Martin Dreyer

Mar­tin Drey­er is a free­lan­ce theo­lo­gi­an, qua­li­fied pedago­gue, addic­tion coun­sell­or and wri­ter. He beca­me known nati­on­wi­de in the nine­ties through the foun­ding of the Chris­ti­an youth move­ment «Jesus Freaks». His breakth­rough as an aut­hor came with the Volx Bible, a Bible in easy-to-under­stand lan­guage, which has beco­me a paper­back best­sel­ler. Mar­tin is mar­ried, has a daugh­ter and a son and lives in Ber­lin. Despi­te the­se con­sidera­ble suc­ces­ses, the­re are also dark dark sides to his life. The fail­ure of his first mar­ria­ge, alco­hol and drugs as well as a… 
Mar­tin Drey­er is a free­lan­ce theo­lo­gi­an, qua­li­fied pedago­gue, addic­tion coun­sell­or and wri­ter. He beca­me known nati­on­wi­de in the nine­ties through the foun­ding of the Chris­ti­an youth move­ment «Jesus Freaks». His breakth­rough as an aut­hor came with the Volx Bible, a Bible in easy-to-under­stand lan­guage, which has beco­me a paper­back best­sel­ler. Mar­tin is mar­ried, has a daugh­ter and a son and lives in Ber­lin. Despi­te the­se con­sidera­ble suc­ces­ses, the­re are also dark dark sides to his life. The fail­ure of his first mar­ria­ge, alco­hol and drugs as well as a…