Christian Seitz

Many things that you may think are unthinkable in life are in God’s rea­li­ty also chan­geable. Your pre­vious wealth of expe­ri­ence does not have to remain the limit of your future pos­si­bi­li­ties! With Jesus, exis­ting pat­terns of life are bro­ken and thus you are con­fron­ted again and again with the rethinkable. Lord, give us a heart for your word and also a word for our heart. Amen. Our life pat­terns Do you also know such situa­tions in which you react in a simi­lar way again and again? In which you repea­ted­ly behave in the same way? To… 
«Giants are also only dwarfs», from Caleb, the cou­ra­ge­ous spy of God. With the help of the Holy Spi­rit, I want to make it clear to my lis­ten­ers that we can be cou­ra­ge­ous on the road with God, becau­se huge chal­lenges beco­me small from his per­spec­ti­ve. The ser­mon is pre­ce­ded by a short film: Put your hand on your heart and be honest. – Who among you would have dared to go to the cine­ma with this com­pa­ny? That takes a lot of cou­ra­ge, does­n’t it? I mys­elf would have gone to the cine­ma with…