Cornelia Roth
Worrying about falling short ourselves and not having enough can prevent us from living a generous life. These worries often come from being blinded by earthly riches and losing sight of the heavenly riches we are blessed with. Generous giving is an expression of being aware of the abundant provision and divine blessings in our lives and it helps our hearts to grow in this faith and trust in God.…
Even though we often know what the right thing to do is, we fail again and again. In order to overcome and resist temptation in these situations, we need to equip ourselves in prayer and decide to put God’s will above our own. We are dependent on the power of God to overcome and need His grace again and again. During my theological studies, I had the privilege of gaining experience in preaching. It was the perfect learning environment. The people were basically…
God has called us to bring about good in the world in partnership with him. He does not want to force us to do this. It is therefore all the more important that we have a double yes to this partnership of our own free will. A yes to giving our lives to God and a yes to loving him and giving our hearts to him. I grew up as a Christian. When I was 13, I made a very conscious decision for God at a camp. I say very consciously…
It is part of God’s identity and nature that he is a God who sees us. There is truth and freedom in his gaze. He sees you and your life completely differently to how other people see you. We can hold on to this fact. Every day anew, we can detach ourselves from the human gaze and place ourselves completely under the gaze of God. When my husband and I do sport, we make sure that we wear our sports watches and that we are in the right place at the right time…
Often we think faith has only something to do with an inner attitude and our thoughts. However, the Bible teaches us that faith also has a lot to do with how we act and behave. How rooted our faith is is expressed in our actions. It is not a matter of pious actions, but of acting out of faith. And this faith always has its root in the encounter with the holy God. I would like to start today with a little joke.…
Worshipping God as a holy God means worshipping him even if you do not experience him as a loving, merciful, just God. In doing so, you bring a piece of heaven to earth, because it is the heart of worship. But if we refuse or distract ourselves with other things, how that leads us into inner turmoil and discontent. Tomorrow my husband and I celebrate our second wedding anniversary. I am not saying this to give my husband a heads-up and give him time to…