Succession – living your vision, mission and position
Series: Follow me | Bible text: Mark 11:7–10; Galatians 2:20
Jesus leads those who follow him into a better world, the kingdom of God (John 14:2). It is a place of peace, joy, justice and love. As followers, we are given the task of taking as many people as possible with us into this better world. As his disciples, with our position in Jesus, we have the tools to make this kingdom of God a reality in this world. He gives us a new heart, the Holy Spirit and his authority.
We long for a better country
On Saturday, 30 May 1992, I was allowed to finish my recruit school. Two days later, on 1 June, I was already travelling by plane to my holiday destination. I was really looking forward to discovering a new country and travelling by plane for the third time. I travelled from Zurich to Frankfurt. The taste of paraffin gave me a feeling of adventure and holidays. In Frankfurt, I boarded a huge Lufthansa aircraft bound for Canada. To my surprise, I was given a 1st class ticket and a window seat. Very quickly I was fascinated by the nature, the huge forests, the mountains and all the freedoms this country had to offer. I immediately realised that I wanted to live in this country one day. Back home, I dreamed of a better, freer, more beautiful country.
I’m not the only dreamer who dreams of a better place. We Europeans travel a lot to discover something new or to immerse ourselves for a short time in a more interesting and beautiful country. According to statistics from the World Tourism Organisation, Europe is the absolute leader in travel. In 2010, Europeans travelled more than the rest of the world (Europe 52.8%). We are not only the best when it comes to flying, but also when it comes to travelling by car. I don’t even want to know how long the Easter traffic jam in front of the Gotthard will be this year.
We all long for a perfect country that is bursting with beauty. It should be pleasantly warm, a place where peace, justice and love reign. We are looking for a more attractive place, a country with more freedoms and a better government. We are not the only ones: 2000 years ago, it was the Israelites who longed for a better country. They hoped that they would have peace, freedom and self-determination in their country again. They longed for a liberator who would drive out the occupying power with the sword.
Today is Palm Sunday, the day on which we remember Jesus» triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The poor people longed for the king who would free them from Roman oppression with his sword. The Saviour promised by the Scriptures, who would rule them like King David. They longed for a land of peace, freedom and prosperity. Tens of thousands made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem on this day to celebrate the upcoming Passover.
«And they brought the colt to Jesus and laid their clothes on it, and he sat on it. And many spread their clothes on the road, while others spread green branches that they had cut down in the fields. And those who went before and those who followed cried out: Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! (John 12:13: King of Israel.) Blessed be the kingdom of our father David that is coming! Hosanna in the highest!» (Mark 11:7–10 LUT).
The followers celebrated Jesus properly, for they honoured Him as the new King of the kingdom of our father David. The disciples had a vision of the future for Jesus; he was to become the new king of the old kingdom of David. They dreamed of the glorious years they had in the days of King David.
They had correctly recognised that Jesus was a king, but he had a different vision of the future. He was the king of the kingdom of God. Although he explained his goals many times, they had difficulty understanding them. It wasn’t just the disciples who couldn’t grasp it, Pilate also had a problem understanding. He asked Jesus if he was the new king, who replied as follows: «If I were a secular ruler, my people would have fought for me so that I would not fall into the hands of the Jews. But my realm is of a completely different kind. Then Pilate asked him, «Then you are a King? Jesus replied: YesYou’re right. I am a king. And that is why I became man and came into this world, to bear witness to the truth. Those who allow themselves to be determined by the truth will listen to me.» (John 18:36–37 HFA). Jesus made it clear that he is not a worldly ruler who brings his kingdom with weapons, but that God has chosen a different way to establish his kingdom.
A successor has the Vision of the Kingdom of God
Jesus taught a lot about the new Kingdom of God. Many of his parables refer to the kingdom of heaven. He explained to the disciples where he was going and where they would go if they followed him. «There are many flats in my father’s house. If it were not so, I would have told you. I am going ahead now to prepare a place for you there» (John 14:2 New Testament). Jesus has prepared a place in the Father’s kingdom for his followers. He calls them and us: «Follow me and I will lead you into the longed-for kingdom of heaven.»
The land we all long for so much is the Kingdom of God. It is the wonderful place where peace, justice and love reign. The Bible says that there will be no more tears, pain and death (Revelation 21:4). What a wonderful promise, what a future. Following Jesus is not in vain. Our great goal is to follow Jesus into the kingdom of heaven. We need this futurevisionbecause it is an encouragement in difficult times.
A successor has a Mission
Jesus has called believers to pass on the hope and reality of the new kingdom of heaven. «Then Jesus asked them: Come, follow me! I will make you people who will win others for God (and his kingdom)» (Matthew 4:19 HFA). The Luther Bible translates this as: «I will make you fishers of men.» We are called to win others as followers. We are to take as many people as possible with us on the way to heaven. We can look forward to the future, but the best thing is that this new kingdom of God can already be a reality on earth today (Luke 11:20; 17:21 Matthew 12:28). In discipleship, we are changed into people who carry the values of the promised kingdom of heaven within them. Through peace, joy, justice and love, we bring a piece of heaven into this world. We win people who long for this new world.
A successor is a new person with a new Position
How do we manage to fulfil our vision and mission? Jesus placed very high demands on his followers. They should all have the good qualities of charity, honesty, justice and generosity for the poor in order to be saved. The disciples were honest with themselves and knew that they could never live up to this. That is why they asked: «Who then can be saved?» they asked. Jesus looked at them and said: «With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible» (Matthew 19:25–26 New Testament). Jesus» answer was clear that they could never reach their goal on their own. «I am the door; if anyone enters through me, he will be saved» (John 10:9 ELB). We can only reach the kingdom of heaven and the mission given to us through Jesus. Because He is in our place, we are righteous before God. Through Jesus we have a new position. Through Him we can achieve what no other person has ever achieved before. Jesus lives in us, which is why the apostle Paul wrote the following Bible text: «I live, but I am no longer myself, Christ lives in me. So I live my life in this earthly body in faith in the Son of God, who loved me and sacrificed himself for me» (Galatians 2:20 NLB).
In Jesus we are a new person and this person has a new position. In this position, we are empowered to fulfil our mission. Through Jesus we have a new heart. «When the Lord (Jesus) saw the woman, he was moved with compassion. «Don’t cry,» he said to her. He stepped closer and touched the bier. The bearers stopped and Jesus said to the dead man: «Young man, I command you to get up!» Then the dead man got up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him back to his mother» (Luke 7:13–15 New Testament). In this text we read that Jesus was so moved in His heart that He wanted to do something. It is not enough for us to see something bad on television and want to help. Wanting is not enough, it moves nothing. Only When we are moved in our innermost heart, something is set in motion. Jesus promises us this new heart, a heart not of stone, but a living, loving heart. The apostle Paul described this truth in his letter to the Romans: «A true Jew is the one who is inwardly, and the true circumcision is the one that happens at the heart. It does not come about through «exact observance of the» rule, but through «God’s» Spirit. Such a person does not receive praise from people, but from God» (Romans 2:29 New Testament).
Followers of Jesus learn that all the strength we need comes from him. It is a gift of grace – the Holy Spirit – a gift from God. Everything we are and can do comes from this new position in Jesus. Our new position changes our motivation. Following Jesus is radically different from the religions in the world. In most religions, the motivation is to gain acceptance with God through works righteousness and to achieve this through our own efforts. A follower of Jesus, on the other hand, is already accepted, so the motivation comes from the new heart that has been given to us. There are basically two different motivations. Zig Ziglar, one of the greatest motivational speakers in America, explained this as follows: «There is a huge difference between a workaholic and a peak performer. The workaholic is driven by fear and greed. The peak performer is driven by love and passion.» This is how it is with people who want to follow Jesus. They are not driven by fear and greed. Our motivation is not anxious work and self-righteousness in order to please God. We please God and are loved by Him. Because Jesus lives in us, we fulfil our mission with love and passion.
Our position in Jesus gives us authority. When we accept Jesus, everything in the invisible world changes. We belong to God’s family. Satan no longer has a claim on us and he loses authority over us. We are free to choose God’s authority. We are freed from the shackles of captivity and are now free to follow the right paths. We may and should carry out our mission in the authority of Jesus.
In order to follow Jesus, we are allowed to Vision never lose sight of them. «Because Jesus knew, what joy awaited himHe took the death of the cross upon himself, and even the shame associated with it could not deter him. That is why he now sits on the throne in heaven at God’s right hand. So if you are in danger of becoming weary, remember Jesus!» (Hebrews 12:2–3 New Testament). Jesus had a vision of what would happen if He went the hard way. Jesus never lost sight of the vision that we will be saved. This gave Him the strength to persevere. We all long for the new land, the kingdom of God. It is our Missionto take as many people as possible with him on his way to heaven. When his disciples and thus the Position In Jesus, we have the tools to make the kingdom of God a reality today. Jesus gives us the new heart, the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of the visible and invisible world. With the vision, mission and position before our eyes, we now start this new week.
Possible questions for the small group
Read the Bible text: Mark 11:7–10; John 12:12–19
- Can you understand why Jesus was celebrated when he entered Jerusalem?
- How do you understand Jesus as King?
- To what extent can we already bring heaven to earth?
- What kind of «culture» prevails in the kingdom of heaven?
- What is your motivation in life? Are you a workaholic, a peak performer or are you currently lacking motivation?
- What is your motivation to follow Jesus?
- What is your new position as a follower of Jesus?
- How do you understand the new authority in Jesus?