Michael Bont

Inspi­red by the sto­ry in Mark 8:14–28, this ser­mon deals with the topic of doubt. It explo­res the ques­ti­on of what doubt is and how we can deal with it in our pray­er life. 
In Psalm 13, David lets us share how he prays in times of cri­sis. In the pro­cess, he hims­elf expe­ri­en­ces a posi­ti­ve turn. What steps lead David to this tur­n­around is the topic of this sermon. 

Listen to God

18 Febru­ary 2018 
«Thy will be done!» If we real­ly want that, we have to learn to lis­ten to God’s voice. In com­mu­ni­ty things go bet­ter and we can sup­port each other. One form of this is pro­phe­tic prayer. 

A look back

31 Decem­ber 2017 
Loo­king back with the right per­spec­ti­ve can help to move cou­ra­ge­ous­ly and con­fi­dent­ly into the future.