Relationships | Jesus woos his bride
Series: EIFACH muetig – with Jesus as a role model | Bible text: Revelation 19:7; Ephesians 5:25–27; Ephesians 1:13–14
«EIFACH muetig – with Jesus as our role model…» is our new theme for the year. There are various images for the relationship between Jesus and the Church. One of them is the bride and bridegroom. If the relationship between Jesus and his bride is seen through the eyes of the old wedding ceremony, much becomes clear. The basis is the marriage contract, which primarily places the bridegroom under obligation and grants the bride protection. The bride, on the other hand, is completely preoccupied with preparing for the upcoming wedding. Followers of Jesus are in this phase and are therefore called upon to utilise the time until Jesus returns.
Today we start the new theme for the year «EIFACH muetig – with Jesus as our role model…» On the one hand, today’s sermon is intended to lay the foundation for much of what is to come this year. On the other hand, it is also the start of the sub-theme of relationships. «EIFACH muetig». On the one hand, following Jesus is easy, but on the other hand, it always requires a good deal of courage. But everything that followers of Jesus do is connected to the relationship that he has with his followers. Many will probably struggle with this statement, but there is such a thing as belonging or not belonging. It depends on this relationship. In the Bible, this relationship is described in various ways. Among other things, the congregation or church as the bride of Jesus. All of this ultimately culminates in the marriage of the church and Jesus Christ. «Let us be glad and rejoice and honour him. For the time has come for the marriage supper of the Lamb, and his bride has made herself ready» (Revelation 19:7 NLB). At the end of time, the Lamb (Jesus Christ) will come together again with his bride (the church) and celebrate the wedding. The bride has duly prepared herself for this, but what does this look like? To better understand this image, this morning we will immerse ourselves in the ancient Jewish wedding ceremony.
The «ketubba» as a basis
Engagement is a fleeting concept today compared to how it was understood in the Jewish tradition. Betrothal has no great value here. But this is precisely the crux of the matter. If we approach the topic of the «church as the bride of Jesus» with our western, postmodern understanding, then we misunderstand many things or at least not in the depth that was the case for people at that time. Therefore, we need to change our understanding by immersing ourselves in the ancient wedding ceremony or betrothal. If we know the old wedding ceremony, then more and more biblical passages become more understandable and are placed in this context.
The first step is to arrange the marriage. As a rule, the father looks for a bride for his son. If he finds one, the two young people get to know each other. If there is affection between the two, the young man plans a visit. The decisive factor, however, is that both have to agree. The visit to the potential bride then proceeds as follows. The young man goes with his father, a cup, wine and the bridewealth. Now comes the crucial point. The young man knocks on the door. Behind it is the woman’s father. If his daughter agrees, he opens the door! Opening the door means consenting to the negotiation of this marriage bond. If the potential bride opens the door, then she has also prepared food. Revelation takes up this image for following Jesus. «Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears me calling and opens the door, I will come in and we will eat together» (Revelation 3:20 NLB). Have you opened the door for Jesus and let him into your life? If you would like to do this, you are welcome to visit the prayer team. If you have already done this, then it’s time to use the time until Jesus returns. More on this later.
Now comes the negotiation and signing of the «ketubba». The «ketubba» is the marriage contract. This immediately changes the status of the woman. The bride is now legally considered a married woman. From now on, she is the groom’s heir and this contract is legally binding. A divorce certificate is required to dissolve this contract. Cheating during this phase also counts as adultery. The groom also undertakes to provide for his bride. He pays his bride’s family compensation for losing their daughter, but it is not a purchase! Through the «ketubba» he separates her from the old family. She is now part of his family. Although she remains in the old family until the wedding, legally she already belongs to the groom. It is now clear that this engagement is so much more than ours! The ceremony ends with a wine ritual. The groom has brought wine and a wine cup. Both drink from it and the groom makes a promise to his bride: «I won’t drink from it again until we are married». The «ketubba» has now been sealed, but the marriage has not yet been consummated. Jesus Christ also made a covenant. He introduced the Lord’s Supper with bread and wine. This was followed by «Mark my words – I will drink no more wine until the day I drink it again with you in my Father’s kingdom» (Matthew 26:29 NLB). The Last Supper is a reminder that Jesus paid the bride price with his life. At the end, the bride receives gifts from her groom. These are independent of the bride price and belong to the bride herself.
The groom
This is followed by the engagement period, which lasts one to two years. This period is called «kiddushin»: Sanctification. The engaged couple do not see each other too often and certainly not alone. This is because sexuality is localised in the marriage and is part of the marriage ceremony. During this time of sanctification, the bridegroom is busy. His task now is to set up a place for the wedding ceremony in his father’s house. He also prepares a flat for himself and his bride. This keeps him busy. When he has finished and everything pleases his father, the bridegroom is allowed to fetch his bride. Jesus also went ahead of his bride, i.e. the followers of Jesus, with a specific task: «There are many flats in my Father’s house, and I am going ahead to prepare a place for you. If it were not so, would I have told you so? Then when everything is ready, I will come and get you so that you will always be with me where I am» (John 14:2–3 NLB). Jesus went and is now doing the same thing as a bridegroom at that time. He prepares everything and when he is ready, he comes back to get us. And this is certain. Because he has given his promise. He has made a «ketubba» with his successors.
He has fulfilled three essential things. Firstly, he paid the price, the bride price for you and me. Just as the bride still remained in her parents» house, so followers of Jesus are still on earth. They are in this world, but not of this world. We will see the implications of this in a moment. Secondly, he left a gift to the church as a bride. It is to remind the followers of Jesus to whom they are promised. This gift is the Holy Spirit. Thirdly, Jesus went and is now preparing everything so that he can take us to himself. This «ketubba», the new covenant that Jesus has made with his followers, gives deep security and above all obliges the bridegroom, i.e. Jesus, to care for us. Followers of Jesus are promised to him!
The bride
But now to the bride – the followers of Jesus. What does the status of God’s bride mean for us? In the New Testament, Paul draws a parallel between earthly marriage and Jesus» relationship with us humans. The Greek word for wife is the same word that is translated as bride in Revelation 19:7. The bride who has prepared herself for the wedding with the Lamb. «And husbands, love your wives with the same love with which Christ loved the church. He gave his life for her so that she might walk entirely with him, free from guilt.öwashed clean by baptism and the word of God. He did this in order to present them to himself as a glorious church, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and without blemish» (Ephesians 5:25–27 NLB). It becomes clear that the church is also in the time of sanctification. The betrothed had three tasks during this time, which also apply to the church. Firstly, she cleanses herself and prepares for the wedding. Secondly, she weaves tapestries for her future home. Thirdly, she looks forward to the arrival of her bridegroom with vigilance and joy. This shows that although she still lives in her parents» house, she no longer belongs to it. She is preparing to leave. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are in the same phase. We are in this world, but not of this world.
Firstly, the purification and physical preparation of the bride. In the text reading from the Book of Esther, we heard that Esther spent twelve months preparing to come before the king. It was a huge effort and all «just» for a wedding. During this time, the bride undergoes purification baths. This is about ritual purity. The bride should be holy and spotless. Just as the bride became pure through this ritual bath, so should her successors be through baptism. Baptism is an expression of belonging to the bridegroom Jesus Christ.
The second important task of the bride is to be vigilant for the arrival of the bridegroom. The bride did not know exactly when the bridegroom would finish his work. But she knew that he would come one day. So she was ready! We heard many sermons on this during Advent, so I won’t go into it any further here.
The third commission seems the most important to me: the bride weaves tapestries for her future home. This may seem a little strange, old-fashioned, dusty and also special. But this is the heart of the matter in following Jesus. The bride weaves the tapestries for her house. She is preparing for it. But the timing is also important here. She weaves them after the «ketubba» has been signed. The bride’s weaving cannot bring about the groom’s affection. Rather, it is a result of the relationship. Jesus gave his betrothed the Holy Spirit as a gift. He only gave it after the New Covenant had been made. Followers of Jesus should prepare themselves for the coming wedding with the gift of their bridegroom, the Holy Spirit. As a follower of Jesus, this means becoming more like him with my way of life. After all, I belong to Jesus Christ and no longer to this world. This striving for a life that is changed by the Holy Spirit can unsettle, challenge and offend people. However, the Holy Spirit is not only the transforming power, but also the guarantee that followers of Jesus belong to him! «Through Christ you too have now heard the truth, the good news that God saves you. You have believed in Christ, and he has confirmed you as his own with the seal of his Holy Spirit, whom he promised long ago. The Holy Spirit is the guarantee thatür that he will give us everything he has promised us and that we are his own - to the praise of his glory» (Ephesians 1:13–14 NLB). The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of the marriage between Jesus and his church, to which all followers of Jesus belong.
Although the bride already legally belonged to the groom, the final union was yet to come. Only after the final wedding ritual did the bridegroom take the bride to him and they slept together. The church will only have complete communion with Jesus when he returns and she is united with him. Namely at the wedding of the prepared bride with the Lamb. According to our theme for the year, the mission for every single follower of Jesus is: «EIFACH muetig» – weave my life with Jesus as my role model!
Possible questions for the small group
Read the Bible text: Revelation 3:20, Ephesians 5:25–27 and Ephesians 1:13–14
- In Revelation 3:20, we read that Jesus stands at the door and knocks. By opening the door, the young woman agreed to marry the man. Have you opened the door for Jesus and become part of his bride? If not, would you like to do so?
- The marriage contract, the «ketubba», was an important part of the old wedding ceremony. This regulates the status of the woman until the wedding. According to this, she is no longer part of the old family, but of the groom’s family, although she still lives with the old family until the wedding. How do you organise this time here on earth? How are you weaving your life?
- Are you ready to let «EIFACH muetig – with Jesus as your role model…» change your life? Where do you see an obstacle coming your way? Be it other people, inner resistance, habits or something else. Try to name them and submit them to God in prayer.
- Followers of Jesus have received the Holy Spirit as a gift. He is the transforming power. In which area do you desire this change of the Holy Spirit?
- Are you aware of your status as part of the bride of Jesus? If not, ask the Holy Spirit to give you this awareness.