Man – an ingenious creature of God?

Date: 13 Febru­ary 2022 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Gene­sis 1:27
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

We dare to search for the fin­ger­print of God on us!

My wife recei­ved a beau­tiful wall calen­dar for Christ­mas entit­led «The Most Beau­tiful Gar­dens». I am con­vin­ced that the Gar­den of Eden was even more beau­tiful than all the gar­dens in the­se 12 calen­dar pic­tures. Adam and Eve were able to enjoy a sple­ndour of flowers that would put any flower show to shame. During their plea­su­re walk through para­di­se, they admi­red the birds and their sin­ging! They obser­ved the beha­viour of the ani­mals with inte­rest. They deligh­ted in streams and lakes who­se water was even clea­rer than the water of Lake Hall­wil! Then the­re were the deli­cious fruits. When I think of a fruit bas­ket from the Gar­den of Eden, my mouth waters. And then this air, wit­hout any pol­lut­ants! No exhaust fumes, no cli­ma­te pro­blems!!! But enough raving.

Have you ever put yours­elf in the shoes of Eve and Adam? They had ever­y­thing and still wan­ted more!

How would you have reac­ted in this tempt­a­ti­on? As a woman in front of the tree with the­se «deli­cious» fruits; or as a man when Eve holds out the for­bidden fruit to you?

The ser­pent was Satan hims­elf. He sedu­ced Eve quite nasti­ly: «You will not die; God did not say that; on the con­tra­ry, you will be like God and know what is good or evil.»

Jesus once threw the fol­lo­wing at the hypo­cri­ti­cal Jews: «You have the devil for a father: you love to do the evil things he does. He has been a mur­de­rer from the begin­ning and has always hated the truth. The­re is no truth in him. When he lies, it is accor­ding to his natu­re, for he is a liar and the father of lies.»(John 8:44 NLB).

After the deep fall of Adam and Eve, it is striking how the cou­ple tri­es to get out of the noo­se befo­re God: first they hide and then they bla­me the other. Eve says: «The sna­ke chea­ted me, so I ate.» And Adam: «It is the woman’s fault that you gave me, she took the fruit and gave it to me, then I ate.«All that is miss­ing is that both reproach God: «You crea­ted us the way we are!»

And God loo­ked at all that he had made, and behold, it was very good. Was it? Or not so good after all? This ques­ti­on might come up for one or the other: «Why did you crea­te the peo­p­le so temp­tingly?«The­re is only one ans­wer to this ques­ti­on: Of cour­se God could have crea­ted us dif­fer­ent­ly: with much less free­dom! But he did not want pup­pets as his coun­ter­parts! And God crea­ted man in his image, in the image of God he crea­ted him; and crea­ted them male and fema­le. God deli­bera­te­ly crea­ted us so that we could choo­se. Just like this elec­tion weekend! We can judge, weigh, exami­ne, deci­de, say yes or no, obey or reject, lis­ten to what God says or hide from Him.

We are inge­nious beings crea­ted by God, who are able to per­cei­ve their respon­si­bi­li­ty and act accor­din­gly! That is uni­que! The Hebrew word bara, the abo­ve for crea­ted is used three times to descri­be the acti­vi­ty of God when he crea­tes some­thing new, some­thing that has never exis­ted befo­re. But that’s just it: God’s qua­li­ty of crea­ti­on is not only admi­red, but also some­ti­mes doubted.

«Why did you make me the way I am?» You look at yours­elf in the mir­ror and are hor­ri­fied: «No way, that nose, that hair, that pos­tu­re.…«and you’­re alre­a­dy com­pa­ring with others. «I want to be like them too.» «I want to be able to do that like him.» «Why was I born with this short­co­ming, with this or that disa­bi­li­ty?» «I would rather be a man or a woman!«How shame­l­ess­ly God is doub­ted and cri­ti­cis­ed as Crea­tor today. Man places hims­elf abo­ve the Crea­tor. Yet God crea­ted human beings so inge­nious­ly and endo­wed them with crea­ti­vi­ty and crea­ti­ve power!

He has given us the bara-crea­ti­on ent­rus­ted. This «crea­ting some­thing that has never exis­ted befo­re»! How many times in the past mil­len­nia have peo­p­le mana­ged to crea­te some­thing that has never exis­ted befo­re! Of cour­se, the­re were also some things that we can­not be proud of. But we owe the good things to God, who gave peo­p­le the neces­sa­ry wis­dom and skill. Man is a tin­ke­rer, an explo­rer, an inven­tor! You per­so­nal­ly belong to this unpre­ce­den­ted group. After nine months, your par­ents rejoi­ced at the baby they were allo­wed to mar­vel at in their arms. A uni­que spe­ci­men, a new­born human being that has never exis­ted befo­re in this world and never will. «You crea­ted ever­y­thing in me and for­med me in my Mother’s womb. I thank you for making me so glo­rious and excel­lent! Won­derful are your works, I know that well» (Psalm 139:13–14 NLB).

After being thrown out of the Gar­den of Eden, peo­p­le could not hand­le this free­dom to do good or evil. They wan­ted to do good, but evil resulted.

The will to deci­de for ones­elf often ended in a dead end. Cain, the first son of Adam and Eve, had alre­a­dy plan­ned his fra­tri­ci­de and no lon­ger lis­ten­ed to God, who came to him and said: «Why are you so angry?» the Lord asked him. «Why do you look so grim­ly at the ground? Is it not so: If you have good in mind, you can look around free­ly. But when you plan evil, sin lies in wait for you. It wants to bring you down. But you shall reign over it!» » (Gene­sis 4:6–7 NLB).

Cain could no lon­ger con­trol hims­elf and beat his brot­her Abel to death. Adam and Eve could no lon­ger con­trol them­sel­ves! The fruit loo­ked so temp­ting! They were con­vin­ced, «It has bene­fits for us in it, we will be like God.» Eve takes a fruit in her hand, alt­hough God has alre­a­dy wise­ly for­bidden this: «Do not touch it!» Now it is only a small step: har­ve­st and bite into it…

When was the last time that hap­pen­ed to you? Sud­den­ly you could­n’t con­trol your hand – and it hap­pen­ed. You were too clo­se. You did­n’t mana­ge to look away or clo­se your eyes! You did­n’t mana­ge to keep quiet and kept on tal­king. The devil is a bril­li­ant temp­ter. And the­re is no place whe­re you are safe from him! Therefore:

«Be pru­dent and vigi­lant and be pre­pared at all times for an attack by the devil, your ene­my! He prowls around like a roaring lion, loo­king for a vic­tim to devour. You shall resist him by your firm faith.» (1 Peter 5:8–9a NLB).

Adam and Eve, even Cain, could have said no! They all should have lis­ten­ed to God, but they were no lon­ger in con­trol of them­sel­ves. Do we not often feel like Paul: he con­fes­sed: «When I want to do good, I don’t do it. And when I try to avo­id evil, I still do it»(Romans 7:19 NLB).

Just as with Adam, Eve and Cain, our trust is requi­red that God means well and it is bet­ter to lis­ten to him. For­t­u­na­te­ly, we live in the A.D. age! We know grace! «So just as sin reig­ned over all men and brought them death, so now God’s won­derful grace reig­ns. By it we are jus­ti­fied befo­re God and gain eter­nal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.»(Romans 5:21 NLB).

Now God’s won­derful grace reig­ns through Jesus Christ! Isn’t that to brea­the a sigh of reli­ef! We can go into a new day every mor­ning and give thanks for God’s grace and mer­cy. We once had a bud­gie in our house­hold that could talk. We also taught him Bible ver­ses, such as, «Gra­cious and mer­ciful is the Lord.» That was so deli­cious to be con­stant­ly remin­ded by him of God’s grace!

What does God expect from us, his coun­ter­parts? God has said it many times in the 5 books of Moses. Jesus repea­ted it and a scri­be con­firm­ed it in Jesus» day: «You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind. And love your neigh­bour as yours­elf»(Luke 10:27 NLB).

I was struck by how God con­tin­ued to love peo­p­le after the dis­ap­poin­ting expe­ri­en­ces in paradise.

Exam­p­le 1: God could have sim­ply thrown Adam and Eve out the door. They had cover­ed their shame with plai­ted lea­ves from the fig tree. Can you ima­gi­ne how uncom­for­ta­ble that was?! What hap­pen­ed? Even befo­re they had to lea­ve the Gar­den of Eden, God comes and stret­ches out garm­ents of skins for them! And God hel­ped them to put them on, as the Bible says: «And the Lord God made Adam and his wife clo­thes of ani­mal skins and put them on them»(Gene­sis 3:21 NLB). This sce­ne of God pro­vi­ding com­for­ta­ble clo­thes for the two losers is so beau­tiful it makes us weep. So much love! Isn’t God ama­zin­gly for­gi­ving and merciful?!

Exam­p­le 2: After his fra­tri­ci­de, Cain com­plains to God: «My guilt is too gre­at! Now I am a home­l­ess refu­gee becau­se I always have to be afraid that someone will take reven­ge on me. I will con­stant­ly have to hide!«What does the loving, mer­ciful God do?«And he put a mark on Cain so that no one would kill him»(Gene­sis 4:15b NLB). What kind of sign that was, we can ask Cain in heaven!

Exam­p­le 3: After the Flood: God made a coven­ant with Noah and gives him the fol­lo­wing pro­mi­se: «Never again will I cur­se the earth for the sake of man­kind and des­troy all living things as I have just done, even though the thoughts and deeds of men have been evil sin­ce child­hood. As long as the earth exists, the­re will be sowing and rea­ping, cold and heat, sum­mer and win­ter, day and night» (Gene­sis 8:21–22 NLB).

Once the Flood, but never again. Such bibli­cal pas­sa­ges make us impres­si­ve­ly awa­re of how much God loves human beings. His crea­tu­re man gets a second chan­ce, alt­hough he knows us only too well! The Fall in Para­di­se chan­ged things, but God’s love for human beings, his crea­tures, is still gre­at and it cul­mi­na­tes in Jesus Christ dying for our sin and guilt. The pro­phet Isai­ah descri­bes it this way: «Let the wicked for­sa­ke his way, and let the trans­gres­sor turn from his plans! Ins­tead, let him turn back to the Lord, that He may have mer­cy on him. Yes, turn to our God, for with him is much for­gi­ve­ness»(Isai­ah 55:7 NLB).

My last sen­tence of the ser­mon is the last sen­tence of the Bible: «The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all»(Reve­la­ti­on 22:21 NGÜ).





Possible questions for the small groups

  1. Let’s be honest: How would you have dealt with this tempt­a­ti­on in the Gar­den of Eden?
  2. Can you find any­thing good about the­se two for­bidden trees in para­di­se, or do you think it’s just a real­ly nasty trap?
  3. «You will be like God»: Satan was not so wrong with this enti­ce­ment when we read 1 John 3:2!
  4. Are Satan and his angels (demons) «fal­len angels» as we are «fal­len men»? Bible pas­sa­ges on this: Reve­la­ti­on 12:7–9; Luke 10:17–19; Ephe­si­ans 6:12.
  5. What is most cri­ti­cis­ed by peo­p­le today about our Lord and God?
  6. How can we help each other when we are under attack from Satan?
  7. Mar­vel tog­e­ther for some time at God’s grace and rave about His almost unbe­lie­va­ble love for us humans!