Date: 24 April 2022 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Romans 8:19–22
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

24 Man is given the task at the very begin­ning, as a crea­tu­re, of kee­ping the rela­ti­onships within crea­ti­on int­act. Howe­ver, becau­se man did not put his trust in God in the Gar­den of Eden, the who­le crea­ti­on is affec­ted. Now the who­le crea­ti­on gro­ans and waits lon­gin­gly for redemp­ti­on. The King­dom of God that has daw­ned with Jesus will bring res­to­ra­ti­on to all creation.


In my fami­ly of ori­gin, we are six siblings. When my par­ents were out of the house in the evening, we older siblings took respon­si­bi­li­ty for the youn­ger ones. We had to make sure that they did their cho­res and went to bed on time. In the same way, God ins­truc­ted humans – the youn­gest siblings of crea­ti­on – to care for the older siblings of crea­ti­on. It is the respon­si­bi­li­ty of the human being to keep the rela­ti­onships intact.

Creation is badly affected

Mean­while we know it: God descri­bed the well-being of all the rela­ti­onships he had crea­ted in the begin­ning as very good. This also includes the rela­ti­onship bet­ween human beings and the rest of crea­ti­on. Natu­re ser­ves huma­ni­ty by pro­vi­ding sus­ten­an­ce for them. The stars told peo­p­le when to sleep, when to get up, when to sow and when to har­ve­st. Plants ser­ved the ani­mals by offe­ring them­sel­ves for them to eat. We see how man pro­tects and ser­ves the earth. God cal­led man to cul­ti­va­te and pre­ser­ve the earth (Gene­sis 2:15) and to ser­ve the ani­mals (Gene­sis 2:19–20). As long as human beings ser­ved, pro­tec­ted and cul­ti­va­ted their brot­hers and sis­ters in crea­ti­on, the­re was jus­ti­ce and peace, truth and grace, honour and humi­li­ty among human beings.

The­re are only two ways of being: crea­ti­on and crea­tor. And we humans are – crea­ti­on. God is God. The­r­e­fo­re, we can­not deal with crea­ti­on as we plea­se. Our reign must be under God’s will. And if it is to be in the image of God, it must be foun­ded in love. Love binds all crea­ti­on tog­e­ther. God set a sin­gle boun­da­ry for human beings in the Gar­den of Eden that had a con­nec­tion with natu­re: He was not allo­wed to eat from the tree of the know­ledge of good and evil (Gene­sis 2:16f). The peo­p­le were given the chan­ce to show their love for God by trus­ting God’s word and his inten­ti­ons. They deci­ded other­wi­se and lis­ten­ed to the ser­pent who whispe­red to them: «Trust your­sel­ves and find your own way to peace!» The con­se­quence was that any rela­ti­onship that God could see as a very good had desi­gna­ted, was shat­te­red, also the rela­ti­onship bet­ween man and the rest of creation.

Then God said to the ser­pent: «From now on I put enmity bet­ween you and the woman and your off­spring and her off­spring. He shall brui­se thy head, and thou shalt bite his heel.»(Gene­sis 3:15 NLB). This ver­se is usual­ly inter­pre­ted to refer to Jesus» vic­to­ry over Satan at His resur­rec­tion. But spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, it is the first time that an ani­mal attacks a human being.

To Adam, God says: «Becau­se you lis­ten­ed to your wife and ate of the for­bidden fruitLet the soil be cur­sed becau­se of you.. All your life you will toil to feed on it. Thorns and thist­les will grow on it, but you must feed on the growth of the field.» (Gene­sis 3:17f NLB). The soil was cur­sed becau­se man did not trust God. Becau­se we cho­se our own peace and did not heed that abo­ve all crea­ti­on. When we see ear­th­qua­kes and bloa­ted bel­lies today, we know someone has sin­ned on this earth. The dama­ge to crea­ti­on is a tes­tim­o­ny to our rebellion.

After peo­p­le made the choice not to trust God, they tried to hide from God in respon­se to their shame. As a result, the first ani­mal had to die: «And the Lord God made Adam and his wife clo­thes of ani­mal skins and put them on them» (Gene­sis 3:21 NLB). God kil­led his own crea­tu­re to cover the shame of man. Death came into the world. Sin sepa­ra­ted us from God, from the rest of crea­ti­on and from life its­elf. Man’s sin­ful and sel­fi­sh mot­to is: Our own peace at the expen­se of the peace of the older brot­hers and sis­ters.

Creation sighs

«For we know that all of crea­ti­on gro­ans with us until this moment, as under the pain of child­birth»(Romans 8:22 NLB). Whe­re do we see this groaning?

A news­pa­per report shows black peo­p­le in torn and dir­ty clo­thes. They are sear­ching for some­thing in a deso­la­te land­scape. The cap­ti­on reads: «Peo­p­le look for food in a rub­bish dump in Port-au-Prin­ce.» It was 2008, two years befo­re the devas­ta­ting ear­th­qua­ke in Hai­ti. Why did peo­p­le have to look for their food in a land­fill? The reason is seve­re soil ero­si­on, the cau­se of which is devas­ta­ting defo­re­sta­ti­on and mass mono­cul­tures during colo­ni­sa­ti­on. The colo­nia­lists cut down huge forests to have more ara­ble land for crops. After Hai­ti achie­ved inde­pen­dence from France, France deman­ded com­pen­sa­ti­on in the form of tim­ber. In the end, less than 4% of the forest remain­ed. In addi­ti­on, the impact of cli­ma­te chan­ge made far­ming dif­fi­cult. The rich nati­ons brought sub­si­di­sed food to Hai­ti at a pri­ce that excluded local far­mers from com­pe­ting. This made the coun­try more and more depen­dent on food imports. During the 2008 glo­bal eco­no­mic cri­sis, the glo­bal food mar­ket saw a signi­fi­cant increase in the pri­ce of food imports from rich count­ries. This increase trig­ge­red unrest in deve­lo­ping count­ries around the world. To get some food, the poo­rest of the poor ate mud. Mud pat­ties, oil and sugar soot­hed the sto­machs of star­ving people.

Crea­ti­on sighs. From 2006 to 2009, Syria is expe­ri­en­cing the grea­test drought in cen­tu­ries, trig­ge­red by a cen­tu­ry-long rise in tem­pe­ra­tu­re and drought in the regi­on. Sci­en­tists say that this cli­ma­te chan­ge is cau­sed by human acti­vi­ties. Stu­dies show that this extre­me drought, along with other fac­tors such as mis­gui­ded agri­cul­tu­ral and water poli­ci­es, cau­sed lar­ge crop fail­ures. This led to a migra­ti­on of over 1.5 mil­li­on peo­p­le from rural are­as to cities. This in turn fos­te­red social stress, which was the reason for or cau­sed the upri­sing against Pre­si­dent Bas­har al-Assad in March 2011. They tried to over­throw al-Assad and found them­sel­ves in a war that las­ted seve­ral years. This trig­ge­red the lar­gest wave of refu­gees in Euro­pe sin­ce World War 2. All the­se move­ments paved the way for the rise of ISIS in this region.

Creation waits eagerly

«For all crea­ti­on waits eager­ly for that day when God will reve­al who tru­ly belongs to his child­ren» (Romans 8:19 NLB). The who­le crea­ti­on is eager­ly wai­ting for the real child­ren of God. This refers to peo­p­le who place their trust com­ple­te­ly in God and hum­bly ful­fil their basic mis­si­on of pro­tec­ting, pre­ser­ving and admi­nis­te­ring the earth.. We are cal­led to exer­cise domi­ni­on over the rest of crea­ti­on, not over other human beings. Huma­ni­ty is desti­ned to be the pro­tec­tor, cul­ti­va­tor and ser­vant of the earth, not its exploiter.

«Ever­y­thing on earth was sub­jec­ted to tran­si­ence. This hap­pen­ed against their will by the one who sub­jec­ted them. But all crea­ti­on hopes for the day when it will be freed from death and cor­rup­ti­on to the glo­rious free­dom of God’s child­ren.»(Romans 8:20f NLB). The King­dom of God will bring res­to­ra­ti­on to all crea­ti­on. In the per­son of Jesus Christ, this King­dom has daw­ned in the world. This Jesus, the crea­tor of trees, was nai­led to a tree. The first sin of huma­ni­ty was com­mit­ted in rela­ti­on to a tree, the tree of the know­ledge of good and evil. Now the redemp­ti­on of huma­ni­ty and the rever­sal of the fall also hap­pens in rela­ti­on to a tree. Then Jesus con­que­r­ed death by ope­ning his own tomb. In the end the­re will be only one tree, the tree of life. The lea­ves of this tree will heal the nati­ons (Reve­la­ti­on 21:1–2).

How can peo­p­le reve­al them­sel­ves as the real child­ren of God in this groa­ning world?

Through humi­li­ty: «If I clo­se the hea­vens so that no rain falls, or send locus­ts that devour the crops, or send pesti­len­ces to my peo­p­le, and my peo­p­le who bear my name then rep­ent, if the peo­p­le pray to me and seek my near­ness and return to me, I will hear them in hea­ven and for­gi­ve their sins and heal their land» (2 Chro­nic­les 7:13f NLB). The spi­ri­tu­al con­di­ti­on of the peo­p­le is the root of all evil. Lack of humi­li­ty shows its­elf in the way we tre­at others. The first requi­re­ment for the res­to­ra­ti­on of the earth is humi­li­ty.

The­re is an unre­flec­ti­ve Wes­tern pri­de. We act as if the world can be fixed by adop­ting Wes­tern cul­tu­re. This approach is doo­med to fail­ure. Humi­li­ty helps us to ack­now­ledge that God has pla­ced wis­dom in the minds and hearts of all cul­tures – and we need all of them to sur­vi­ve. Wes­tern influence on dif­fe­rent civi­li­sa­ti­ons has ushe­red in colo­ni­sa­ti­on, mono­cul­tu­re, defo­re­sta­ti­on and much inju­s­ti­ce. Our beha­viour betrays that we belie­ve our­sel­ves to be God over crea­ti­on. We must con­fess this sin­ful beha­viour and rep­ent. True humi­li­ty under­stands that the fact that we are crea­tures is very good. Humi­li­ty ack­now­led­ges God as Crea­tor and human beings as crea­tures. We belong to the fami­ly of crea­ti­on with a spe­cial respon­si­bi­li­ty: to bring the rest of crea­ti­on to flower, to nur­tu­re and to pro­tect it. We walk through natu­re in the awa­re­ness that the plants, trees and ani­mals are our older brot­hers and sis­ters. This may sound a litt­le stran­ge, but it is immense­ly hel­pful for our atti­tu­de towards co-creation.

Bes­i­des humi­li­ty, we have ano­ther lever: We can advo­ca­te for just sys­tems and struc­tures through just poli­ci­es. Espe­ci­al­ly we Swiss with a pro­no­un­ced demo­cra­cy are always given the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take respon­si­bi­li­ty for our older brot­hers and sis­ters in creation.


But the key in the heal­ing of the land is the child­ren of God who will reve­al them­sel­ves. Many of us call our­sel­ves a child of God. «But to all tho­se who recei­ved him and belie­ved in his name, he gave the right to beco­me God’s child­ren.»(John 1:12 NLB). Are we awa­re that we have a pio­nee­ring role in the res­to­ra­ti­on of crea­ti­on? As crea­tures made in the liken­ess of God, we learn of His kind of rule, that of a good she­p­herd caring for His sheep. Clo­se to Jesus, we have to take off this tone and play in this world.



Questions for the small groups

Read the Bible text: John 20:1–29

  1. What is the voca­ti­on of human beings in rela­ti­on to the who­le of crea­ti­on? What is the role of human beings in creation?
  2. Why does the who­le of crea­ti­on suf­fer? What respon­si­bi­li­ty does man bear who did not put his trust in God?
  3. What is the solu­ti­on for the redemp­ti­on of crea­ti­on? What does it mean to be a child of God in this context?
  4. What does humi­li­ty mean? What pos­si­bi­li­ties do we have as indi­vi­du­als regar­ding just struc­tures in this world?
  5. What are your learnings?