Date: 13 June 2021 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Matthew 6:1–18.
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

You can compa­re Our Father to a moun­tain regi­on: It is vast and full of beau­tiful places. We take a train ride through the midd­le of the Lord’s Pray­er to get to know it bet­ter and to mar­vel at it.

A fort­night ago we met to start the Life­group Weekend tog­e­ther. We had a lot of fun! – For exam­p­le, at the «Shiit­li um» or in the canoe. And we stu­di­ed the Lord’s Pray­er, pro­ba­b­ly the best known pray­er in Chris­tia­ni­ty. It made me very hap­py to see the joy you all show­ed and I am the­r­e­fo­re even more plea­sed to con­ti­nue this jour­ney today.

Train ride through the Lord’s Prayer

At the life group weekend, we loo­ked clo­se­ly at indi­vi­du­al phra­ses, thought about them and tried to per­cei­ve God in them. Today we want to approach the Lord’s Pray­er a litt­le dif­fer­ent­ly. Today’s ser­mon resem­bles a train jour­ney. The Lord’s Pray­er can be com­pared to a moun­tai­nous regi­on: It is – despi­te the short and few sen­ten­ces – very exten­si­ve, mul­ti-laye­red and full of sur­pri­ses. Figu­ra­tively spea­king, in many places we find moun­tain lakes, streams and water­falls; various trees and flowers; mar­mots, ibe­x­es and jack­daws. We can’t take in ever­y­thing in one mor­ning! But we will tra­vel through the regi­on in a short time and thus get to know it bet­ter. My wish for this mor­ning is that we can all get our bea­rings a litt­le bet­ter in the Lord’s Pray­er and we can’t wait to stop at one of the moun­tain lakes. And then at the next one.

The setting of the Lord’s Prayer

Befo­re we dri­ve through the Lord’s Pray­er, let’s zoom out and take a bird’s eye view of the sur­roun­dings. The Lord’s Pray­er as we know it is in the Gos­pel of Matthew. It is the­r­e­fo­re in the second lar­ge block of the Bible: the New Tes­ta­ment. The Gos­pel of Matthew tells us about the life of Jesus. The Lord’s Pray­er is in the so-cal­led Ser­mon on the Mount in which Jesus speaks of life as a child of God. It fits in par­ti­cu­lar­ly well with our the­me for the year, «Meta­mor­pho­sis», for two reasons: First­ly, becau­se we spend most of the year in the Ser­mon on the Mount and second­ly, becau­se pray­ing plays an extre­me­ly cen­tral role in our trans­for­ma­ti­on to Christ­li­ken­ess. The Lord’s Pray­er occurs in the Ser­mon on the Mount in the sec­tion whe­re Jesus talks about real and fal­se living accor­ding to God’s heart. In doing so, he addres­ses three cor­ner­sto­nes of anci­ent Juda­ism: Alms­gi­ving, pray­er and fas­ting. In the part about pray­er, he descri­bes how peo­p­le for­mu­la­te long pray­ers in the hope that they will be heard through them. The Lord’s Pray­er is the anti­the­sis of the­se steam pray­ers, which do not actual­ly expect God to inter­ve­ne. The pray­er that Jesus gives to his disci­ples – and thus also gives to us – on the other hand rests on the state­ment: «Your Father knows what you need befo­re you ask him.» (Matthew 6:8 LUT). Jesus tells his disci­ples how to pray. And we now want to look at the­se rich words tog­e­ther. Tog­e­ther with Ger­hard Mai­er, we divi­de the pray­er into four sec­tions: (1) Salu­ta­ti­on, (2) You-pray­er, (3) We-pray­er and (4) Praise.

1 – Salutation

Jesus starts with the salu­ta­ti­on «Our Father in hea­ven!» (Matthew 6:9 LUT) and thus imme­dia­te­ly says to whom the disci­ples» pray­er is addres­sed: to God in hea­ven, the Father of the disci­ples. Whoe­ver fol­lows Jesus is not «just» a co-worker, fel­low play­er or con­tract part­ner, but a child of God. And all the­se child­ren of God belong – as «Father» alre­a­dy says – to the same fami­ly. To the fami­ly of God. Schlat­ter sums it up when he says that the com­bi­na­ti­on of «our Father» and «in hea­ven», keeps us from being over­con­fi­dent, becau­se we know that God is near and yet also far and very dif­fe­rent. It is pre­cis­e­ly becau­se he is «in hea­ven» that the first two words mean so much.

2 – You-Petition

With the first three peti­ti­ons, the You peti­ti­ons, Jesus first directs our gaze away from the disci­ples and, in our case, from us. That is very good! How often we go round in cir­cles becau­se we are only con­cer­ned about our­sel­ves! So often we hurt our loved ones becau­se we sim­ply can­not look bey­ond the mir­ror and always seek our advan­ta­ges. Jesus starts dif­fer­ent­ly: He directs our gaze to this won­derful Father whom we may honour. To be able to wor­ship Him, rather than us, is redemp­ti­on in action. Jesus prays ahead (Matthew 6:9b-10 LUT):

«May your name be hallowed. 
Your king­dom come. 
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.»

The first request recalls Psalm 115:1: «Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to your name give glo­ry for the sake of your grace and faithful­ness!» Not us, but God is to be given the glo­ry. That is what the term «name» means – it includes the per­son in ques­ti­on. The second request is full of hope, – and is at the same time a dar­ing inso­lence of Chris­ti­ans towards the forces of evil. It reminds me of the novel «Jacob the Liar», which is set in a ghet­to. It tells how the hope that the Red Army would soon reach them and libe­ra­te them com­ple­te­ly chan­ged the lives of the Jews and gave them new strength. Even though this is not a per­fect com­pa­ri­son, this sto­ry shows us some­thing of the dyna­mic of the second peti­ti­on. We ask that ano­ther king­dom come than the pre­sent one. In this king­dom the­re will be neither suf­fe­ring, nor hat­red, nor bit­ter­ness. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus belie­ve that this king­dom is coming and that they will be wel­co­med by the Lord – Jesus. Despi­te a clear view of the future, the Lord’s Pray­er is groun­ded in today, as we will soon see. Through the third request we learn that God’s will is not yet car­ri­ed out ever­y­whe­re. His will is the good and per­fect. We pray that his will will pre­vail ever­y­whe­re. At the same time, we are chal­len­ged to let our­sel­ves be trans­for­med to live accor­ding to his will, as our annu­al ver­se descri­bes well: «And do not con­form your­sel­ves to this cour­se of the world, but be trans­for­med [in your being] by the rene­wing of your mind, that you may pro­ve what is the good and accep­ta­ble and per­fect will of God.» (Romans 12:2 SLT). We are to ask for it and act on it.

3 – We ask

The four «we» peti­ti­ons fol­low. They con­cern our lives at the core and, exci­tingly, are for­mu­la­ted in the plu­ral. So we can – we should – also pray it tog­e­ther. We pass it in our train jour­ney (Matthew 6:11–13):

«Give us this day our dai­ly bread. 
And for­gi­ve us our tre­s­pas­ses, as we for­gi­ve tho­se who tre­s­pass against us. 
And lead us not into temptation, 
but deli­ver us from evil.»

In the Fourth request we ask the hea­ven­ly Father tog­e­ther to give us what we need to live. It starts here with bread, but it does not end the­re. The request for dai­ly bread also includes ever­y­thing else we need to live. For us Swiss, this sen­tence often feels a litt­le emp­ty. We live in mate­ri­al abun­dance. But we only have that as long as God wants it. We are also depen­dent on him. Per­haps you have come across the so-cal­led «year wit­hout a sum­mer» in histo­ry class. That was 1816, a year when fami­ne bro­ke out in our are­as becau­se of gre­at crop fail­ures due to bad wea­ther. The most com­mon expl­ana­ti­on for the gre­at wea­ther col­lap­se is the erup­ti­on of the Tam­bo­ra vol­ca­no in Indo­ne­sia a year ear­lier. The dust and ash par­tic­les spread through the atmo­sphe­re and mas­si­ve­ly redu­ced solar radia­ti­on. Things can hap­pen that quick­ly, even in Cen­tral Euro­pe. That is why this fourth peti­ti­on is espe­ci­al­ly important for us. It reminds us that ever­y­thing comes from God’s hand. In the Fifth request Jesus refers to our debts. He does not pri­ma­ri­ly mean our finan­cial debts – but he uses them later in ano­ther speech as an image to descri­be our guilt befo­re God. He makes it clear that when we beco­me guil­ty befo­re God, this debt does not fizz­le out. It remains like a mone­ta­ry debt and grows when new debts are added. Also like a mone­ta­ry debt, our offen­ces must be repaid. The pro­blem that con­stant­ly accom­pa­nies us is that we are inca­pa­ble of living guilt­less­ly from birth. Ego­ism reig­ns in us from day one and piles up high moun­ta­ins of debt. We must not rush too quick­ly past the­se words of Jesus: they are uni­que in the who­le histo­ry of the world! Jesus can pray the­se words becau­se he also sol­ved the age-old pro­blem. He went to the cross so that our guilt could be for­gi­ven. If we belie­ve in him, our guilt will be remit­ted. And we beco­me able to for­gi­ve others as well. We must not say that casual­ly. The­re are real­ly many very bad things on earth. For­gi­ve­ness is pos­si­ble becau­se we are bet­ween the cross and the return of Christ. All who belie­ve have had their gre­at moun­tain of debt for­gi­ven by Jesus! And for them the­re is also a well-foun­ded hope: He is coming again and then God will wipe away the tears of all His child­ren, heal their wounds, wash away all that is defi­led, res­to­re what is bro­ken and make them par­ta­kers of His glo­ry. In the sixth request we pray that God will not lead us into tempt­a­ti­on. How are we to under­stand this? Does God want to put traps in our path of life? In Matthew 4:1 (LUT) we read: «Then Jesus was led by the Spi­rit into the wil­der­ness to be tempt­ed by the devil.» God’s Spi­rit leads Jesus to a place whe­re he is tempt­ed by the devil. God also leads his child­ren into temp­ting situa­tions from time to time so that they grow in faith. But God hims­elf does not tempt. Howe­ver, we have deve­lo­ped a twis­ted rela­ti­onship to tempt­a­ti­ons in recent years. The «sweet tempt­a­ti­ons» have long sin­ce begun their tri­um­phal march in adver­ti­sing and want to con­vin­ce us again and again that once should not be once. The devil tri­es to do the same: he wants to sell us things that look temp­ting at first – and eat us up from the insi­de at second. Jesus knows tempt­a­ti­ons from his own expe­ri­ence and is the only one who never gave in to them throug­hout his life. He ins­tructs us to take tempt­a­ti­ons serious­ly and ask God for help. Pray­er is the way of resis­tance. We come to the Seventh and final request. Jesus tea­ches us to pray for pro­tec­tion from evil. Inte­res­t­ing is his pray­er in John 17:15 (LUT) whe­re he prays: «I’m not asking you to (i.e. the disci­ples) out of the world, but that you pre­ser­ve them from evil.» As long as we are part of this world, the­re will be evil. Also in the lives of Jesus» fol­lo­wers. But it is important that they are in the world and spread God’s light – becau­se: the­re is hope for restoration!

4 – Praise

About the prai­se at the end (Matthew 6:13 LUT)

«[For thi­ne is the king­dom and the power and the glo­ry for ever and ever. Amen.]»

and the many fol­low-up ques­ti­ons we dis­cus­sed in detail at the Life­group Weekend. I will brief­ly sum­ma­ri­se again. The ending is miss­ing in the oldest copies of the Gos­pel that we see as the tex­tu­al basis. The­r­e­fo­re, we do not know with cer­tain­ty how Matthew ori­gi­nal­ly for­mu­la­ted the ending. It would be quite pos­si­ble that the prai­se at the end chan­ged again and again – that was com­mon at that time. In any case, the words that have been han­ded down here are not a novel inven­ti­on that was smug­g­led into the text. The wor­ding was taken from the Greek trans­la­ti­on of 1 Chro­nic­les 29:11. Should we also chan­ge the ending every now and then? The­re are advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges to this. It makes sen­se to pray words from the Bible at the end as well. In addi­ti­on, this pray­er con­nects us with all other Chris­ti­ans world­wi­de. I would the­r­e­fo­re be rather cau­tious. But I also think that a dif­fe­rent ending can broa­den our pray­er hori­zon. For exam­p­le, we could put Romans 11:36 (LUT) at the end every now and then: «For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glo­ry for ever and ever! Amen.» Clo­sing with prai­se to God is defi­ni­te­ly valuable. We thus clo­se the cir­cle with the first three petitions.

We are at the end of our train jour­ney through the Lord’s Pray­er. What are you taking with you? Whe­re would you like to stop today or tomor­row and dive in fur­ther? The Lord’s Pray­er is so rich that I don’t want to con­den­se it into one thought and hand it to you now. Rather, I hope that the joy of it has been awa­ken­ed and that you will immer­se your­sel­ves even more. The best way to do that is to pray it – and that’s what I want you to do. As I said at the Life­group Weekend: The Lord’s Pray­er defi­ni­te­ly belongs on the list of things to do every day. It is far too pre­cious to be rele­ga­ted to ano­ther list!


Possible questions for the small groups

Read Bible text: Matthew 6:1–18

  1. How is the hope that God’s king­dom is coming expres­sed in your life? What do you wish you could live dif­fer­ent­ly against this hop­eful background?
  2. When do you find it dif­fi­cult to for­gi­ve others? Why?
  3. What tempt­a­ti­ons have been with you for a long time? How do you deal with them?
  4. What beca­me par­ti­cu­lar­ly important to you (through the ser­mon or over the years) about or in the Lord’s Pray­er? Why?