Ansgar Gmür

Ans­gar Gmür was direc­tor of the Homeow­ners» Asso­cia­ti­on, tenor, ven­tri­lo­quist and tough busi­ness­man. Now he wants to beco­me a pas­tor. Gmür was born the seventh of eight child­ren into a moun­tain far­ming fami­ly in Amden. His mother died when he was ele­ven. Under his strict father, he had to work hard and had only a pair of shoes with holes. Even at 27, he was under­weight and his doc­tor did­n’t want to belie­ve that he did­n’t have enough money for food. But Gmür caught up with the Matu­ra after his app­ren­ti­ce­ship as a labo­ra­to­ry technician…