Pentecost – a reversal of the facts!
At Pentecost, things were turned upside down with the reception of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the completely different, incomprehensible one, and yet he appears to us humans in a perceptible and audible way. The Holy Spirit – God in us. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the events of Babel are reversed. People from different countries understand each other again. With Pentecost, the Christian Church comes into being. It has its day of birth in this event and the Holy Spirit still wants to work in it today.
My wife and I are expecting our first child. Shortly after my wife became pregnant, she went to the gynaecologist. She did some examinations there and, among other things, she calculated the date of birth. She told us 16 June 2022, which is less than 14 days from today. At that time I thought that this date was fixed. I have since learned that this date is only a rough calculation. Anything between three weeks before the due date and two weeks after the due date is perfectly fine and is nothing to worry about. This gives us a due date between 26 May and 30 June 2022, which is a very long time. Although our child still has four weeks to come into the world, we are both very tense at the moment and hope that my wife will go into labour as soon as possible and we can hold our son in our arms.
I think the disciples of Jesus Christ more than 2000 years ago had a similar experience as me and my wife. They were close to Jesus for three years and experienced a lot. But after these three years, Jesus Christ was executed like a felon. But he rose again from the dead after three days. After that, he lived another 40 days on this earth before he went back to heaven. But before Jesus left this earth, he made an announcement to his disciples: «And now I will send you the Holy Spirit, as my Father promised. But you remain here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven». (Luke 24:49 NLB). Jesus promised his disciples the Holy Spirit who would stay with them and help them to stand firm in their faith. He did say that this Holy Spirit would come, but not when. However, the disciples knew that they should wait in Jerusalem until that time. I think that the disciples were like me and my wife. They know that something is coming, but they don’t know when. They also don’t know what will happen to them and how their lives might change.
The disciples spent a lot of time together after Jesus» ascension. They came together regularly for prayer. They were around 120 people. And then what we call Pentecost today happened. «On the day of Pentecost, everyone was gathered. Suddenly a roar sounded from the sky like the roar of a mighty storm and filled the house where they were gathered. Then something appeared that looked like flames that split, like tongues of fire that settled on each one of them. And all those present were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Holy Spirit inspired them. At that time, God-fearing Jews from many different countries lived in Jerusalem. When they heard the roar, they ran. Each of them heard the people speaking in his or her own language. They cried out in amazement: «How can this be? These people are all from Galilee, and yet we hear them speaking in the languages of the lands where we were born! There we stand – Parthians, Medes, Elamites, people from Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, the province of Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt and the territories of Libya from the region of Cyrene, visitors from Rome, Jews as well as converts to Judaism, Cretans and Arabs – and we all hear these people speaking in our own languages about the deeds of God.» Astonished and confused, they stood there. «What might this mean?» they asked one another. But some also scoffed: «They’re just drunk, that’s all».» (Acts 2:1–13 NLB).
Babel is overcome
In the Bible, quite early on, an ambitious building project is written about (Genesis 11:1–9). This event is also called the Tower of Babel. The people who lived at that time got together. They all spoke the same language. They wanted to build a high tower on a plain. This tower would enable them to reach God in heaven. Their goal was to build a landmark in the plain. This would prevent them from scattering all over the earth. They gave everything for their building project. They burned bricks and worked hard. But God in heaven saw what they were doing. He saw how the people wanted to be like God. So he punished them in a special way. From one moment to the next, God made all the people speak different languages. Since they no longer understood each other, they had to give up their ambitious building project and they scattered all over the earth. Always the people together who spoke the same language. The people wanted to stay together, but in the end just the opposite happened – they were scattered all over the earth.
On the day of Pentecost, which is described in the Acts of the Apostles, people from all over the world were present. These were all Jews and were considered very God-fearing. They were in the city because they wanted to take part in the festival of Shavuot, which took place on that day. They came from different countries. Therefore, they also spoke different languages and dialects. When these people heard the noise caused by the Holy Spirit, they came to the disciples. There they witnessed a special event. Although the disciples were simple people, without much knowledge of foreign languages, each of those present heard the message in their own mother tongue. The Holy Spirit reversed the event of Babel that day.
The people originally planned to build a high tower to keep the people together. But the plan failed. God sent the Holy Spirit and through this the different nations and ethnic groups were united again. But the whole thing was not done by human power, but by divine power.
Origin of the church
Something new came into being at Pentecost. Jesus» disciples were still part of the Jewish community up to that point. But the Holy Spirit marks a new beginning. He marks the birth of the Christian Church. In this context, we also always speak of the covenant. God made a covenant with the people of Israel. The covenant between God and the people of Israel began at Mount Sinai. There God made a covenant with his people. Every covenant also includes agreements to which both covenant partners must adhere. For example, God gave the people of Israel the Ten Commandments. Every year, the people remembered this keeping of the law, namely on Shavuot. The very day on which the Holy Spirit now came upon the disciples. Just as the law of the Old Covenant indicated how one should live one’s life, so now the Holy Spirit, who dwells in every follower of Jesus Christ himself, does so.
Through Pentecost, the breadth of the Christian message resonates. Until now, the chosen people were limited to the Jews and a few who had converted to Judaism. But with the Holy Spirit, it becomes clear that there are no longer linguistic and thus ethnic boundaries. The people of Israel go back to their progenitor Abraham. A promise was made to him, which flickers out here. It was made to him shortly after the tragedy of Babel had occurred and it read as follows: «All the peoples of the earth will be blessed through you». (Genesis 11:3b NLB).
The life of this first church is described as follows: «They constantly participated in the apostles» teaching, fellowship, meals and prayers. A deep reverence gripped everyone and the apostles performed many signs and wonders. All the believers came together regularly and shared everything they had. They sold their possessions and shared the proceeds with all who were in need. Together they prayed to God daily in the temple, met to celebrate meals in the houses and took meals together, which were joyful and generously shared. They never stopped praising God and were respected by the people. And every day the Lord added new people who were saved». (Acts 2:42–47 NLB). This description cannot be transferred 1:1 to the congregational life of the seetal chile. But it shows us what the Holy Spirit can do for those who attend the service. It clearly shows that where followers of Jesus come together, things happen. Life as a follower of Jesus does not happen alone, but it needs the other person. Thus the church is also particularly visible in two things, and these two things cannot be accomplished alone. These are baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Neither can be done alone, but need at least one other person. In the Lord’s Supper it becomes particularly clear that a follower of Jesus is integrated into the community. In communion with God the Father and with his neighbour.
The Holy Spirit – God in me
But the Holy Spirit did not come only to restore the conditions of Babel. Nor did he come only to bring the Church into being. Rather, He also came to dwell in each and every follower of Jesus Christ.
In the Church, we often speak of God the Father and Jesus Christ. These two are usually still somehow comprehensible, but it is more difficult with the Holy Spirit. On the one hand, he shows himself to be quite different, but on the other hand, he is the same. The Holy Spirit appears in two ways at Pentecost. He appears in a storm, audible to all ears, and secondly as tongues of fire, visible to all present. Storm and flames are not new manifestations of God, but also correspond to God the Father as he met his people in the Old Testament. «Our God is coming and he will not be silent. Fire consumes what stands in his way, and a mighty storm rages around him». (Psalm 50:3 NLB). Thus the Holy Spirit is in the continuity of the other manifestations of God. What is new, however, is the number of people who are personally touched by God. It can be assumed that there were about 120 people at the Pentecost event (Acts 1:15).
The fact that the Holy Spirit cannot really be grasped is also indicated by the Greek word for him. In ancient Greek, the Holy Spirit is described as «pneuma», which means wind, breath, spirit. This description as wind describes it very well. The wind is invisible, incomprehensible and yet very powerful. This can be seen very well in a sailing ship. The wind shows itself in the full sails, but otherwise it is difficult to grasp. Only where the Holy Spirit appears and shows himself in people’s lives does he become tangible and show his power.
The Pentecost miracle is understood to be the event of Jesus» followers speaking in different languages through the Holy Spirit. This event led people to wonder how this could happen. They were amazed that uneducated people were capable of such a thing. Others tried to find an explanation and found it in accusing the disciples of having drunk too much wine. This clearly shows that where the Holy Spirit is at work, not everyone can place it. Through the Spirit of God, something of the creative power of God Himself comes from heaven to earth. God’s kingdom here on earth has begun through Jesus Christ and the earth is to be transformed by the power of heaven. Yet the work of the Spirit is met with rejection by others. Friedrich Schiller said: «The world loves to blacken the radiant and pull the sublime into the dust». (Friedrich Schiller). Since God is not of this world, he often cannot be grasped and understood by us in this world.
But we are also personally addressed by this statement. How do I react when something happens that I cannot classify with my mind? Do I quickly dismiss it, or do I allow that I cannot explain everything? Am I open to the work of the Holy Spirit? Jesus Christ promised us the Holy Spirit. Jesus himself was called Emmanuel – God with us. If Jesus was only with us, the Holy Spirit wants to dwell in us. This happens when we consciously decide for Jesus Christ, then we receive the Holy Spirit – God in us. But then the question arises, may the Spirit of God also blow as He wills?
Possible questions for the small group
Read the Bible text: Acts 2
- Who is the Holy Spirit for you? How would you describe him?
- What about Pentecost raises questions for you?
- Do you understand the difference between the Old and the New Covenant?
- What behaviour from Acts 2:42–47 do you want to see more of for yourself personally and the seetal chile?
- How do you experience the Holy Spirit in you?
- In what area or in what way do you desire the work of the Holy Spirit more?