Holy Spirit – the basis of discipleship
Series: Follow me | Bible text: Jeremiah 31:33–34
It is remarkable and not coincidental that Pentecost fell exactly on the day when the Jews celebrated Shavuot. God wanted to make it easy for the Jews and help them to recognise the connection between the gift of the Holy Spirit and Shavuot. Shavuot is the feast of the firstfruits and the word of God. On this day, the people celebrated the fact that the Torah was given to them at Sinai. Through the Holy Spirit, the Torah was written into the hearts of Jesus» followers on Pentecost. It is the sign of the new covenant.
In his sermon on Pentecost, the priest describes how the Holy Spirit settled on the heads of those gathered in the form of a fiery tongue. Hans whispers to Emil: «Now I know why the monks wear tonsures.»
It is fascinating and no coincidence that Jews from many different countries gathered in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost. This was already the case at the death and resurrection of Jesus. Both events took place at the same time as one of the great Jewish pilgrimage festivals.
On Passover, the Jews celebrate their liberation from Egyptian slavery. Jesus» death and resurrection create the conditions for us all to be freed from our personal captivity. Through Moses, God instructed the people of Israel to count seven weeks plus one day after the Passover (Exodus 23:15–22) and then Shavuot (the Feast of Weeks). The name Shavuot This is because the scheduling is based on the counting of the weeks after Passover and not according to the calendar.
In the New Testament, which was written in Greek, the feast is called Pentekostos (fifty, also Pentecost). Fifty days after the Passover, great celebrations were once again held in Jerusalem. Shavuot. The whole town was full of life. The second pilgrimage festival has a natural and historical significance. The Jews celebrated the grain harvest, the reception of the Torah at Sinai and the covenant that God made with Israel. In the midst of these celebrations, God pours out the Holy Spirit on his followers.
Feast of first fruits
God has given his people a land flowing with milk and honey, but also many different kinds of fruit, vegetables, fruit and grain. On Shavuot it is time to thank God for the first harvest. A celebration against forgetting the goodness of God. There has always been a great danger that, when things are going well for man, he forgets God, who makes everything grow and flourish (Genesis 6:10–12). God creates every basis for life. Man can sow and reap, but only God can make things grow (1 Corinthians 3:6).
It is exactly the same in the succession. We can open our hearts to God, seek Him, but the fruit is given by the Spirit of God. «If, on the other hand, the Holy Spirit rules our lives, he will cause completely different fruit to grow in us: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control» (Galatians 5:22 NLB). Pentecost is a day against forgetting that these things cannot be taken for granted, but are a gift from God.
According to Jewish tradition, an entire night is dedicated to the study of scripture during this festival. Among other things, the book of Ruth is read because this story takes place during the harvest. The conscious turning of the Moabite Ruth to the God of Israel (Ruth 1:16+17) is a first fruit among the many Gentiles who followed her example in the centuries that followed.
Before Jesus returned to his Father, he gave the instruction that the disciples should remain in Jerusalem until the Spirit of God comes. Only then should they go out into the world and bring the good news to all people (Acts 1:4+8). The reason is that without the Holy Spirit, the chances of success are zero. Every follower of Jesus Christ is included in the mission to explain the gospel, the good news, to other people. The willingness to do this in a tactful and loving way is our part. The Spirit of God is responsible for success and open hearts. Nothing works without Him. It would be like knocking down a brick wall with your bare hands, without a sledgehammer, or roasting meat in a gas barbecue with an empty gas cylinder.
Feast of the Word of God
At Shavuot, the Jews originally offered two loaves of bread as a wave offering. But, «Man needs more than just bread to live. He also lives from every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord» (Deuteronomy 8:3 NLB). That is why the Shavuot is Feast of first fruits also a Feast of the Word of God. On this day, the Jewish people celebrate the fact that the Torah was given to them at Sinai (Exodus 19). Even the circumstances were similar. At Sinai there was fire, storm and smoke. At the Pentecost event in Jerusalem, there is talk of a roar like the roar of a mighty storm and of flames.
Counting the days between Passover and Shavout, the so-called counting of the omer, is a conscious ritual for the Jews. This time teaches first and foremost that the freedom given and the instructions given by God are deeply and inseparably connected. Leo Trepp (1913–2010), a rabbi says: «Freedom without commitment leads to nihilism. This is what the census tells us.» And a saying of the wise is: «The more Torah, the more life. The more learning, the more wisdom.»
We are in danger of thinking that God is a spoilsport who restricts our freedom. God’s Word provides the right framework for the freedom we have been given. It is life-enhancing and leads into the expanse. In a country without a federal constitution, arbitrariness and anarchy reign. The Torah is the constitution that grounds the covenant between God and his people. Freedom without God’s word is like an art painting on canvas without a picture frame. The Torah can be understood as a manifesto of human dignity, as a marker of how people should treat each other, nature and other people’s lives.
The first Pentecost was also a miracle of hearing. Foreign Jews who did not speak Hebrew called out: «[…] How can that be? These people are all from Galilee, and yet we hear them speaking in the languages of the countries where we were born!» (Acts 2:7–8 NLB). Thanks to the Holy Spirit, they understood unknown languages. In the same way, the Holy Spirit deciphers God’s word for us so that we can understand more and more of it.
«To the Jews who now believed in him, Jesus said: «If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free» » (John 8:31–32 New Testament).
Followers of Jesus remain in his word. God’s Word and the Holy Spirit belong inseparably together. They are mutually dependent. The Spirit of God does not make us free spirits, but binds us to God’s word. That is why the Jews study the Scriptures for one night on Shavuot.
Feast of the Holy Spirit
Through the Holy Spirit, the Torah is written into the heart of a follower of Jesus. Jeremiah gives us a prophetic outlook on Pentecost: « «But this is the new covenant that I will make with the people of Israel in that day,» says the LORD. «I will fill their minds with my law (Torah), and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God and they will be my people» » (Jeremiah 31:33 NLB). Pentecost marks the beginning of a covenant in which God lives in and with the followers through his Spirit.
Through the Holy Spirit, the Torah is written into the heart of a follower of Jesus. The same process is described elsewhere with the replacement of the heart of stone with a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26). This means that the Holy Spirit not only brings the letter into our hearts, but also mercy and the ability to fulfil God’s instructions. An important aspect of this new covenant is the new beginning through forgiveness (Jeremiah 31:34). This is why Paul writes: «He has enabled us to be servants of his new covenant, a covenant that is not based on written laws, but on the Spirit of God. The old way leads to death, but on the new way the Holy Spirit gives life» (2 Corinthians 3:6 NLB).
Following Christ without the Holy Spirit is not possible. In Greek, the Spirit of God is also called paracletos called. This means «being called to the side of another to help him». The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of success in discipleship against all failure and is on duty around the clock. There are people in need of care who hire a person from Poland to be with them 24⁄7 and support them in all situations. The advantage of the Holy Spirit is that he never sleeps and performs supernatural miracles.
The book of Ruth ends with the wedding of Boaz and Ruth. The Holy Spirit is the seal that confirms a follower as God’s own and thus assures him that he belongs to the bride with whom the bridegroom Jesus will celebrate the wedding after his return. «Through Christ you too have now heard the truth, the good news that God saves you. You have believed in Christ, and he has confirmed you as his own with the seal of his Holy Spirit, which he promised long ago.» (Ephesians 1:3 NLB). A seal of participation in the new covenant that was established through Jesus Christ.
In the narration of the Omer, the Jews remembered that freedom without commitment leads to nothingness. God’s good instructions in the Torah provided the framework for the people who were finally free after a long captivity. Through the Holy Spirit, the Torah is written into the heart of a follower of Jesus. The consequence of this is also freedom. St Paul describes the connection between freedom and the Spirit of God: «But the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom» (2 Corinthians 3:17 NLB). Pentecost enables a freedom that does not lead to nothingness, but into the eternal covenant with God. A freedom that neither restricts nor exploits its neighbour, but values and honours them.
Possible questions for the small group
Read the Bible text: Acts 2:1–13; Jeremiah 31:33–34
- What did the Jews celebrate on Shavuot (historical and natural references)? Why did the outpouring of the Holy Spirit take place precisely during this festival?
- What is the connection between the Holy Spirit and harvest? What is the fruit of the Holy Spirit?
- What is the connection between the Holy Spirit and the Torah? What does it mean that the Torah is written in a heart?
- Why is the Holy Spirit indispensable in following Jesus?
- Where the Spirit of God is, there is freedom. How do you understand this connection?
- Pray for one another for fresh fulfilment through the Holy Spirit!