What the Holy Spirit does
Series: EIFACH muetig – with Jesus as a role model | Bible text: 2 Timothy 3:16
We need truth in order to know how we should live. However, truth is highly controversial today. According to the Bible, the Holy Spirit gives us access to the truth and also helps us to live in this truth. The Bible plays a central role in this.
We hear in almost every sermon that we should/can do this or that by the power of the Spirit. What does the Holy Spirit actually do and how does he do it?
I would like to pass this on to you in various sermons. Now what are the main fields of activity of the Holy Spirit?
The spirit leads to the truth
«But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you in all the truth. He will not advocate his own views, but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about what is to come» (John 16:3 NLB).
The spirit gives life
«Since Christ lives in you, your Köbody due to theüThe end dies, but through the Spirit you receive life (zoe)» (Romans 8:10 NLB).
The Spirit enables us with his power
«But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive his power. Then you will tell about me – in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, even to the ends of the earth» (Acts 1:8 NLB).
Introduction to Truth
We live in a time that assumes that there is no longer any truth – or only subjective judgements, which is true for me personally.
The Bible is different here. The Bible speaks of truth over 200 times. Truth is central to God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
It is said of Jesus: «He, who is the Word, became man and lived among us. He was full of grace and truth and we became witnesses of his glory» (John 1:14 NLB).
Now Jesus has ascended and sent us a counsellor, adviser and comforter – the Holy Spirit. It is said of him: «But I will send you the Counsellor – the Spirit of Truth» (John 15:26 NLB). And «It is the spirit of truth. The world cannot receive him because it does not see him and does not recognise him. But you know him, because he abides with you and will be in you» (John 14:17 NLB).
What does the Bible mean by truth?
In Greek (aletheia), truth is used here to describe a description of reality that you can build on, that is resilient, that you can trust and that you can rely on. Not only in terms of content, but also for today and tomorrow. Biblical truth does not just mean knowledge, but understanding. Biblical truth is a firm foundation on which you can walk safely.
Why is truth important?
Life is life-threatening. If I make the wrong assumptions or decisions, it can cost me my life.
That’s what makes today’s world so complex. It is no longer clear what is true and what is not. This is expressed in a corresponding uncertainty: How should we live relationships? How do we bring up our children? How do we deal with conflicts? How do we resist or combat misbehaviour? What is misbehaviour…?
The most important question, however, is what we build our life foundation on.
Does God exist? Did Christ die for our sins and did this sacrifice really work? Is Christ risen, is he still alive? Can I base my life on him, or is he just an illusion – a mirage? St Paul also dealt with this question: «If faith in Christ only gives hope for this life, we are the most miserable people in the world. But now Christ is the first to rise from the dead» (1 Corinthians 15:19–20 NLB).
So the question remains: Where do we find truth? This is where the Holy Spirit comes into play: «But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you in all the truth. He will not advocate his own views, but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about what is to come» (John 16:3 NLB).
The Holy Spirit leads us into the truth and keeps us in the truth. He does not do this of his own accord, but on behalf of Jesus Christ and is therefore the messenger of our Lord.
What are the «core truths» for our lives
«And when he comes, he will convince the world of its sin and of God’s righteousness and judgement. The SüThe end of the world is that it doesn’t believe in me. Righteousness is proved by the fact that I am going to the Father and you will see me no more. Judgement means that the ruler of this world has already been judged» (John 16:8–11 NLB).
Sin: Not believing in Jesus Christ (Those who do not entrust their lives to Christ remain in the sin of rejecting God and remain separated from God and his life – the fullness that was shown in paradise).
God’s justice: Redemption in Christ works (the resurrection of Jesus shows the effectiveness of redemption in his blood over sin. It shows that only in Jesus do we find our way back to our identity as images of God (example of Jesus sitting next to God, which would not be possible if he still had sin in him)
Court: The rulers of this world are already judged (they have no more power)
These are the central truths in our world – in the universe. How do I relate to my creator, how do I return to him, what happens to all the guilt in this world?
What moves our thoughts now – which topics are our priorities?
How does the Holy Spirit speak to us?
The Holy Spirit speaks to us in many ways. Job says:
«But God does speak in one way or another, we just don’t realise it. In a dream, in a nocturnal vision, when deep sleep falls on man, when he slumbers in his bed, he opens man’s ear and frightens him with his warning in order to dissuade him from wrong behaviour and protect him from arrogance» (Job 33:14–17 NLB).
According to the New Testament, the Holy Spirit speaks primarily through the Word of God – the Bible. There is a simple reason for this: «All Scripture is inspired by God’s Spirit and can teach us what is true and make us recognise where there is guilt in our lives. It rebukes us and trains us to do God’s will» (2 Timothy 3:16 NLB).
The whole Bible comes from the Holy Spirit. So if you are looking for truth, if you want to experience the Holy Spirit, you can do so by reading the Bible.
Christ also wants to prepare his church through the word: «He cleansed them by the washing of water in the word, that he might prepare for himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and blameless» (Ephesians 5:26–27 LUT).
The Holy Spirit speaks to my conscience: «What I say now, I say in the presence of Christ. It is the truth – I am not lying – and the Holy Spirit confirms it to me through my conscience» (Romans 9:1 NLB).
This even happens in such a way that we don’t need any instruction: «But this does not apply to you, because the Holy Spirit has come down upon you and you all know the truth. But you have received the Holy Spirit from God and he lives in you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you. For the Spirit teaches you everything, and what he teaches is true – it is not a lie. So stick to what he has taught you and continue to live with Christ!» (1 John 2:20, 27 NLB).
Of course we should continue to preach the Word, but the Holy Spirit will open up to each of you what this should mean for your life.
What is the goal of the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit wants to guide us along the right path on behalf of Jesus Christ. He will show us where we are going the wrong way and which is the right way. This also means that he will guide us «in the truth». He will not only show us this, but also work to ensure that we walk in the truth – on the right path. Learning to walk the right path is a process.
«Therefore, do not be guided by the behaviour and habits of this world, but let God transform you into new people by changing your way of thinking. Then you will know what God wants from you: it is what is good and pleases him and is completely in line with his will»(Romans 12:2 NLB).
Or as we have read before: «All Scripture is inspired by God’s Spirit and can teach us what is true and make us recognise where there is guilt in our lives. It rebukes us and trains us to do God’s will» (2 Timothy 3:16 NLB).
The Holy Spirit is the messenger of Jesus Christ who guides us into all truth. If we know the truth, we walk our path safely. We have a foundation on which we can act with faith.
This spiritual sovereignty through the presence of God in our lives becomes visible when we are able to live love. When this becomes visible, Christ is glorified and other people also want to get to know this Christ.
Possible questions for the small group
Bible text: 2 Timothy 3:16
- What does the Holy Spirit mean to you?
- How do you experience the Holy Spirit?
- How do you see the «distribution of tasks» between God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit?
- What does the Bible mean to you?
- Do you also feel that you actually know what needs to be done in your life – and how do you deal with it?