Aben­tüür Gebät
Aben­tüür Gebät – isn’t that a con­tra­dic­tion in terms? An adven­ture is breath­ta­king, but pray­er is rather bor­ing. Or so you think! But when you rea­li­se that pray­ing is nothing…
Best­sel­ler – The Bible
With the the­me series «Best­sel­lers – The Bible», we will roam through the enti­re Bible in the cour­se of the year. In the pro­cess, we will come across pre­cious tre­asu­res, sur­pri­sing con­nec­tions and ground­brea­king truths. «And that…
«Look; I am crea­ting some­thing new; alre­a­dy it is sprou­ting.» (The Bible, Isai­ah 43:19) In the begin­ning, God crea­ted the hea­vens and the earth. He crea­ted them won­derful, diver­se, full of grace. Man…
EIFACH mue­tig – with Jesus as a role model
The the­me for 2025 is «EIFACH mue­tig – with Jesus as our role model». The focus is on the ques­ti­on of what fol­lo­wing Jesus looks like in con­cre­te terms. Various topics such as rela­ti­onships, sta­te, body, crea­ti­on, church,…
Fol­low me
The­re is always some­thing or someone in our lives that attracts our atten­ti­on – simi­lar to an acci­dent on the side of the road whe­re we can’t look away. «You follow…
Why does only one of the light bulbs light up? Becau­se only it is con­nec­ted to the power source! A light bulb does not car­ry the power to light up within its­elf. In the same way, a human being must be con­nec­ted to…
Holy – Holy – Holy
God’s holi­ne­ss con­fronts us with a side of God that we can hard­ly grasp. It shows him to us as the com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent one who is nevert­hel­ess tur­ned towards us. It remains a chall­enge to…
Meta­mor­pho­sis in zoo­lo­gy is the trans­for­ma­ti­on of the lar­val form to the adult stage – for exam­p­le, from a lar­va to a but­ter­fly. The same term is also used in the Bible in Rom…
see­tal chi­le Talk
Moving sto­ries from people’s lives
Ima­gi­ne rising out of the fog on a hike or by pla­ne and enjoy­ing a magni­fi­cent view in bright suns­hi­ne. This effect is also crea­ted by the…
Like you and me
«I will bless you and you shall be a bles­sing» (accor­ding to Gene­sis 12:2). Abra­ham, the father of many nati­ons, recei­ved this pro­mi­se from God. From him, God deman­ded an incredible…
Wel­co­me home
What is home? Is home sim­ply a coun­try or per­haps even just a house with which we asso­cia­te sen­ti­men­tal memo­ries? Accor­ding to Psalm 91:9, the pre­sence of God makes a place a…