Cornelia Roth


07 July 2024 
Worry­ing about fal­ling short our­sel­ves and not having enough can pre­vent us from living a gene­rous life. The­se worries often come from being blin­ded by earth­ly riches and losing sight of the hea­ven­ly riches we are bles­sed with. Gene­rous giving is an expres­si­on of being awa­re of the abun­dant pro­vi­si­on and divi­ne bles­sings in our lives and it helps our hearts to grow in this faith and trust in God.… 


26 May 2024 
Even though we often know what the right thing to do is, we fail again and again. In order to over­co­me and resist tempt­a­ti­on in the­se situa­tions, we need to equip our­sel­ves in pray­er and deci­de to put God’s will abo­ve our own. We are depen­dent on the power of God to over­co­me and need His grace again and again. During my theo­lo­gi­cal stu­dies, I had the pri­vi­le­ge of gai­ning expe­ri­ence in prea­ching. It was the per­fect lear­ning envi­ron­ment. The peo­p­le were basically… 

A double yes

04 Febru­ary 2024 
God has cal­led us to bring about good in the world in part­ner­ship with him. He does not want to force us to do this. It is the­r­e­fo­re all the more important that we have a dou­ble yes to this part­ner­ship of our own free will. A yes to giving our lives to God and a yes to loving him and giving our hearts to him. I grew up as a Chris­ti­an. When I was 13, I made a very con­scious decis­i­on for God at a camp. I say very consciously… 
It is part of God’s iden­ti­ty and natu­re that he is a God who sees us. The­re is truth and free­dom in his gaze. He sees you and your life com­ple­te­ly dif­fer­ent­ly to how other peo­p­le see you. We can hold on to this fact. Every day anew, we can detach our­sel­ves from the human gaze and place our­sel­ves com­ple­te­ly under the gaze of God. When my hus­band and I do sport, we make sure that we wear our sports wat­ches and that we are in the right place at the right time… 
Often we think faith has only some­thing to do with an inner atti­tu­de and our thoughts. Howe­ver, the Bible tea­ches us that faith also has a lot to do with how we act and behave. How roo­ted our faith is is expres­sed in our actions. It is not a mat­ter of pious actions, but of acting out of faith. And this faith always has its root in the encoun­ter with the holy God. I would like to start today with a litt­le joke.… 
Wor­ship­ping God as a holy God means wor­ship­ping him even if you do not expe­ri­ence him as a loving, mer­ciful, just God. In doing so, you bring a pie­ce of hea­ven to earth, becau­se it is the heart of wor­ship. But if we refu­se or dis­tract our­sel­ves with other things, how that leads us into inner turm­oil and dis­con­tent. Tomor­row my hus­band and I cele­bra­te our second wed­ding anni­ver­sa­ry. I am not say­ing this to give my hus­band a heads-up and give him time to…