Marriage after the heart of God

Date: 17 Novem­ber 2019 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Corin­thi­ans 13:13
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

God crea­ted mar­ria­ge as a gift for us humans. What are the chal­lenges of mar­ria­ge? And what do man and woman do to make a mar­ria­ge last – until death do us part? What is the posi­ti­on of hus­band and wife in the Chris­ti­an com­mu­ni­ty? The­re are mar­ria­ge cour­ses las­ting seve­ral weeks. A cou­ple is pre­pared for mar­ria­ge in seve­ral mee­tings. And now I am sup­po­sed to pre­sent a ser­mon in 25 minu­tes that appeals to as many as pos­si­ble and enri­ches and chan­ges marriages?!

To begin, I will do a brief review of the crea­ti­on of man and woman; then a few thoughts on the topic: Mar­ria­ge accor­ding to the heart of God. Then we will ask our­sel­ves two ques­ti­ons: What are the chal­lenges of mar­ria­ge? And: What do man and woman do to make a mar­ria­ge last – until death do them part? Final­ly, some facts from Paul on the posi­ti­on of the man and the woman in the church.


«And God crea­ted man in his own image, in the image of God crea­ted he him; and crea­ted them male and fema­le». (Gene­sis 1:27 LU). God crea­ted us humans to be his coun­ter­part. One could also say into his pre­sence. We are to be like him, as beings with free will and the power of decis­i­on. «Then the LORD God made man of dust from the ground and brea­thed into his nostrils the breath of life. And so man beca­me a living being». (Gene­sis 2:7 LU). So it was­n’t that God snap­ped his fin­gers and then the man stood befo­re him! He for­med him from head to toe! The­re was no detail miss­ing, even the six-packs were the­re! Then God goes on and builds the woman. «And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alo­ne; I will make him a help meet for him.» (Gene­sis 2:18 LU). «I will make him a help» can be misun­ders­tood twice: The woman stands not over the man in the sen­se of «Oh, the poor, nee­dy man needs a strong woman on his side»; and, on the other hand, also not thought that the man gene­ral­ly degra­des the woman to an auxi­lia­ry. The per­fec­tion of the two human beings crea­ted by God lies in their togetherness!

«Then the LORD God cau­sed a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he fell asleep. And he took one of his ribs, and clo­sed up the place with fle­sh. And the LORD God built a woman from the rib which he took from the man, and brought her to him.» (Gene­sis 2:21–22 LU). In this descrip­ti­on, a few things are remar­kab­le: The woman is crea­ted from a part of the man! This alo­ne con­nects the two dif­fe­rent beings with each other. God for­med the man very well and built the woman very well and also for­med her inge­nious­ly! On this basis, we hold the fol­lo­wing: God inten­ded man and woman to be two dif­fe­rent sexes, in two dif­fe­rent body shapes. Men are dif­fe­rent from women, they are built dif­fer­ent­ly accor­ding to their respon­si­bi­li­ties and tasks and endo­wed with dif­fe­rent gifts. Both man and woman are equal and wort­hy of God to be his image. Both are crea­ted to be a coun­ter­part to each other. They com­ple­ment each other in a way that could not be bet­ter. What has been sta­ted in this way appli­es in prin­ci­ple to the coexis­tence of men and women in gene­ral in ever­y­day life, in the work­place and in socie­ty. On this basis, I would like to say to all of you, dear men and women: You are very valuable, whe­ther sin­gle, mar­ried, wido­wed or divorced! You are all inva­luable, also here in the con­gre­ga­ti­on. You women are good for us men, you men are good for the women here, wit­hout one or the other group we would be miss­ing very, very much!

Marriage after the heart of God

God did not lea­ve the crea­ted cou­ple to them­sel­ves, not even after the Fall. He comes back into the gar­den and wants to see how they are doing! I am con­vin­ced that God is inte­res­ted in how you are doing in your mar­ria­ges! Becau­se mar­ria­ge was his idea! That’s why he cares about your mar­ria­ges! Even at the crea­ti­on of man and woman, God had the fami­ly in focus. That is why his mis­si­on: «Be fruitful and mul­ti­ply and rep­le­nish the earth and sub­due it». (Gene­sis 1:28 LU). Mar­ria­ge is pro­found­ly life-giving! I don’t just mean that in terms of child­bea­ring! As a cou­ple you care for each other. Both part­ners help each other to deve­lop and grow. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, mar­ria­ge has been deva­lued more and more in recent years. And it is visi­bly beco­ming less and less valued. Peo­p­le have more and more respect for a mar­ria­ge coven­ant, for two reasons:

  1. The fact that today more than every third mar­ria­ge fails and is dis­sol­ved is unsett­ling. In addi­ti­on, many have alre­a­dy had a fai­led relationship.
  2. The very high expec­ta­ti­ons of mar­ria­ge are also unsett­ling. Life is sup­po­sed to offer us so much. Influen­ced by the media, we are never desi­re­less. After all, the spou­se should satis­fy my needs. And then I have my own inte­rests and lei­su­re acti­vi­ties that I also want to hold on to. And abo­ve all, the­re is the pres­su­re of the job, of work.

At some point, the ques­ti­on also comes up: «Can I mana­ge to be with one and the same part­ner for at least half a cen­tu­ry?» That’s infi­ni­te! One is afraid of that. And inde­ed, many mar­ria­ges are still divorced when the child­ren have left home. But I am all the more plea­sed by the fact that, despi­te ever­y­thing, more young peo­p­le want to get mar­ried again and start a family.

What are the challenges of a successful Christian marriage?

a) It takes years to get to know each other real­ly well. Beha­viou­ral pat­terns or habits that are new to you – both posi­ti­ve and nega­ti­ve – crop up in your part­ner from time to time. It’s important to talk about it! Talk and talk again – and never give up. Never give up on each other! If some­thing is bothe­ring you about your part­ner, take it upon yours­elf to work on it. Do it on the basis of gra­ti­tu­de and give thanks again and again for all the good things you have alre­a­dy expe­ri­en­ced as a cou­ple. Giving thanks not only makes the pro­blems smal­ler, but helps work through things that want to come bet­ween you like a wedge. Plea­se never spon­ge over them or sweep them under the car­pet. Other­wi­se you will crea­te insur­moun­ta­ble moun­ta­ins. And if the two of you can’t get things under con­trol, seek help as soon as possible.

b) A com­mon spi­ri­tu­al life! Men, hand on heart: Do you know if your wives ever read the Bible in their dai­ly lives? Do you women have any idea if and when your hus­bands pray? «No, no idea!» If that is your ans­wer, then ask them today, and at the same time ask them if you should not dare to start a Bible rea­ding and pray­er time tog­e­ther again!

c) Ano­ther chall­enge of mar­ried cou­ples is to have a ful­fil­ling sex life over the years. We live in a time when sex is no lon­ger taboo. Sexua­li­ty is an omni­pre­sent topic. It is being hyped up by the media. That influen­ces it. And yet mar­ried cou­ples today still find it dif­fi­cult to talk open­ly and honest­ly about the most inti­ma­te moments of their mar­ria­ge with their part­ner. Here, too, it is not pos­si­ble wit­hout tal­king to each other.

d) The hus­band, like the wife, both will come across peo­p­le from time to time who have exact­ly the qua­li­ties and advan­ta­ges that his spou­se does not have. The­re is a gre­at dan­ger that the devil will sow secret desi­res in your heart that will fer­ment the­re. When the flir­ta­ti­on beco­mes a fire and the alarm bells light up, it is often alre­a­dy too late!

What Jesus says about this is cle­ar­ly under­stan­da­ble: «Whoe­ver looks at a woman to desi­re her has alre­a­dy bro­ken mar­ria­ge with her in his heart». (Matthew 5:28 LU). The­r­e­fo­re: Wehr­ten den Anfän­gen! The only thing that helps is a life­time of gre­at open­ness. Sec­re­cy can quick­ly beco­me sinis­ter! If you are able to talk honest­ly and open­ly about your fee­lings towards the oppo­si­te sex with your part­ner, you take away any chan­ce of adul­tery. If a man open­ly tells his wife that this or that woman fasci­na­tes him, he takes away the power of tempt­a­ti­on and this frees him to be careful and keep his distance from this woman. Con­ver­se­ly, if your wife open­ly enthu­ses about the qua­li­ties and beau­ties of ano­ther man, then sec­re­cy has no chan­ce – but lis­ten careful­ly, may­be you can impro­ve some­thing about yours­elf! Both part­ners have to be careful that they do not want to press their coun­ter­part into the pro­fi­le of a dream man or woman.

What do man and woman do to make a marriage last – until death do them part?

a) If the par­ents both edu­ca­te their child­ren; both Exer­cise respon­si­bi­li­ty for school mat­ters; and both tell the child­ren Bible sto­ries and pray with them.

b) Aim stub­born­ly to cele­bra­te time as a cou­ple again and again. Plan mar­ria­ge evenings and orga­ni­se ear­ly, weekends and holi­days that you spend just the two of you.

c) Mutu­al fri­ends. Good rela­ti­onships with fami­lies who­se child­ren are around the same age as yours. Good rela­ti­onships with sin­gles, sin­gle par­ents and widows.

d) Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the com­mu­ni­ty. Plan tog­e­ther, who could help whe­re and when? May­be even a joint coope­ra­ti­on in music, in a choir or theat­re group will open up!

e) The pha­se of gro­wing older must be well pre­pared by a cou­ple. What do we do when the child­ren have left home? Plan tog­e­ther. Talk about wis­hes and dreams, give each other the free­dom for your own hob­by, e.g. edu­ca­ti­on (atten­ding lec­tures), games and sports, rea­ding. Ros­ma­rie and I sing tog­e­ther in a gos­pel choir; with fri­ends I like to play pétan­que, ten­nis and foot­ball matches are more my per­so­nal TV programmes.

e) Always accept yours­elf, even if your body is get­ting older, your memo­ry some­ti­mes lets you down or a health pro­blem gets in the way.

Position of the man and the woman in the community

On Chris­ti­an mar­ria­ge, Paul’s comm­ents in Ephe­si­ans chap­ter 5 are valuable: «Wil­lingly sub­mit to one ano­ther out of respect for Christ.… » (Ephe­si­ans 5:21 NL). Befo­re Paul addres­ses the wives, he empha­si­s­es that we should all sub­mit to one ano­ther. What does that mean? Take the other per­son serious­ly, his or her thin­king, his or her fee­ling, his or her being like this – even if ever­y­thing is com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent from your way! We are dif­fe­rent and that is good. We were crea­ted to com­ple­ment each other. To sub­mit to one ano­ther means to respect the other more than ones­elf. Paul now ins­tructs the wives to sub­mit to their hus­bands: «You wives are to sub­mit to your hus­bands as you sub­mit to the Lord. For the hus­band is the head of his wife, as Christ is the head of his body – the church – for which he gave his life to save her.  Just as the church sub­mits to Christ, you wives should also sub­mit to your hus­bands in ever­y­thing!»(Ephe­si­ans 5:22–24 NL) That is strong! They can’t do that and they don’t want to! But let’s just keep the com­pa­ri­son: Christ as the head of the church thinks and cares for the church so that it can reach the goal and deve­lop in a glo­rious way. The con­gre­ga­ti­on must lis­ten to Jesus and stay con­nec­ted to him.

Sub­or­di­na­ti­on would thus be for the woman: she enjoys that the man takes care of her, she lis­tens to her hus­band, respects him, tri­es to under­stand him and stays con­nec­ted to him. Most argu­ments often dis­re­gard this aspect; one only wants to assert ones­elf against the man and be right.

And now for the men: «And you, hus­bands love your wives with the same love with which Christ also loved the church.» (Ephe­si­ans 5:25 NL). This is even stron­ger. Now it is alre­a­dy Jesus whom they are to take as an exam­p­le. Here, too, one could say: They can’t do that! That’s the ham­mer! Now I would have to ask the wives: Do you feel some­thing of this super­na­tu­ral, divi­ne love of your hus­bands? Paul also has ano­ther com­pa­ri­son in store for the men: «In the same way, hus­bands must love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man also loves hims­elf when he loves his wife. No one hates his own body, but lovin­g­ly cares for it, just as Christ cares for his body, that is, for the church. And we belong to his body» (Ephe­si­ans 5:28–30 NL). A woman who is so loved and so hono­u­red lis­tens wil­lingly to her hus­band and gives love back. The love that hus­bands give to their wives comes back to them. Such a mar­ria­ge coven­ant is mark­ed by for­gi­ve­ness, by the wil­ling­ness to start over and mark­ed by trust in God, who always gives us what we need for our spou­se. Paul con­cludes this pas­sa­ge from chap­ter 5 with a repe­ti­ti­on: «The­r­e­fo­re, I say again that every hus­band should love his wife as he loves hims­elf, and that the wife should respect and esteem her hus­band.» (Ephe­si­ans 5:33 NL). Healt­hy mar­ria­ges are a bles­sing from God. They are the foun­da­ti­on for a healt­hy church and a healt­hy nation.


Possible questions for the small groups

Read the Bible text: Corin­thi­ans 13:13

  1. How do you expe­ri­ence the coexis­tence of men and women in ever­y­day life, in socie­ty, at work and in the community?
  2. Do the women pre­sent expe­ri­ence app­re­cia­ti­on or humi­lia­ti­on in ever­y­day life?
  3. Is the cry for women’s quo­tas jus­ti­fied, and if so, when?
  4. Can indi­vi­du­als or cou­ples share what has beco­me important and valuable to them in the sermon?
  5. Can you add any­thing to the two ques­ti­ons: what is important for a suc­cessful mar­ria­ge and what is hel­pful for a las­ting, faithful long-term relationship?
  6. What more could the church do for sin­gles, sin­gle par­ents, divorced peo­p­le, widows?