Harry Graf

Guest pre­a­cher in the see­tal chile

We need truth in order to know how we should live. Howe­ver, truth is high­ly con­tro­ver­si­al today. Accor­ding to the Bible, the Holy Spi­rit gives us access to the truth and also helps us to live in this truth. The Bible plays a cen­tral role in this. We hear in almost every ser­mon that we should/can do this or that by the power of the Spi­rit. What does the Holy Spi­rit actual­ly do and how does he do it? I would like to explain this to you in various… 
As disci­ples of Jesus, we have a mis­si­on to bring the gos­pel to other peo­p­le. Jesus wants to reach and con­quer hearts. Now how can this work? In the New Tes­ta­ment, Jesus says that if we have love for one ano­ther, ever­yo­ne will reco­g­ni­se Jesus in us. In the Old Tes­ta­ment, the con­quest of Jeri­cho gives us an exam­p­le of how the «con­quest» of hearts can hap­pen through «obe­dient beha­viour». «By this ever­yo­ne will know that you are my disci­ples, if you have love for one ano­ther» (John 13:34 LUT). Ever­yo­ne – are… 
Bet­ween the desert and the Pro­mi­sed Land, the Jor­dan River floods towards the Dead Sea. The peo­p­le of Isra­el are to cross this river under the lea­der­ship of Joshua – but how? When the priests car­ry the Ark of the Coven­ant into this raging river at God’s com­mand, the­re is a dry crossing – an image of the redemp­ti­ve work of Jesus Christ. When someone has «crossed the Jor­dan», this popu­lar­ly means that they have died. For the peo­p­le of Isra­el, the Jor­dan was the divi­ding line bet­ween 40… 
Jesus is risen. As rede­e­med and recon­ci­led peo­p­le, we are cal­led to disci­ple­ship and equip­ped with wis­dom and power by the Holy Spi­rit. But what should this disci­ple­ship con­sist of in prac­ti­cal terms? Jesus hims­elf explains this to us in his exam­p­le of the Good Sama­ri­tan. In its figu­ra­ti­ve lan­guage, this exam­p­le is both an expl­ana­ti­on and a chall­enge. A man falls among rob­bers. He goes from Jeru­sa­lem (whe­re God lives) to Jeri­cho (the con­dem­ned city). Is it his own fault? In any case, Jesus beg­ins with this… 
Ever­yo­ne wants to be hap­py in life. But how do I do that? Do I make mys­elf hap­py, do I fol­low someone or some­thing? If you read Paul’s account, his disci­ple­ship does not seem very pro­mi­sing at first glan­ce: weak­ne­ss, abu­se, hard­ship, per­se­cu­ti­on and fear accom­pa­ny him on his jour­ney. But the­se do not deter him for two reasons. On the con­tra­ry – he choo­ses the path out of his com­fort zone becau­se, on the one hand, he expe­ri­en­ces Christ hims­elf in his weak­ne­ss and, on the other, he beco­mes an ambassa­dor of the good news, of sal­va­ti­on, peace… 
King Solo­mon took in 666 talents or 22 tons of gold alo­ne annu­al­ly, the equi­va­lent of CH 1.27 bil­li­on per year. He was God’s cho­sen king of Isra­el, God’s peo­p­le. He was the wisest man of all time. His incre­di­ble glo­ry was a pic­tu­re of the glo­ry of God – as long as he trus­ted in God alo­ne. But things tur­ned out dif­fer­ent­ly… Every per­son, every one of us has a «glo­ry». What governs your life and mine will be in your… 
At his first sign, Jesus makes 600 lit­res of the best wine for a wed­ding par­ty in Cana, which has run out of wine. No heal­ing, no rai­sing of the dead, no mul­ti­pli­ca­ti­on of bread – no, but wine in quan­ti­ty. What does this mean? And why does Christ make this the first sign? Mar­ria­ge – coming tog­e­ther – bea­ring fruit «So God crea­ted man in his own image, in the image of God he crea­ted them, male and fema­le he crea­ted them. And God bles­sed them and gave them… 
Holi­ne­ss and love belong tog­e­ther. He who loves com­ple­te­ly does not allow harm to come to the bel­oved. We have a choice: we can place our­sel­ves under the love of God or we can choo­se self-rea­li­sa­ti­on and sel­fi­sh­ness. With the lat­ter, our actions will affect, harm others. Becau­se God loves all peo­p­le, he does not allow that, his holi­ne­ss does not allow that. God’s holi­ne­ss is so important for love becau­se it gua­ran­tees that he will never let up, that absolutely…