Christian Seitz
Many things that you may think are unthinkable in life are in God’s reality also changeable. Your previous wealth of experience does not have to remain the limit of your future possibilities! With Jesus, existing patterns of life are broken and thus you are confronted again and again with the rethinkable. Lord, give us a heart for your word and also a word for our heart. Amen. Our life patterns Do you also know such situations in which you react in a similar way again and again? In which you repeatedly behave in the same way? To…
«Giants are also only dwarfs», from Caleb, the courageous spy of God. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I want to make it clear to my listeners that we can be courageous on the road with God, because huge challenges become small from his perspective. The sermon is preceded by a short film: Put your hand on your heart and be honest. – Who among you would have dared to go to the cinema with this company? That takes a lot of courage, doesn’t it? I myself would have gone to the cinema with…