Date: 2 Febru­ary 2025 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: 2 Timo­thy 3:16
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

We need truth in order to know how we should live. Howe­ver, truth is high­ly con­tro­ver­si­al today. Accor­ding to the Bible, the Holy Spi­rit gives us access to the truth and also helps us to live in this truth. The Bible plays a cen­tral role in this.

We hear in almost every ser­mon that we should/can do this or that by the power of the Spi­rit. What does the Holy Spi­rit actual­ly do and how does he do it?

I would like to pass this on to you in various ser­mons. Now what are the main fields of acti­vi­ty of the Holy Spirit?

The spi­rit leads to the truth

«But when the Spi­rit of truth comes, he will gui­de you in all the truth. He will not advo­ca­te his own views, but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about what is to come» (John 16:3 NLB).

The spi­rit gives life

«Sin­ce Christ lives in you, your Köbody due to theüThe end dies, but through the Spi­rit you recei­ve life (zoe)» (Romans 8:10 NLB).

The Spi­rit enables us with his power

«But when the Holy Spi­rit has come upon you, you will recei­ve his power. Then you will tell about me – in Jeru­sa­lem, in all Judea, in Sama­ria, even to the ends of the earth» (Acts 1:8 NLB).

Introduction to Truth

We live in a time that assu­mes that the­re is no lon­ger any truth – or only sub­jec­ti­ve jud­ge­ments, which is true for me personally.

The Bible is dif­fe­rent here. The Bible speaks of truth over 200 times. Truth is cen­tral to God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

It is said of Jesus: «He, who is the Word, beca­me man and lived among us. He was full of grace and truth and we beca­me wit­nesses of his glo­ry» (John 1:14 NLB).

Now Jesus has ascen­ded and sent us a coun­sell­or, advi­ser and com­fort­er – the Holy Spi­rit. It is said of him: «But I will send you the Coun­sell­or – the Spi­rit of Truth» (John 15:26 NLB). And «It is the spi­rit of truth. The world can­not recei­ve him becau­se it does not see him and does not reco­g­ni­se him. But you know him, becau­se he abides with you and will be in you» (John 14:17 NLB).

What does the Bible mean by truth?

In Greek (alet­heia), truth is used here to descri­be a descrip­ti­on of rea­li­ty that you can build on, that is resi­li­ent, that you can trust and that you can rely on. Not only in terms of con­tent, but also for today and tomor­row. Bibli­cal truth does not just mean know­ledge, but under­stan­ding. Bibli­cal truth is a firm foun­da­ti­on on which you can walk safely.

Why is truth important?

Life is life-threa­tening. If I make the wrong assump­ti­ons or decis­i­ons, it can cost me my life.

That’s what makes today’s world so com­plex. It is no lon­ger clear what is true and what is not. This is expres­sed in a cor­re­spon­ding uncer­tain­ty: How should we live rela­ti­onships? How do we bring up our child­ren? How do we deal with con­flicts? How do we resist or com­bat mis­be­ha­viour? What is misbehaviour…?

The most important ques­ti­on, howe­ver, is what we build our life foun­da­ti­on on.

Does God exist? Did Christ die for our sins and did this sacri­fice real­ly work? Is Christ risen, is he still ali­ve? Can I base my life on him, or is he just an illu­si­on – a mira­ge? St Paul also dealt with this ques­ti­on: «If faith in Christ only gives hope for this life, we are the most mise­ra­ble peo­p­le in the world. But now Christ is the first to rise from the dead» (1 Corin­thi­ans 15:19–20 NLB).

So the ques­ti­on remains: Whe­re do we find truth? This is whe­re the Holy Spi­rit comes into play: «But when the Spi­rit of truth comes, he will gui­de you in all the truth. He will not advo­ca­te his own views, but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about what is to come» (John 16:3 NLB).

The Holy Spi­rit leads us into the truth and keeps us in the truth. He does not do this of his own accord, but on behalf of Jesus Christ and is the­r­e­fo­re the mes­sen­ger of our Lord.

What are the «core truths» for our lives

«And when he comes, he will con­vin­ce the world of its sin and of God’s righ­teous­ness and jud­ge­ment. The SüThe end of the world is that it does­n’t belie­ve in me. Righ­teous­ness is pro­ved by the fact that I am going to the Father and you will see me no more. Jud­ge­ment means that the ruler of this world has alre­a­dy been jud­ged» (John 16:8–11 NLB).

Sin: Not belie­ving in Jesus Christ (Tho­se who do not ent­rust their lives to Christ remain in the sin of rejec­ting God and remain sepa­ra­ted from God and his life – the full­ness that was shown in paradise).

God’s jus­ti­ce: Redemp­ti­on in Christ works (the resur­rec­tion of Jesus shows the effec­ti­ve­ness of redemp­ti­on in his blood over sin. It shows that only in Jesus do we find our way back to our iden­ti­ty as images of God (exam­p­le of Jesus sit­ting next to God, which would not be pos­si­ble if he still had sin in him)

Court: The rulers of this world are alre­a­dy jud­ged (they have no more power)

The­se are the cen­tral truths in our world – in the uni­ver­se. How do I rela­te to my crea­tor, how do I return to him, what hap­pens to all the guilt in this world?

What moves our thoughts now – which topics are our priorities?

How does the Holy Spirit speak to us?

The Holy Spi­rit speaks to us in many ways. Job says:

«But God does speak in one way or ano­ther, we just don’t rea­li­se it. In a dream, in a noc­turnal visi­on, when deep sleep falls on man, when he slum­bers in his bed, he opens man’s ear and frigh­tens him with his war­ning in order to dis­sua­de him from wrong beha­viour and pro­tect him from arro­gan­ce» (Job 33:14–17 NLB).

Accor­ding to the New Tes­ta­ment, the Holy Spi­rit speaks pri­ma­ri­ly through the Word of God – the Bible. The­re is a simp­le reason for this: «All Scrip­tu­re is inspi­red by God’s Spi­rit and can teach us what is true and make us reco­g­ni­se whe­re the­re is guilt in our lives. It rebu­kes us and trains us to do God’s will» (2 Timo­thy 3:16 NLB).

The who­le Bible comes from the Holy Spi­rit. So if you are loo­king for truth, if you want to expe­ri­ence the Holy Spi­rit, you can do so by rea­ding the Bible.

Christ also wants to prepa­re his church through the word: «He cle­an­sed them by the washing of water in the word, that he might prepa­re for hims­elf a glo­rious church, not having spot or wrink­le or any such thing, but that it should be holy and bla­me­l­ess» (Ephe­si­ans 5:26–27 LUT).

The Holy Spi­rit speaks to my con­sci­ence: «What I say now, I say in the pre­sence of Christ. It is the truth – I am not lying – and the Holy Spi­rit con­firms it to me through my con­sci­ence» (Romans 9:1 NLB).

This even hap­pens in such a way that we don’t need any ins­truc­tion: «But this does not app­ly to you, becau­se the Holy Spi­rit has come down upon you and you all know the truth. But you have recei­ved the Holy Spi­rit from God and he lives in you, so you don’t need anyo­ne to teach you. For the Spi­rit tea­ches you ever­y­thing, and what he tea­ches is true – it is not a lie. So stick to what he has taught you and con­ti­nue to live with Christ!» (1 John 2:20, 27 NLB).

Of cour­se we should con­ti­nue to preach the Word, but the Holy Spi­rit will open up to each of you what this should mean for your life.

What is the goal of the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spi­rit wants to gui­de us along the right path on behalf of Jesus Christ. He will show us whe­re we are going the wrong way and which is the right way. This also means that he will gui­de us «in the truth». He will not only show us this, but also work to ensu­re that we walk in the truth – on the right path. Lear­ning to walk the right path is a process.

«The­r­e­fo­re, do not be gui­ded by the beha­viour and habits of this world, but let God trans­form you into new peo­p­le by chan­ging your way of thin­king. Then you will know what God wants from you: it is what is good and plea­ses him and is com­ple­te­ly in line with his will»(Romans 12:2 NLB).

Or as we have read befo­re: «All Scrip­tu­re is inspi­red by God’s Spi­rit and can teach us what is true and make us reco­g­ni­se whe­re the­re is guilt in our lives. It rebu­kes us and trains us to do God’s will» (2 Timo­thy 3:16 NLB).


The Holy Spi­rit is the mes­sen­ger of Jesus Christ who gui­des us into all truth. If we know the truth, we walk our path safe­ly. We have a foun­da­ti­on on which we can act with faith.

This spi­ri­tu­al sove­reig­n­ty through the pre­sence of God in our lives beco­mes visi­ble when we are able to live love. When this beco­mes visi­ble, Christ is glo­ri­fied and other peo­p­le also want to get to know this Christ.


Possible questions for the small group

Bible text: 2 Timo­thy 3:16

  1. What does the Holy Spi­rit mean to you?
  2. How do you expe­ri­ence the Holy Spirit?
  3. How do you see the «dis­tri­bu­ti­on of tasks» bet­ween God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit?
  4. What does the Bible mean to you?
  5. Do you also feel that you actual­ly know what needs to be done in your life – and how do you deal with it?