has power over natural circumstances. There is a lot of evidence for that. But even more important for us is to know that God is also boss over supernatural things. Three of these occur in the text:
- DeathWhether it is a human being or a sequoia; everything that lives dies once. Death has enormous power. It is so powerful that the Mexicans hold a festival lasting several days for the santa muerta (holy death). A skeleton lies in a coffin, which the people worship. They expect hope and salvation from death. For these people, death is the most powerful thing. We in the West tend to ignore death. Although it happens to everyone, it is considered an accident that can perhaps be avoided for once. «I pray that you may realise how overwhelmingly great is his power with which he works in us who believe in him. It is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and gave him the place of honour at God’s right hand in heaven.»(Ephesians 1:19f NLB). Paul says: The same power that defeated mighty death is at work in you. Before you were living dead, separated from God. Now you are spiritually alive, united with God. When your body decays in the coffin, you are more alive than ever. You are united with Him for all eternity and you will reign with Him! We only know this truth with the eyes of the heart!
- The supernatural powers: «Now he is set up as ruler over every worldly government, power, authority and dominion, and over everything else, in this world as well as in the world to come. God has placed everything under the rule of Christ and has appointed Christ as Lord over the church» (Ephesians 1:21f NLB). For the majority of the earth’s population it is completely clear that there are supernatural powers such as angels and demons. These people are afraid of the demons and try to appease them. It was also clear to Jesus that these spheres exist. It is not a good power. They want to destroy people. They hate Jesus and his church, they hate our marriages and families and everything that is sacred to us. The groundbreaking news is, all these powers are subdued. Satan has lost his power. This is something we do not feel and do not see with our eyes. But it has happened and we are protected!
- The inner emptinessHerbert Grönemeyer wrote the following lyrics in his song unbewohnt: I get up, roam around the house | Go to the fridge, open it | It’s cold, it’s empty | Move in the hopeless room | Talk to myself, hardly hear myself | Am my radio, turn me off. […] The nothingness is in every detail | In me all rooms are free | And me too. […] It drips into the heart | The head unfurnished and hollow | Ooh, no flowers in the window, | The TV without picture and sound. | Without picture and sound. | I feel uninhabited. Feeling uninhabited and empty inside is a basic human experience. When it gets quiet and one arrives at oneself, after the activity is over and the friends have left, we feel that something is missing. I am uninhabited, I am empty. With his boundless power he overcomes our emptiness: «But the church is his body, and it is filled with Christ, who fills everything completely with his presence.»(Ephesians 1:23 NLB). This is how God acts on people who feel empty. He makes a church out of individuals who are on the road somewhere. He calls it his body. He gives himself as head to this body and dwells in it.
How can we experience the power of God?
God could have put a baby in Sara’s belly in a split second. No problem! That’s what we call a miracle. But miracles are not the daily portion of God’s power that we need most urgently. Miracles are for our natural eye and God does a miracle every now and then. We are overwhelmed by this and convinced: this is God’s power. Unfortunately, this conviction often does not last long. When Jesus was on this earth, He performed miracles upon miracles, but in the end no one had been with Him.
God has chosen not to perform miracles consistently because He knows that we need to experience His power on a much deeper level than our eyes allow. If we want to experience God’s power permanently, deeply and existentially, so that our feelings, thoughts and actions are taken over by it, then we must learn to see with the inner eyes, with the eyes of the heart..
When children need to train one eye, the other is taped shut. Our inner eye is also trained when the natural eyes see nothing. The Bible calls this Faith. See nothing and yet believe. Trust in invisible facts. The sensory organ for faith is the heart.
At the end of his life, Jesus says: «Let not your heart be troubled! Believe in God and believe in me!»(John 14:1 LUT). The message to his friends was: What your eyes see in the days to come does not correspond to the facts. Do not be frightened, look with your heart. Believe in God and in me. Common sense will whisper to Jesus» friends: «This is defeat! Jesus is hanging naked on the cross. He will breathe his last. It is the end!» The eyes of the heart see this and, in addition, the hidden reality. Namely, that on the cross Jesus will overcome death, the devil and sin once and for all. Jesus rises from the dead and carries away the victory. You can only see this triumph with your inner eyes.
How can we experience God’s power in those situations where we do not experience miracles? By turning our inner eye again and again to this truth: Christ died for us and he won for us. In doing so, He has completely overcome our natural and supernatural circumstances: Death, guilt, addiction, loneliness, God’s remoteness and every remaining blemish on our character.
Let not your heart be troubled! Believe in God and believe in me! This call is also for you! Jump over the shadow of your limited common sense to experience the Almighty God.
Possible questions for the small groups
Read the Bible text: Ephesians 1:17–23
- Jesus says that all power in heaven and on earth has been given to Him. How can this power be recognised?
- What was the tension that Sarah and Abraham had to deal with? Where do you see a similar tension in your life?
- Why doesn’t God do more miracles in the natural realm?
- How can we train the eyes of the heart to see God’s power better?