From fidelity a yes to infidelity
Series: Holy – Holy – Holy | Bible text: Hosea 1–3; Matthew 9:9–13
Today we come to the last sermon of the small summer sermon series on persons from the Old Testament. We accompany these people and see how they are on the way with a holy God. Today we come to the prophet who has the same name as my son – Hosea.
A life in the service of God
When dealing with the prophets, it is noticeable that they all have their one-sidedness. This is precisely the strength of the prophets. Last Sunday it was about Jonah. His message was: «God is a gracious and merciful God». With Hosea, the one-sidedness lies on another aspect. The theologian Jakob Kroeker describes this as follows: «Hosea, the messenger of forgiving love» (Jacob Kroeker). But the one-sidedness of the respective prophet does not mean that God is also one-sided. But every sermon is also one-sided, not to put God in a false light, but to emphasise a point.
The prophet Hosea is one who takes on just about everything. The command to marry a certain woman is Hosea’s calling as a prophet. «When the Lord spoke to Hosea for the first time, he said to him: «Go and marry a whore. With her you shall beget harlot children. This is a symbol that the land has become a prostitute: it has broken the covenant with me and has fallen away from the LORD.» Then Hosea married Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim. She became pregnant and gave Hosea a son.» (Hosea 1:2–3 NLB). What is almost unimaginable for us is carried out by Hosea in this way. He symbolically lives through what the people of Israel do to God. For his unfaithful wife is a parable for the people of Israel.
What does it mean to be married? A marriage is exclusive. It is only for the two people who are married. They, in turn, have made a promise of fidelity to each other. This is the crucial point. The faithfulness to each other is the difference to any other relationship. But there are different promises of fidelity, and these are also different for state and church marriages. While in civil marriage only fidelity to each other is promised, in church marriage this is promised for life. The mutual promise of fidelity makes infidelity much more serious. Gomer is a whore. That is, she pursues infidelity professionally. But as she is described, this is not only her occupation, but also her nature. It is difficult for her to be faithful. But why then is Hosea asked to marry such a woman? It is because God equates his relationship with Israel to a marriage. The people of Israel had their God and thus many advantages. If they ask for him, he will take care of them and it will go well with them. But they turn away from him. They become unfaithful and follow after another God. Just as Gomer deceives Hosea, so Israel deceives its God with other gods.
I am fascinated by the story of Hosea. He follows his holy God – even if it costs him everything. I can only imagine how the people around him comment on his marriage with: «How can you?» or how former suitors give Hosea a promising wink. Hosea has a total of three children with Gomer. Imagine the heartbreak if the mother of your children is not faithful. But God needs this very unfaithfulness as an image for his relationship with Israel. As Hosea is faithful, so is God. What about us, do we follow God even when things get uncomfortable?
The name is the programme
When my wife and I became parents over a year ago, we thought of many names. The meaning was not unimportant for us. In the process, we came across the most bizarre and weird name meanings – often even of names that are commonplace. Since I don’t want to embarrass or offend anyone, I won’t tell you the meaning of names. However, I have picked out a few place names that have a special meaning.
Have you already longed for a heavenly place? No problem – then go to «Paradise», which is not far away and is located in the canton of Thurgau on the Rhine. Friends of ours even got married there! Would you rather have something more related to life? How about a trip to «Chäs und Brot» (cheese and bread), if this is not enough culinary for you, then go directly to «La Sagne». But if you think this is a «joke», then take a detour to a very unfunny place – the «Witzwil» penitentiary.
But what does Hosea mean? It means something like «The Lord saves». This is also the message of his book. There is only one God who saves, so running after other gods makes no sense.
As I said, Hosea had three children. The names for each of them were given by God Himself. For just as with Hosea, these were also a programme and at the same time a threat of judgement. After the birth of the first son we read the following: «And the LORD said to him, «Name the child Jezreel, for soon I will punish the descendants of Jehu because of the blood guilt that Jehu committed in Jezreel. Then I will also put an end to the kingship of the house of Israel.» (Hosea 1:4 NLB). The boy’s name refers to a place. If you think this name is already special, listen to how the daughter was named. «For the second time, Gomer became pregnant. This time she gave birth to a daughter. The LORD said to Hosea: «Name your daughter Lo-Ruhama. For I will no longer have mercy on my people Israel, nor will I forgive their iniquity» » (Hosea 1:6 NLB) Lo-ruhamah means «non-mercy» or also «non-love». But it goes further. «After Gomer had weaned her daughter Lo-Ruhama, she became pregnant again and gave birth to a son. And the LORD said, «Call him Lo-ammi. For you are not my people and I will no longer be there for you» » (Hosea 1:8 NLB). The three names were programme. On the one hand a prediction of what God would do, but on the other hand also a description of how God would deal with the Israelites because of their unfaithfulness.
Just as threats of judgement are part of biblical prophecy, so are announcements of salvation. Here, too, the names are again programme. For a glorious time is coming. «Then grain, grapes and olive trees can flourish on the earth. And all will rejoice: «Jezreel» – «God is planting!» » (Hosea 2:24 NLB). Even the ominous names of Lo-Ruhama and Lo-Ammi are linked with a positive promise. For «Lo» is Hebrew and means «not.
Take this away and they become positive. «On that day you shall call your brothers «Ammi» and your sisters «Ruhama» ». (Hosea 2:3 NLB). There is another promise of salvation that refers to these names. «Then I will sow her in her land, and she shall be firmly planted. I will love those whom I once called ’not-my-people». And to those I called ’not-my-people» I will say «You are my people». And they will answer, «And you are our God» » (Hosea 2:25 NLB). What is happening here? – God is turning everything around! From old he makes new, from strange he makes known.
Hosea’s namesake fulfils meaning «The LORD saves».
Unfortunately, change does not happen that quickly. But Hosea shows staying power with his wife. «Then the LORD said to me: «Go and love a woman again, even though she lets herself be loved by other men on the side and is always breaking the marriage. For the LORD still loves the children of Israel, though they worship other gods and love sultana cakes» » (Hosea 3:1 NLB). Sultana cakes were eaten at sacrificial feasts to the god Baal at that time and testified to the fact that this god was worshipped. But there will come a time of salvation. «Then I told her: «You shall live in my house for a long time without fornicating. During that time you will have sexual intercourse with no one, not even with me.» This is a symbol that Israel will be without a king or prince for a long time, without sacrifices, temples, priests – yes, even without idols! But after that the people will return to the LORD their God and to the descendant of David their king. In the last days the people will come before the LORD, trembling with awe, and receive his good gifts.» (Hosea 3:3–5 NLB). One day the people will return to King David. Even those who did not belong before will come then. This successor is Jesus Christ.
Do you know what the name Jesus means? Jesus goes back to the Hebrew name «Jehoshua» which is translated as Joshua in German. This in turn comes from the Hebrew «Hoshea», which means Hosea in German. All these three names Joshua, Hosea and Jesus mean «the Lord saves/helps». With Hosea and Jesus, too, the name is the programme. With Hosea it was the message that the people should return from their wrong ways, because God wants to help them. With Jesus Christ it was he himself. He went to the people who were despised.
I illustrate the nature of Jesus with an incident. At that time, the Pharisees were the religious leaders. They decided what was right and wrong. They strictly adhered to the laws and commandments and did not hold back in pointing out their mistakes to others. Jesus was on his way and saw Matthew sitting in his tax collector’s house. Tax collectors were considered the greatest scum at that time. The religious people hated them because they were shitty. The rest of the population shunned them because they made common cause with the occupying power. But Jesus goes to this very person and says: «[…]Come along and follow me. […]» (Matthew 9:9 NLB). Matthew gets up and follows him immediately. In the evening he invites Jesus and his friends to dinner. They are joined by his friends. It is a motley crew of tax collectors and other known sinners. In other words, people who have broken a commandment or a prohibition. Imagine – Jesus Christ, Son of God, in such a company. No wonder the Pharisees reacted defensively. «[…] «How does your Master come to eat with such scum?» they asked his disciples». (Matthew 9:10 NLB).
Jesus sits there with those with whom no one else sits. Why does he do this? Because it is precisely these people who need him. Because healthy people don’t need a doctor, but the sick do. Jesus Christ as holy man and at the same time holy God goes to unholy people. Now comes the decisive point of Jesus Christ. This goes to you if you have been walking with Jesus for years. This goes to you if you have only been walking with Jesus for a short time. This goes to you if you are not walking with him. He says to the Pharisees: «[…] Now go and think for once what is meant by the word in Scripture: «I want you to be merciful; I do not want your sacrifices». For I have come for sinners, and not for those who think they are good enough already.» (Matthew 9:13 NLB). The quote from the Old Testament is from Hosea 6:6. What is Jesus saying here? Only those need salvation who have realised that they cannot get anywhere on their own. Those who want to be saved admit that they cannot get anywhere on their own. Jesus Christ came for all those who have realised that they are failing alone.
Now back to Hosea for a moment. Although the Israelites deserved to be destroyed because of their faithfulness, God is merciful. For he himself says of himself: «[…] I am the Holy One who dwells in the midst of you, and I will not fall upon you full of wrath». (Hosea 11:9 NLB). The message that runs from Hosea to Jesus is this: They are both messengers of forgiving love. This love is also ready to forgive you – even after the worst breach of faith.
Three questions to take away:
- Hosea and Jesus mean «The Lord saves/heals». Are you ready to be helped?
- Where have you been unfaithful to your God? Would it be time to repent and be faithful to him again?
- The message of Hosea and Jesus is one of forgiving love. Are you ready to forgive others as God has forgiven you?
Possible questions for the small group
Bible text reading: Hosea 1–3; Matthew 9:9–13
- Hosea and Jesus mean «The Lord saves/heals». Are you ready to be helped?
- Where have you been unfaithful to your God? Would it be time to repent and be faithful to him again?
- The message of Hosea and Jesus is one of forgiving love. Are you ready to forgive others as God has forgiven you?
- What about Hosea’s story shocked you? Where do you have questions?
- How important are the meanings of names for you? Can you understand that names can be more than just an address?
- Where have you already experienced God’s forgiving love?