That makes sense!
A Christmas message about lights, candlesticks and the illuminated.
Today’s slogan: «Blessed are the people whose God is the LORD!» ( Psalm 144:15).
«Behold, I proclaim to you great joy, which shall be for all the people: for unto you is born this day a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord, in the city of David.»(Luke 2:10–11).
We are living in a brightly lit Christmas world at the moment. We live in a paradise of lights, which is something to rejoice in from the heart. Here and there, thousands of lights shine towards us. Isn’t it amazing what private people put up and hang on their houses and in their gardens. So for a few weeks the dark winter time becomes a little warmer.
The Light-Creating God
In the first chapter of the Bible we read that God first created a very special light: «God said, «Let there be light», and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light «day» and the darkness ’night».» (Genesis 1:3–5 NL).
Before creation there was only chaos, hullabaloo and darkness – and into this confusion God created light!
- James rightly describes God in his letter as the Father of Light! (James 1:17)
- A psalm singer sings of God as the God clothed with light! (Psalm 104:2)
- And John briefly and succinctly states in his 1st letter: God is light! (1John 1,5)
God first infused his divine light into creation.
The terms «light and darkness, day and night» at the beginning of the creation account are initially spiritual terms, just as they are often to be understood spiritually later in the Bible. The lights that God created on the 4th day of creation are quite different. They have a clearly defined, worldly meaning:
«God said: «Let there be lights in the sky to distinguish the day from the night. They shall be signs by which the seasons, the days and the years shall be determined. These lights in the sky shall shine upon the earth.» And so it happened. God created two great lights: the greater light for the day and the lesser light for the night. And God also created the stars. He set these lights in the sky to illuminate the earth, to determine day and night, and to distinguish the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good» (Genesis 1:14–18 NL).
God has spiritual and visible light sources were created.
The light-creating human being
Humans soon turned out to be light-hungry beings and looked for sources of light. At first, fire was the only source of light against the darkness. Then came torches, oil lamps and tallow lamps; then candles; later gas lamps and electric lamps. And today we have an unparalleled variety of light sources! Incandescent lamps, halogen lamps, energy-saving lamps, fluorescent tubes, LEDs… and the light source inventors are far from finished. Today, we can measure the speed of light and have set a new measure of time in the form of light years. It’s fascinating what people have already achieved!
In contrast, it is pathetic that most people are still completely underexposed to the divine light. Even though it is so illuminating and inviting! It is purifying, true, just, holy, revealing, renewing – and yet meets with little interest from people.
Paul writes in the first letter to Timothy that God dwells in an inaccessible light, but people already experienced in OT times that God comes to us humans with his light. King David experienced and confessed this divine, spiritual light:
«Lord, you are my light, you, Lord, have lightened my darkness» (2Samuel 22:29 NL).
And elsewhere: «The LORD is my light and my salvation; of whom shall I fear?»(Psalm 27:1 Lu).
That is the goal of Christmas, that people discover God’s light and receive it within themselves! We celebrate the birth of Jesus, who came into this world as God’s Son with the divine light to bring us new life, hope and a future. This unique event was foretold by the prophet Isaiah for many centuries:
«The people who walk in darkness see a great light, and on those who dwell in the land of darkness it shines brightly. You awaken loud rejoicing, you make great the joy. Before you one rejoices, as one rejoices «when Covid19 times is over, as one is glad when one can put away the masks…» «(Isaiah 9:1–2 Lu).
Why was the rejoicing among God’s people not so great then? Because they had false expectations!
Why is there so little rejoicing in the churches today? Because most people do not know Jesus and therefore it does not make sense to them that he would have indispensable good for us!
How does Isaiah continue in his song of jubilation?
«For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government is upon his shoulder; and he is called Wonder-Counsellor, God-Hero, Everlasting-Father, Prince of Peace»(Isaiah 9:5 NL).
In Jesus Christ, God has brought into the world exactly what people desperately need! I have the impression that Jesus is becoming more and more relevant and meaningful in this world!
At present, wouldn’t we desperately need a unique counsellor who can give wonderful advice for all life situations?! A heroic God who has unlimited possibilities, is admirable and not a cheap caricature; a God who understands us uniquely because Jesus himself became man; a father figure with fatherly and motherly love that lasts forever; love that forgives guilt, a bringer of peace with power and glory like none other.
In rabbinic literature, the term «light» is found in the spiritual ethical sense for everything that is averted or opposed to sin. They use the term «light» in the salvation-historical sense for happiness, joy, salvation and redemption. They have been aware that the Messiah is the light itself. He will spread it, radiate it and bring it to the people. And now he is there and hopes that it will dawn on people!
I am the light of the world
Jesus went around preaching, healing people and calling sinners to himself. Once, in the middle of a sermon, he said:
«I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will no longer wander in darkness, but will have the light of life» (John 8:12 NGÜ).
This light is the most ingenious and also the most precious! Every human being should understand that! But Jesus experienced it differently: in spite of all that he said, in spite of all the miracles and proofs of power, they did not believe in him. There were many respected men who believed in Jesus, but because of their offices they did not openly confess him; they were afraid of possibly losing their jobs because of it. It was more important for them not to lose their reputation with the people than to find recognition with God.
This is still relevant today: «My colleagues would laugh at me if I became a Christian. I would be mobbed if I came out as a Christian!» One thing we must not forget: Jesus is always much more than what could happen to us!
Jesus Christ comes very close to us at Christmas with his love and grace. Jesus does not come to you at a Corona distance: 1.5 m! He comes to you without a mask and takes from you first of all your Mask off your face. Not only the Corona mask, but all the others too, and then he knocks on your door.
Not at the shoulder, but at the door of your heart! If Jesus is not yet the centre of your life, then the meaning of Christmas, the light of Jesus, should be clear to you today at the latest. make sense.
Jesus loved to sit with people: With people who were despised at the time. Jesus was then accused by the elite of sitting down to eat with the worst people. With tax collectors, sinners and dark figures.
Don’t you need Jesus? And certainly not eternal life – it’s enough for you when the one is over…!
Sure, you may have a good life, no problems, not be an addict, not have had a love affair in your marriage, not steal.… But the one guilt you still have is the greatest: you have lived past God until now. You have more or less left him to the left.
God desires a relationship with you through Jesus. Jesus wants you to let him shine as a light into your life! Let him shine into your life! Into your mind, into your destiny, into your dark, hidden world of thoughts, into your uncertainty!
Jesus, the light of the world, came into our world to give us salvation, meaning and a purpose in life. This is what we celebrate today! Jesus would love to come to the aid of the people who are suffering under the yoke of the Corona virus and take everything that makes them insecure and afraid under his control. The light of the world is there for all people! He invites you: «Come to me just as you are, with everything that troubles you; with everything you have on your plate, with everything you want to undo, I can make everything new.»
Jesus guarantees eternal life if you consciously open yourself to him and place your life in his hands. This is first important and decisive for yourself, but it also has very significant side effects:
What Jesus said to his followers then is still true today:
«You are the light of the world. A city that lies on a mountain cannot remain hidden. Nor does anyone light a lamp and then place it under a vessel. On the contrary, you put it on the lampstand so that it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men: Let them see your good works and praise your Father in heaven.» (Matthew 5:14–16 NGÜ).
Maybe you think: Someone can quickly say «You are the light of the world».
Paul justifies it in this way: «For the same God who said, «Out of darkness let light shine forth!» has also made it light in our hearts, so that in the person of Jesus Christ we see the full radiance of God’s glory»(2 Corinthians 4:6 NGÜ).
Christians are not arm candy! They are people with charisma! The light does not come from being good oneself, but from Jesus.
This is divine splendour!
Disciples of Jesus are vital in this world at all times and in every place!
When Goethe was on his deathbed, he is said to have shouted «More light! More light!» He missed the divine light that is Jesus!
Live in close connection with Jesus, then you are light in the darkness for others!