Abentüür Gebät
Abentüür Gebät – isn’t that a contradiction in terms? An adventure is breathtaking, but prayer is rather boring. Or so you think! But when you realise that praying is nothing…
Bestseller – The Bible
With the theme series «Bestsellers – The Bible», we will roam through the entire Bible in the course of the year. In the process, we will come across precious treasures, surprising connections and groundbreaking truths. «And that…
«Look; I am creating something new; already it is sprouting.» (The Bible, Isaiah 43:19) In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He created them wonderful, diverse, full of grace. Man…
EIFACH muetig – with Jesus as a role model
The theme for 2025 is «EIFACH muetig – with Jesus as our role model». The focus is on the question of what following Jesus looks like in concrete terms. Various topics such as relationships, state, body, creation, church,…
Follow me
There is always something or someone in our lives that attracts our attention – similar to an accident on the side of the road where we can’t look away. «You follow…
Why does only one of the light bulbs light up? Because only it is connected to the power source! A light bulb does not carry the power to light up within itself. In the same way, a human being must be connected to…
Holy – Holy – Holy
God’s holiness confronts us with a side of God that we can hardly grasp. It shows him to us as the completely different one who is nevertheless turned towards us. It remains a challenge to…
Metamorphosis in zoology is the transformation of the larval form to the adult stage – for example, from a larva to a butterfly. The same term is also used in the Bible in Rom…
seetal chile Talk
Moving stories from people’s lives
Imagine rising out of the fog on a hike or by plane and enjoying a magnificent view in bright sunshine. This effect is also created by the…
Like you and me
«I will bless you and you shall be a blessing» (according to Genesis 12:2). Abraham, the father of many nations, received this promise from God. From him, God demanded an incredible…
Welcome home
What is home? Is home simply a country or perhaps even just a house with which we associate sentimental memories? According to Psalm 91:9, the presence of God makes a place a…