EIFACH muetig – with Jesus as a role model

The the­me for 2025 is «EIFACH mue­tig – with Jesus as a role model». The focus is on the ques­ti­on of what fol­lo­wing Jesus looks like in con­cre­te terms. Various topics such as rela­ti­onships, sta­te, body, crea­ti­on, church, work and pro­per­ty will be exami­ned in depth. The­se topics are topi­cal, explo­si­ve and often con­tro­ver­si­al. Fol­lo­wing Jesus is «EIFACH» becau­se Jesus lived on this earth and show­ed how life works. «EIFACH» as the oppo­si­te of two­fold (ambi­va­lent, divi­ded) wants to chall­enge us to fol­low Jesus with an undi­vi­ded heart. «Mue­tig» (cou­ra­ge­ous) means taking a stand as a fol­lower in our socie­ty and repre­sen­ting values, even if this some­ti­mes cau­ses fric­tion. Will you join us on our jour­ney to fol­low Jesus «EIFACH muetig»?

As a fol­lower of Jesus, I am in this world, but I try to ali­gn mys­elf with God’s stan­dards. As far as pos­si­ble, I vol­un­t­a­ri­ly inte­gra­te mys­elf into the sta­te struc­tu­re and pray for the govern­ment. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus are the salt and light of the world, so it is important to shape the cul­tu­re – but how should this be done? Which path is the right one? The decisi­ve cha­rac­te­ristic and cri­ter­ion is love for God, for fel­low fol­lo­wers of Jesus and for our fel­low human beings. The sta­te and I fol­lo­wers of Jesus… 
God crea­ted the earth and he wan­ted to estab­lish order on the earth. This has its roots in the hea­ven­ly order. The key point here is that God is the King! This is why Isra­el had no king for a long time. Howe­ver, the peo­p­le incre­asing­ly said good­bye to theo­cra­cy and wan­ted a mon­ar­chy. No mat­ter what form of govern­ment we live in, we should sub­mit to it. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus are not cal­led to cri­ti­cise things, but to be the salt of the world. 
Man was crea­ted with a rela­tio­nal poten­ti­al that requi­res both a ver­ti­cal rela­ti­onship with God and a hori­zon­tal rela­ti­onship with peo­p­le. In a fri­end­ship the­re are natu­ral ele­ments and also super­na­tu­ral ele­ments. When the two come tog­e­ther, a stron­ger bond is for­med. In a mar­ria­ge, the­re is also roman­tic love. This is the ide­al pre­re­qui­si­te for the spou­ses to sup­port and accom­pa­ny each other on the path to new crea­ti­on. In Gene­sis 1 and 2, God looks at his crea­ti­on and repea­ted­ly pro­vi­des it with… 
All peo­p­le have par­ents and we can­not choo­se them. It is a bibli­cal prin­ci­ple that we should honour our father and mother. This is the key to a ful­fil­led life. The basic pre­re­qui­si­te for being able to honour my par­ents is God’s love for us. Being accept­ed by him makes it pos­si­ble for me to honour my par­ents. When I honour my par­ents, I am ulti­m­ate­ly hono­u­ring God, who pla­ced me in this fami­ly! Today we are going to deal with the… 
We need truth in order to know how we should live. Howe­ver, truth is high­ly con­tro­ver­si­al today. Accor­ding to the Bible, the Holy Spi­rit gives us access to the truth and also helps us to live in this truth. The Bible plays a cen­tral role in this. We hear in almost every ser­mon that we should/can do this or that by the power of the Spi­rit. What does the Holy Spi­rit actual­ly do and how does he do it? I would like to explain this to you in various… 
«He will not break the bent reed or extin­gu­ish the smould­e­ring wick. […]» (Isai­ah 42:3 NLB). This is today’s dai­ly rea­ding. It descri­bes the pro­mi­sed ser­vant of God. Jesus Christ ful­fils every aspect of what is pro­mi­sed about him. He is the gent­le ser­vant of God who does not break the brui­sed reed or snuff out the smould­e­ring wick. The one who meets us weak peo­p­le as a pati­ent phy­si­ci­an and wants to show hims­elf strong in our weak­ne­ss. In this way we can… 
«Sub­mit your­sel­ves one to ano­ther in the fear of Christ» (Ephe­si­ans 5:21). This sen­tence is the over­tu­re to the gre­at sec­tion on mar­ria­ge in Ephe­si­ans 5, which actual­ly con­ta­ins ever­y­thing you need for a hap­py and ful­fil­ling mar­ria­ge. It is simp­le and requi­res cou­ra­ge. Anyo­ne who puts their per­so­nal hap­pi­ness first and endea­vours to be hap­py at all cos­ts is well on the way to losing their last bit of hap­pi­ness. Unbro­ken is an exci­ting film… 
«EIFACH mue­tig – with Jesus as our role model…» is our new the­me for the year. The­re are various images for the rela­ti­onship bet­ween Jesus and the Church. One of them is the bri­de and bri­de­g­room. If the rela­ti­onship bet­ween Jesus and his bri­de is seen through the eyes of the old wed­ding cerem­o­ny, much beco­mes clear. The basis is the mar­ria­ge con­tract, which pri­ma­ri­ly places the bri­de­g­room under obli­ga­ti­on and grants the bri­de pro­tec­tion. The bri­de, on the other hand, is com­ple­te­ly preoc­cu­p­ied with pre­pa­ring for the upco­ming wedding…