Date: 10 April 2020 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: 1 Corin­thi­ans 1:18
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

For some, non­sen­si­cal, unneces­sa­ry, sim­ply a scan­dal; for others, the basis for their new life with God. In addi­ti­on, we expe­ri­ence Andrew on his inte­res­t­ing path to faith.

Andre­as sits on the flo­or and rolls a ciga­ret­te. For almost 3 weeks, the 18-year-old has been on a trip of self-dis­co­very. All by hims­elf, he rode his moped all the way to Eng­land and back, 3000 km. Now he is on his way back and takes a break on a bench; his over­alls are dir­ty, his fin­ger­nails black and his long hair greasy; he stinks and is tired. Lost in thought, he does­n’t noti­ce how a sty­led busi­ness­man of about 50 sits on the bench with him. After a few minu­tes, this man turns to him and asks: Do you know Jesus? Andre­as, howe­ver, is a con­vin­ced and mis­sio­na­ry athe­ist. He finds belief in God stu­pid and com­ple­te­ly absurd! Even now he puts on a pity­ing smi­le, as he often does with his pious class­ma­tes at the grammar school.

How would peo­p­le react today if you asked them: Do you know Jesus? «Sure, I know Jesus, he is in the Bible. We heard about him at school,» some would spon­ta­neous­ly ans­wer. Others would per­haps imme­dia­te­ly do a 180 and dis­ap­pear. Still others would smi­le, doubt our sani­ty and sud­den­ly have no more time. What hap­pen­ed on Good Fri­day? – would also be such a ques­ti­on as a con­ver­sa­ti­on star­ter. That would be more dif­fi­cult! Good Fri­day – a day off from work to enjoy! But the mea­ning behind it? No idea! Even tal­king about it is com­ple­te non­sen­se for most peo­p­le. Jesus dies on the cross! That is a bloo­dy scan­dal! A mis­car­ria­ge of jus­ti­ce! Good Fri­day – the­re is no mea­ning behind it! Paul says in 1 Corin­thi­ans, chap 1, ver­se 18: «I know how non­sen­si­cal the mes­sa­ge of the cross sounds in the ears of tho­se who are lost. But we who are saved reco­g­ni­se in this mes­sa­ge the power of God.» Opi­ni­ons dif­fer about the cross. The­re are also Chris­ti­ans who have trou­ble with this day! The­re are con­gre­ga­ti­ons that have taken their Good Fri­day ser­vice out of the pro­gram­me. They con­cen­tra­te on Eas­ter. They pre­fer to talk about the resurrection!

Jesus tried to prepa­re the disci­ples for his pas­si­on. The first time, Peter was hor­ri­fied and vehe­men­t­ly refu­sed: «This must not hap­pen, sir,» he said. «This must not hap­pen under any cir­cum­s­tances!» (Matthew 16:23 LU) That would be embar­ras­sing! A Saviour who has to suf­fer and die! From the second announce­ment we read that the disci­ples could not do any­thing with this news – and inte­res­t­ing: they were afraid to ask fur­ther ques­ti­ons! We are some­ti­mes afraid to ask fur­ther ques­ti­ons becau­se we are afraid of the «it could be!» we are afraid. Or when we don’t want to know the truth. Jesus takes a third attempt, but it’s no use: «The disci­ples unders­tood not­hing of all this. The mea­ning of the­se words was hid­den from them; they did not under­stand what was meant by them.» (Luke 18:34 NGÜ). Was it easier to talk about the cross of Jesus after the resur­rec­tion. Paul had the fol­lo­wing expe­ri­ence on his mis­sio­na­ry jour­neys: «The Jews demand signs and the Greeks seek wis­dom. When we pro­cla­im Christ as cru­ci­fied, the Jews are indignant and the Greeks decla­re it non­sen­se.» (1 Corin­thi­ans 1:22–23 NL). Why did this con­ti­nue until today? Becau­se Jesus chal­len­ged the human idea of a true, ful­fil­led life. cros­ses and put it down as a dead end, an aberra­ti­on! The Jews thought they were good enough, but they would have lik­ed to see ano­ther mira­cle from Jesus; and the Greeks were loo­king for some­thing cle­ver, for an intellec­tu­al «hip». And today: peo­p­le don’t need Jesus to die for them. They mana­ge wit­hout. They are respon­si­ble for their own faux pas! A God who sacri­fices his Son for us and then dies on the cross cover­ed in blood – that is no God!

Opinions differ on the cross of Jesus

Every per­son comes to the cross­roads of Good Fri­day at some point in their life’s jour­ney. The cross of Jesus places peo­p­le at a cross­roads – whe­re they have to deci­de. Two paths are offe­red to you, like the two arms of a cross: the path with God or the path wit­hout God! It is a decis­i­on about life and death – about being lost or being saved! What is cra­zy is that in the cour­se of time peo­p­le have con­ver­ted the cross­roads at the cross into a giant round­about with hundreds of exits and pos­si­bi­li­ties. The­re are exits to eso­te­ri­cism, healt­hy living, yoga, astro­lo­gy, Bud­dhism, gro­wing self-con­fi­dence, Islam, cos­me­tic sur­gery, chi gong, Hin­du­ism, banks, fit­ness temp­les, slee­ping bet­ter, tai chi, fit in old age, etc. The­re are undoub­ted­ly good offers the­re too. And peo­p­le go round in this round­about and help them­sel­ves to the buf­fet for a ful­fil­led and hap­py life – and yet remain emp­ty. Are the­se unli­mi­t­ed pos­si­bi­li­ties now sup­po­sed to be bet­ter, more sen­si­ble, more inge­nious and easier to under­stand than the fact that God loves us and wants to give us a life with a future and hope? Paul turns the tables two ver­ses after our ser­mon text: «Whe­re are the wise men, the scri­bes, the bril­li­ant ora­tors? God has made fools of them and expo­sed their wis­dom as use­l­ess non­sen­se.» (1 Corin­thi­ans 1:20 NL). Here is an inter­me­dia­te remark: When we talk about the foo­lish­ness of the cross on this day, we must remain awa­re that even then not a few priests, Pha­ri­sees and scri­bes came to faith. Just as num­e­rous super-smart peo­p­le share the faith with us today! Is the good news of the Bible so dif­fi­cult to under­stand? An eye-opener:

God loves people

First things first: God loves all peo­p­le! He has demons­tra­ted this love to us with his Son Jesus Christ. Jesus took the punish­ment for our guilt upon hims­elf by going the way to the cross, for you and me, for all of us. He did this vol­un­t­a­ri­ly! Jesus says it hims­elf: «No one takes it (life) from me; I give it free­ly. I have the power to give it away and I have the power to recei­ve it back. This is the mis­si­on I have recei­ved from my Father». (John 10:18 NGÜ).

The board in front of the head

It is sad that bet­ween most peo­p­le and God is like a wall. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, many peo­p­le never expe­ri­ence any­thing of God’s love becau­se they igno­re him. They are God to them­sel­ves. When the Bible speaks of sin, it does not mean our moral fail­ure first, but the arro­gant going over God’s head. For me, the cur­rent Coro­na cri­sis is like God shaking the com­for­ta­ble chairs whe­re peo­p­le are stuck and invi­ting them to come to him: «So, get up, come to me already!»


The crossing at the crossroads

Some­ti­mes peo­p­le need seve­ral «shakes» befo­re they make the right decis­i­on. Like Andre­as, whom we met on the bench. He tried to make the man next to him under­stand that reli­gi­on is non­sen­se. But he hims­elf beco­mes sus­pi­cious becau­se he rea­li­ses that he does­n’t real­ly know any­thing about the Chris­ti­an faith. The man wants to give him ano­ther New Tes­ta­ment. Andre­as, who does not agree at first, thinks: «Ok, I can read it»… At home he starts to read, but it is total crap for him. «It’s about Jesus, who forms a group with a few com­ple­te idi­ots, fails grand­ly in the end and is cru­ci­fied», is how he sums up what he has read. But it pis­ses him off that the­re is some­thing that so ful­fils others, but he can’t find access to this mate­ri­al. His next step is to get in touch with his fun­ny, pious class­ma­tes from school. They imme­dia­te­ly invi­te him to the youth Bible cir­cle, whe­re they talk to each other, read the Bible, sing and pray. He attends seve­ral times, but still feels not­hing of God’s clo­sen­ess. After gra­dua­ting from high school, he does his com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice in an old people’s home – the­re he is con­fron­ted with faith again. He is ama­zed at the many old, bit­ter peo­p­le who look back on their lives and say: «I have lived off the mark. I have built my life on things that don’t work.

Isn’t it bad when a per­son has to make such a con­fes­si­on at the end of his life? This tou­ch­es the young man and he asks hims­elf: What real­ly wears in this world? In this old people’s home the­re was also an old woman who was devout. She was in a bad way. She could no lon­ger get up, at most she could sit up in bed. But this was one of the hap­piest and kin­dest women he had met. She always said, «When the Lord Jesus comes for me some­day, it will be good!» When one ente­red her room, the sun would rise! The young man felt: the­re is a God after all. This woman has some­thing that car­ri­es her. The­re is some­thing worth living for. And he expe­ri­en­ces how unbe­lief has to cede more and more space to faith. One day, Andre­as came across a page in his tes­ta­ment whe­re the rea­der had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to docu­ment his decis­i­on for faith in the God of the Bible in wri­ting, with date and signature.At that moment, he deci­ded for Jesus. Even today he sticks to it and says: «I want to belie­ve, even if doubts ari­se from time to time!» (from: Susan­ne Hoch­mey­er-Licht­blau, Von Gott berührt, Gerth-Medi­en, ISBN 978–3‑95734–625‑4)

Good Friday

That’s how God is! Our mis­be­ha­viour towards God and our ego trips can­not stop Him from show­ing His love to peo­p­le even in the 21st cen­tu­ry. He still knocks on people’s doors and draws them to Hims­elf – like Andrew! That is why we go through life with open eyes and ears, becau­se per­haps Jesus wants to use you as a «nudge» for others, as he did through the man on the bench, through the young peo­p­le in the Bible stu­dy group or through the radi­ant woman in the old people’s home. We are bles­sed to bless others! «I know how non­sen­si­cal the mes­sa­ge of the cross sounds in the ears of tho­se who are lost. But we who are saved reco­g­ni­se in this mes­sa­ge the power of God.» (1 Cor 1:18 NL). What a pri­vi­le­ge to be at home with God in this Coro­na-shaken world!